Hex address for boss heart

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Hex address for boss heart Empty Hex address for boss heart

Post by wizzrobemaster Fri 22 Dec 2017 - 18:28

What is the hex address for a boss where I can change the heart container into a blue rupee?


Since : 2015-01-04

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Hex address for boss heart Empty Re: Hex address for boss heart

Post by Puzzledude Sat 23 Dec 2017 - 14:16

wizzrobemaster wrote:What is the hex address for a boss where I can change the heart container into a blue rupee?
This is a lot more complex than you think. You need to load the GFX also. This is not an "easy hex edit". I suggest you ask the speedrunning/randomizer community, since they are specialized in that. And as you can see, Karkat's randomizer was coded with a very extensive ASM to be able to pul this off what you want.

I would also suggest to you, to do something on your own, rather than to drop a question for each and every small edit you want to make.

Hex address for boss heart Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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