Adding exits to dungeons in HM

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Adding exits to dungeons in HM Empty Adding exits to dungeons in HM

Post by Devan2002 Wed 20 Dec 2017 - 17:45

I accidentally screwed with the Sanctuary door and now it won't act like an exit (either it scrolls a screen down, or is blocked off by a wall), I've done a lot of work on the romhack and I don't want to lose it all by starting from scratch.

Last edited by Devan2002 on Wed 20 Dec 2017 - 17:46; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To show how I would lose all the data I had put into.)

Adding exits to dungeons in HM Image213

Since : 2017-10-30

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Adding exits to dungeons in HM Empty Re: Adding exits to dungeons in HM

Post by wizzrobemaster Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 7:26

What I did was that I kept the exit alone, but either used layer 1 or 2 for the Church door. My guess is to find a clean rom and trace the door exit number and use that instead.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Adding exits to dungeons in HM Empty Re: Adding exits to dungeons in HM

Post by Puzzledude Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 12:18

Devan2002 wrote:I accidentally screwed with the Sanctuary door and now it won't act like an exit (either it scrolls a screen down, or is blocked off by a wall), I've done a lot of work on the romhack and I don't want to lose it all by starting from scratch.
Sanctuary door inside.

Mimic how the original ALTTP has it:
insert door on bg3. This is door element 02B. Then press 4 on keyboard's right numpad to position it to position 10. Door type must be 1, direction= down.

Then you also need to insert and exit definition, since this is standard door, this is why it scrolls down:
insert door on bg3. This is door element 033. =Invisible exit-door definition. Position is 10, door type= 9, direction is down.

Sanctuary door outside.

Double click on the exit= white dot on overworld. Should be exit 0012.

Then select Normal door= None.
Fancy door= Sanctuary,
Set correct X position
Set correct Y position

When X is rising, the door moves right,
When X is lower, the door moves left
When Y is rising, the door moves down,
When Y is lower, the door moves up

This basically is an door overlay position which will go above your drawing of the Sanctuary door. So it will then seem as if the door is opening, but must be set to exact coordinate.

Adding exits to dungeons in HM Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Adding exits to dungeons in HM Empty Re: Adding exits to dungeons in HM

Post by Puzzledude Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 12:26

I've done a lot of work on the romhack and I don't want to lose it all by starting from scratch.
No need to start over unless you got some heavy bugs, and this is not it.

Adding exits to dungeons in HM Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Adding exits to dungeons in HM Empty Re: Adding exits to dungeons in HM

Post by Devan2002 Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 18:03

Sanctuary door outside.

Double click on the exit= white dot on overworld. Should be exit 0012.

Then select Normal door= None.
Fancy door= Sanctuary,
Set correct X position
Set correct Y position

When X is rising, the door moves right,
When X is lower, the door moves left
When Y is rising, the door moves down,
When Y is lower, the door moves up

This basically is an door overlay position which will go above your drawing of the Sanctuary door. So it will then seem as if the door is opening, but must be set to exact coordinate.

I only messed with the interior of the exit. Though knowing about double clicking an exit to bring up that info is useful.

Adding exits to dungeons in HM Image213

Since : 2017-10-30

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Adding exits to dungeons in HM Empty Re: Adding exits to dungeons in HM

Post by SunGodPortal Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 23:12

In HM, exits are typically two different door types stacked on top of each other. One supplies the cosmetics, the other the extra functionality. I would give you some specifics, but all of my files are on backup discs as I have not worked on this game for quite some time. But for an example, open Link's house, click on the door, remove it and then click in the same spot. Assuming the "invisible" door wasn't selected first, there should still be an object there when you click on that spot. I think the invisible one might be a "33", but it's been a while.

Adding exits to dungeons in HM Image213

Since : 2015-01-26

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