Item gating

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Item gating Empty Item gating

Post by wizzrobemaster Mon 25 Dec 2017 - 22:09

How do you handle item gating when it comes to over world and dungeon design?


Since : 2015-01-04

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Item gating Empty Re: Item gating

Post by assassin17 Tue 26 Dec 2017 - 0:11

i prefer item fencing, implemented by having pawn shops easily accessible from the overworld.

Item gating Image111

Since : 2015-03-14

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Item gating Empty Re: Item gating

Post by wizzrobemaster Tue 26 Dec 2017 - 0:40

What I don't like is when item gating involves finding items in a dungeon.  Buying them from shops unfortunately would be too difficult to perform in Zelda 3.  in Zelda1, and probably the 8-Bit titles, it is easier to perform.  What I did in my hack was have some items in dungeons while others would be found in houses in caves.  I add hints to their locations instead of railroading the player where every dungeon requires an item from the previous level. For some dungeons it is fine if you want to build off intricate level design, but there is no reason why a player should be blockaded all the time where the power glove or the hammer is needed to pound stakes/mad moles.


Since : 2015-01-04

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