Conker's High Rule Tail

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Conker's High Rule Tail - Page 3 Empty Conker's High Rule Tail

Patches Download:

v1.29.k: (repatched: November, 24th 2021, (shovel & timer fix)

old v1.28b: (repatched: June, 3rd 2018, net softlock fix)
This old patch is available for the case the new feather animation causes unexpected bugs.

Erock's Version (spin off) - v3:

MSU-1 Pack Final v1.2:

Password for the msu-1 files:

Note for ZSNES users: Menu -> Config-> Options -> Clear hook at USE NEW GFX ENG
The hdma effect in the desert bugs otherwise!

Last edited by SePH on Sun 12 Mar 2017 - 0:45; edited 2 times in total

Conker's High Rule Tail - Page 3 Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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Conker's High Rule Tail :: Comments


Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 7:25 by Conn

Yes, a video would be fine.
@MrKoippa: you can usually record it via the button combination WIN+G and upload to

Not sure what was updated since 1.27.
A lot of bugfixes happened, but foremost, 1.29 features the new feather jump:

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 9:54 by MrKoippa

I have win 7 pro 64 bit..With 4 gigs of RAM in on slot..Internal 74xxd graphics with AMD A4-5300 APU 3.4 Ghz..Had to make it avi..
If by ID means patched CRC32..It´s CRC32: 73272516  according of Snes9x Rom info..

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 11:43 by Conn

Ok, thank you.

The bug clearly happened already when flying to flute location 2 (some messed up graphics).
Do you have some tipps for me how to reproduce... do I really need to dig the complete area up as you did?

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 11:56 by MrKoippa

That´s what I did..But loading save and the save state along with this package..(slot0)it´s already on that spot where I tested how many holes is needed..I don´t know exact number..I just tried when it would happen..

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 12:05 by Conn

It's independent from the flute, as you noticed glitched sprite graphics when going up or down.

The state is unfortunately snes9x 1.60 which has no debugging function. I'd need either a geiger snes9x savestate that has this bug (it is no msu, but has a debugger):

Or a way how to be able to reporduce to make this bug happen...

If this is not possible, I have no chance to fix it. But even so, this bug is so hard to achieve that it doesn't matter in the end.

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 12:28 by Conn

Ok I think I could reproduce the bug. You really have to dig almost everything up. I look if there's a possibility to fix

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 12:53 by MrKoippa

Yeah..I was digging on that geiger version..The chances to hit with that..Looking for a Heart Piece,Collecting cash(only 3 easy enemies)or just simple boredom..
I noticed eralier that Msu pack 1.2 final does not have tracks:5,12,15,20,25,26,29 and 84..
But I guess that is how it is supposed to be..
Oh..One funny one..Only I can try something like this..
Do not use shovel on this screen..Do not try do dig up the green bush..Or it´s softlock..

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 13:35 by Puzzledude

Conn wrote:Ok I think I could reproduce the bug. You really have to dig almost everything up. I look if there's a possibility to fix
I think Koipa actually found a rare but universal bug, which is the result of Shovel and Flute coexisting. In original those 2 could not coexist, so no such bug.

So if you dig and make a lot of places diggable, you need to travel to another area to reset this, but if you fly out, the game might not know how to "reset" this correctly, and goes to a PAL/GFX bug.

No idea how to debug this, but if you do, the fix should be applied to any Zelda3 hack where Shovel and Flute coexist, but we indeed never found this, since no one digged so many places up at once and then used the Flute to fly out.

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 14:20 by Conn

Your English somehow improved a lot Very Happy

I noticed eralier that Msu pack 1.2 final does not have tracks:5,12,15,20,25,26,29 and 84..
I think these simply are not used. You find a theme_list.xls in the patch folder to find out which msu pcm maps what.

I fixed both bugs in
v1.29.j: (repatched: November, 24th 2021, (shovel & timer fix)

- you cannot crash the game anymore by digging the screen up (old savestates are of course already corrupt and you cannot see the bug-fix there)
- when grabbing on something while digging (that why the bush dig froze your game) doesn't work anymore.

No idea how to debug this, but if you do, the fix should be applied to any Zelda3 hack where Shovel and Flute coexist, but we indeed never found this, since no one digged so many places up at once and then used the Flute to fly out.
Pffff... no idea where I hacked what Very Happy

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 14:28 by MrKoippa

Oh..I really did not want to be"The guy who knew nothing and broke eveything"
When it happened first time,I though that I messed up..
After all I had theme list,xml and bm file on the same folder.
I started removing them one by one..Since I read the tutorial"snes9x does not need those"
But the first time I did not have conker´s last tail.So with this bug on I went to Conns Briefcase(If I remember correctly)..There was one key(and belt upgrade that I was not aware of)and on the game pause menu there was a tracklist..I though"nice"and changed something else to play..
I picked up the key and went to read the message tile..
The screen went black..
I wondered it for awhile..No joystick input did not do anything.
So I went to snes9x dropdown selection and selected"reset"..
The game booted normal,but all my saves were gone..
All blanks..To start a new game....
Savestates where found..I looked settings a little closer(since last emu was years ago zsnes)and noticed that there was something called"s-ram save"and 15 or 20 sec intervals..
I set the value to zero..
So the tough"What this might do with that new devices that I have readed about,since those might not have save states?"..I don´t even know the name S2..umm..something..
So I felt morally obligated to to bring this kind of information up to your attencion..I did it for helping..

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 14:34 by Conn

I am happy that you bring up these bugs, bugs can only be verified (presence of bugs) but never the absence can be verified.
Did you bring new bugs up in above post?

I checked all-in and I used a different code there than in Conker. I think that this multiple dig bug never happens here (and thus in all patches upon).
As for the freeze bug on holding on a bush while digging, this is also Conker special since the overworld is icy where MrKoippa noticed this and thus you grab automatically on a bush when sliding. Dunno if this would happen in All-in (and the other single patches). Just report in case Wink

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 14:46 by Puzzledude

I briefly tested the multi-dig bug and also the grab bug, but I could not make them in All-in or Parallel Worlds, so I can assume both bugs were Conker specific, which is a good thing.

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 14:55 by Conn

Yes, conker was sort of a playground. I can assure the multi digging bug cannot occur in all-in (if I'm proven wrong let me know Smile )
Good that you also tested the ice glide /grab/dig freeze. I'd not know how to quickly test that in all-in (maybe freezing a lake with the ice rod since elsewhere you cannot glide on the overworld afik... Yes i check that

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 15:20 by MrKoippa

Okay..Have start it again anyways..That was used to be Trinexx..Baseball and Hammer..Too much savestate..So was the boss before Ganon on Batcave..I had no bombs..Hammer again.
But I did not know that that in contact of approaching that boss and it approaching me..In the point of collision..I was pushed back and conker was stunned about a second holding hammer like it was just picked off..It really did not let me to change anything else..I had to hit that hammer down..That really rewrited the strategy of that boss..

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 15:32 by Conn

If you report bugs please ensure that they are reproducible, I'm doing hard to understand a bug from written text (it must be written very precisely). A video is always best, then I know what to do alike with your multiple dig bug, or that pic with froze at bush bug (I checked in all-in, cannot happen there as well. What did I do to conker Disgust ).
Reading above post 3 times it doesn't sound game breaking, just annoying (don't use hammer on that boss, right?

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 16:15 by Conn

Ok, I looked into your report and found the hammer indeed buggy on rebouncing. I was lucky and found out why. Unfortunately it affects all patches.

Conker v29k
Do we reach letter z in this go? Sad


feather (now it is v10):

please tetest the batcave with hammer and v29k whether the bug still happens.

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 16:21 by Puzzledude

I think he is talking about fighting Helmasaur (Bowser) here, where you need to hammer his mask first. Not sure what would go wrong here, since if you hammer his mask, you are pushed back, while you are in the hammering state/display, which is how the original game has it.

Great that you debugged this, the question is what exactly was changed, since if All-in is affected, it seems the problem is actually in the original ALttP then?

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 16:29 by Conn

No, it has something to do with the feather jump. That one I updated through the gigaleak:
Problem was located at
0x3fec3: ad 01 03 c9 20 f0 03 9c 03 01 -> corrected the latest three bytes to 9c 01 03
So lda $0301
cmp #$20
beq $03
stz $0103 -> corrected to stz $0301

so I mixed the little endian up Smile if you have patches using the new feather jump (gigaleak, not gliding) please correct it.

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 16:34 by Puzzledude

Great, that's good to know. Irronically I was just downloading and testing the Feather (jumping) not too long ago, to see how it works, as opposed to the gliding. Will fix it, or just redownload the v10, since I remember it was v9 before.

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 16:41 by Conn

just apply v10 upon v9 if that was applied before.

The hammer bug already happened to me before, at Motthula and so in the boss rush. I tested now at Bowser - without fix I could reproduce, with fix now not anymore, so chances are good Very Happy

Oh..I really did not want to be"The guy who knew nothing and broke eveything"
When it happened first time,I though that I messed up..
After all I had theme list,xml and bm file on the same folder.
I started removing them one by one..Since I read the tutorial"snes9x does not need those"
But the first time I did not have conker´s last tail.So with this bug on I went to Conns Briefcase(If I remember correctly)..There was one key(and belt upgrade that I was not aware of)and on the game pause menu there was a tracklist..I though"nice"and changed something else to play..
I picked up the key and went to read the message tile..
The screen went black..
I wondered it for awhile..No joystick input did not do anything.
So I went to snes9x dropdown selection and selected"reset"..
The game booted normal,but all my saves were gone..
All blanks..To start a new game....
Savestates where found..I looked settings a little closer(since last emu was years ago zsnes)and noticed that there was something called"s-ram save"and 15 or 20 sec intervals..
I set the value to zero..
So the tough"What this might do with that new devices that I have readed about,since those might not have save states?"..I don´t even know the name S2..umm..something..
So I felt morally obligated to to bring this kind of information up to your attencion..I did it for helping..

as far I understand, if you go in "my" briefcase and select the track swap on msu it crashes? Is it reproducible?

Last edited by Conn on Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 17:13; edited 1 time in total

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Post Wed 24 Nov 2021 - 16:51 by Puzzledude

The Feather--Hammer problem seems fine now, I tested on original ALttP.
No idea regarding the other bug in the long text, which again is Conker specific and I could notice he was talking about changing the track list (since on MSU you can change tracks in a room at the end) and then read the message stone.

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Post Thu 25 Nov 2021 - 11:45 by MrKoippa

I think it was part of the digging bug..So should not be a problem anymore..For the future I have to find some light recording software.Snes9x avi recording was really heavy for my old machine..

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Post Thu 25 Nov 2021 - 12:10 by Conn

I record easily with win+g button but I think also fraps tool works

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Post Thu 12 Dec 2024 - 12:01 by Ichigo3400

do you have an image of every Item in like 4k?

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