Creating MSU-1 Audio Files

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Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Empty Creating MSU-1 Audio Files

Post by qwertymodo Sat 1 Apr 2017 - 19:13

I've been wanting to update my older video on MSU-1 PCM audio file creation for awhile now, to go through the process of how to convert audio files and how to create proper loops.  Today, I finally got the motivation to go ahead and record what ended up being over 2 hours broken up between 2 separate videos, which was a lot more than I expected to do.  I don't know if anybody will find these useful or not, but here they are:


Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Empty Re: Creating MSU-1 Audio Files

Post by Day2Data Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 6:24

Many thanks. So I have my .pcm, I have my .sfc. What's the next step? Do you know of any other Links or resources that could help?

Since : 2017-03-27

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Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Empty Re: Creating MSU-1 Audio Files

Post by qwertymodo Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 12:32

When you say you have your .sfc, do you mean an MSU-1 ROM hack, or are you starting with an un-hacked game and wanting to hack it? If the game hasn't been hacked yet, the question of "what's the next step" is not a simple one to answer. It involves reverse-engineering the game and writing new ASM code to interact with it. If the game is already hacked, it's a fairly simple matter of naming the files correctly, and creating an empty file so that the emulator/flash cart recognizes that the game supports MSU-1.

For Snes9x/bsnes/SD2SNES:
. . .
and then make a new empty file named gamename.msu

For higan:
Import the ROM into higan's library, then go into the advanced settings to locate the library folder. Go to that folder and you should find a folder containing the game you just imported. Copy all of the .pcm files (named track-1.pcm, track-2.pcm, track-#.pcm, etc) there, and then create a new empty file named msu1.rom in that same folder.

Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Empty Re: Creating MSU-1 Audio Files

Post by HappyKool Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 13:36

Hi all yes i watched the first tutorial how you do pcm it's really nice looked after using for a beginner i think it's a bit hard at first to have the result of having a MSU-1 full.

Because it is true that I have many projects in mind on some games that deserve the use on MSU-1 Very Happy Confused Confused

Hardhat Beetle
Hardhat Beetle

Since : 2015-05-22

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Creating MSU-1 Audio Files Empty Re: Creating MSU-1 Audio Files

Post by Day2Data Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 23:24

I wish it could be the easy way qwerty. I guess that means I'm looking for resources on hacking a rom to integrate MSU1. Unless you have a Super Mario Rpg msu hack in your back pocket Mario Fingers crossed ? I want to attempt getting a single track, the intro, onto a rom. At least to try and see the process through once. I may bumble around on one track for a month, but hopefully I'll become more acquainted with the terminology and shiii.. stuff Embarassed

Thanks again to qwerty for msupcm++ as well as the tutorials.
Many thanks to the mods for not banning my noobery yet.

Since : 2017-03-27

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