PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Fri 10 Aug 2018 - 20:42

Conn wrote:Nice to see there's progress in the list, thanks polar. Anybody else is welcome to also find themes here.

@Relikk, if you like you can release the patch with the 8-bit pack already, or wait until also a cd pack is available - whenever you feel for it (you always make excellent releases Very Happy )

Your welcome Conn, No problem Smile @Relikk I strongly agree with Conn as well Very Happy

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Since : 2018-06-06

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Sat 11 Aug 2018 - 6:01

I think we should wait. I doubt many people will want NES and Game Boy soundtracks as the main (and currently only) choice for an MSU1 game.

I also think Polar should be given the honour of releasing it.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Conn Sat 11 Aug 2018 - 11:06

I concur Smile

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Sat 11 Aug 2018 - 11:49

Relikk wrote:I think we should wait. I doubt many people will want NES and Game Boy soundtracks as the main (and currently only) choice for an MSU1 game.

I also think Polar should be given the honour of releasing it.

Wow, Thank you very much @Relikk and @Conn Smile

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Since : 2018-06-06

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Fri 24 Aug 2018 - 20:17

Ok, I have everything done, I used everything that I could find. I also have the 8 bit pack listed as well, That was easy due to another source I found a while back. I hope this helps :-), Relik, Sounds good dude, You always do a great job :-D

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Mon 27 Aug 2018 - 13:54

Just an update, I'm under half way through, you can see what is created from the sheet via the "PCM Done" check boxes. I think I've exhausted all of the arranged versions of the original themes, so now it's on to the rest.

I also have a stereo version of the NES Dr. Mario themes, I might replace the original 8-bit pack with those.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Mon 27 Aug 2018 - 20:18

Relikk wrote:Just an update, I'm under half way through, you can see what is created from the sheet via the "PCM Done" check boxes. I think I've exhausted all of the arranged versions of the original themes, so now it's on to the rest.

I also have a stereo version of the NES Dr. Mario themes, I might replace the original 8-bit pack with those.

Sounds great, Thank you Relikk for your hard work so far, If you do run out of sources please feel more then welcome to let me know and I will get you more sources as fast as I can. Replace whatever you feel needed. you have complete freedom on the pcms, Thats my gift to you fro your great work. Smile

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Since : 2018-06-06

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Fri 31 Aug 2018 - 11:01

Should be finished this later today or some time tomorrow at the very latest.

I'm happy to leave some jingles in Tetris to the SPC's, and I haven't really found anything satisfactory for the title screen or the game select screen, but I'd like to replace the Mixed Match SPC's with PCM's. Most likely with the remaining tracks from Dr. Mario Online Rx and something from Dr. Mario 64.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Fri 31 Aug 2018 - 12:17

Relikk wrote:Should be finished this later today or some time tomorrow at the very latest.

I'm happy to leave some jingles in Tetris to the SPC's, and I haven't really found anything satisfactory for the title screen or the game select screen, but I'd like to replace the Mixed Match SPC's with PCM's. Most likely with the remaining tracks from Dr. Mario Online Rx and something from Dr. Mario 64.

Hey thats fine Relikk, take your time, do whatever you need to do. You have 100% freedom on this. Smile and thank you for all of the work you have put in. Very Happy

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Since : 2018-06-06

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Fri 31 Aug 2018 - 14:51

Alright, try these: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahue7izQZmouyhuXlGGNITiFhnfg

There's two alternates of the same theme that you can use in that pack (denoted by the "alt" at the end of the file name, just rename to use either). They are 33 and 39.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Fri 31 Aug 2018 - 23:27

Relikk wrote:Alright, try these: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahue7izQZmouyhuXlGGNITiFhnfg

There's two alternates of the same theme that you can use in that pack (denoted by the "alt" at the end of the file name, just rename to use either). They are 33 and 39.

Relikk, I really like what you have done. All of it so far has been awesome. Heck you even made mix and match actually fun to play instead of it being dull before. I like both of them, the alt set is great. Well done Very Happy Breakdance

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Since : 2018-06-06

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 4:05

Polargames wrote:Heck you even made mix and match actually fun to play instead of it being dull before.

Yeah they're weird themes, the originals.

Alright so, if you're happy with those then you can use those for your release. In the meantime I'm going to replace the original NES Dr. Mario PCM's with the stereo set. Shouldn't take long from the time of this post, and I'll provide a new link.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 5:30

New Game Boy and NES set: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahue7izQZmouyjA-hHpesHAnM8c1

I didn't replace the original mono Dr. Mario PCMs with the stereo versions, but I included both in the package. The default are the original mono tracks as everyone would be more used to hearing those, but there's a folder that includes the stereo tracks, so people can have a choice of what to use depending on their preference.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Conn Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 7:57

Sounds great, Relikk, much thanks Very Happy I am much happy to see progress here and my code wasn't for naught.
Could you release when you are done with all the packs please?

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Since : 2013-06-30

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 10:07

Ah, remember what we agreed? Wink

Relikk wrote:I also think Polar should be given the honour of releasing it.

Conn wrote:I concur Smile

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Conn Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 10:36

Oh yes I remember... I'm just unsure whether polar will run into problems, like making a video. I e.g., always run into troubles using fraps or such.
I also lost a bit overview which pcm:s are done and going to be released, could you please post them as summary with description?

Let's see how polar manages, if you run into troubles we're here to help Very Happy

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Since : 2013-06-30

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 10:42

Standard PCM set with a mix of Dr. Mario Online Rx, Smash Bros. and YouTube (so no need to specify the sources in this one, really. Just "Tetris & Dr. Mario"): https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahue7izQZmouyhuXlGGNITiFhnfg

Game Boy and NES set (original mono and stereo Dr. Mario tracks). So just something along the lines of "Game Boy Tetris & NES Dr. Mario": https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahue7izQZmouyjA-hHpesHAnM8c1

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Since : 2017-02-17

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Polargames Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 13:59

Hello everyone, I really like the pcms they are great. So it looks like to me at least Relikk is all done with them,, So how does a person release them to the public? Its all new to me. @Conn I have actualy never made a video like this before and I have no clue on how to do that. If Relikk,You, or someone else wants to make one, they can and for sure will be given credit on it. I hope that helps :-)

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Since : 2018-06-06

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PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario - Page 2 Empty Re: PCM for tetris and Dr.Mario

Post by Relikk Sat 1 Sep 2018 - 15:51

Tetris I can play, that's fine. I never got into Dr. Mario, though. So I have no idea how to play that.

What you can do is record a game via the emulator you use and send the file to me. I can then record it and make a video out of it.

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Since : 2017-02-17

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