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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 10:27

@Conn, I noticed the quick start too. All I did was put a very small silent delay (very small) before the PCM track plays. I may still have to add more silence time after reviewing my PCMs (to get timing correct). After that, I just looped my audio back to the beginning after the silent portion is done (where music starts seamlessly) using wav2msu.

I fixed it on the PCM side since I figured the game’s approach on the Get Ready and fade to Corridors to Fury 161 was difficult to mimic MSU wise. I had to compromise with the title to intro too.

Update: I forgot to mention that I had to reduce the Get Ready Theme to 4 seconds. Any longer it will get cut off by the pre-loaded Corridors of Fury 161 Theme.

Last edited by pepillopev on Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 10:55; edited 1 time in total


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 10:41

@Conn, Only other way I can think this can be done is to just drop Corridors of Fury asm track in the patch then mix it with the Get Ready asm track PCM-wise. These two tracks go hand in hand at every stage start.

I can test this theory with your asm with some quick edits when I get an opportunity to do so. Just not sure how this change will affect the rest of the game.

Last edited by pepillopev on Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 10:52; edited 1 time in total


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 10:48

@Señor Ventura, For now with the patch’s current state, to avoid the music cut off issue on Get Ready, this PCM must be no more than 4 seconds. The Corridors of Fury 161 PCM must have a delay of at least 1 sec to start with the game. I have to fix my Corridors track too.

This game’s way of handling the SPC tracks makes it difficult to mimic a smooth transition between Get Ready to Corridors. It is possible to cheat it but not sure how making the change suggested to Conn will affect the game later on.

To be honest, I think it is probably not worth the effort for something small like this. 4 seconds is more than enough for Get Ready Theme. But this is just my opinion.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Conn Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 13:31

Hold on, here's a new patch:

It waits until 0c is over before continuing. So track 12 can have any length... track 02 however might should have a bit delay (mute at start) and 0c a fadeout.

Test it out Wink

;-------intro 0c play to end
CMP #$0c; is it 0c?
BNE no0C
LDA $2000
AND #$10
BNE wait ; in case 0c is still playing branch to wait loop

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 14:05

@Conn, I will try using a longer track for $0C and see what happens with this patch. Will let you know how it goes.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 14:07

@Conn No luck. Track still gets cut off after the 4 second mark.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 14:16

@Conn I remember trying that same code with Battletoads & Double Dragon for the stage clear with no success.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 14:44

@Señor Ventura, the delay for Corridors of Fury should be at least 3-3.5sec for music start. Get Ready should still be 4sec.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Conn Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 14:54

that's strange... for me I clinged on the stage 1 - get ready screen for 2 minutes (the length of a arbitrary pcm I used). I tested a fresh rom, renamed all pcm:s and such to al2_msu (just for testing), bsnes and snes9x... worked.

Could you try again, taking care you use an unaffected fresh rom?
btw: pcm-5 must be in your set, take any pcm-12 to test the length being played.

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 15:03

@Conn will retry. I don’t use the IPS patch. I use your asm with Xkas on new rom. Will try a longer track. I used Higan to test.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Conn Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 15:16

ok, I press thumbs... higan... gosh Smile almost unimaginable someone still goes through the progress of making a manifest Razz

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 15:27

@Conn Ok, I see what I did wrong. My batch file that creates a freshly patch rom from your asm was sending the new ROM to the wrong folder. I was loading the old rom. Once I loaded the correct rom, it worked. Sorry for the mishap, it was my mistake to make, lol. I already created the manifest file, I can include it with your patch.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 15:32

@Conn I went to back Higan since bsnes runs like crap ever since I upgraded to 8-cores. Bsnes stutters a lot ever since I upgrade my 4-core cpu to 8-cores. Higan runs flawlessly.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Señor Ventura Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 18:25

pepillopev wrote:@Señor Ventura Add the silence then “bucle” back to the point where the music restarts by hard coding the starting “bucle” point into the PCM using wav2msu like I suggested in the Ninja Gaiden topic. If your having trouble I can fix this track for you.

The problem with it is that the "get start" music sounds during a very short time.

I would prefer to put the half of the "get start" music in its track, and the other half in the beginning of every stage music.

I mean:
-during the "get start" screen, the "get start" pcm begins to sound.
-The "get start" pcm reach the end of its theme staying in the middle of the song.
-Then the stage pcm begins to sound, and in the beginning it has the other half of the "get start" theme, followed by the whole stage pcm.
-When the stage pcm reach the end of the track, it begins from the looped mark, leaving out the second half of the "get start" theme.

It has to work.

edit: I've read about the new patch... it suggest new strategies xD

Señor Ventura

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 18:43

@Señor Ventura, Conn already fixed the patch to allow the Get Ready theme to be as long as it needs to be. Once the Get Ready theme is done playing, the game will progress and play the Corridors of Fury afterwards (this is the only track that will require a 3.5 sec delay). I already tested the patch, as well as Conn, and it works great.

You are welcomed to do your PCM set as you wish. Below is mine including Conn's latest patch, download it and test it to get an idea of what I did. Maybe, it can help you decide what you want to do. Once you are done with your set, we can release Alien III to the wild. Much Luck.

Conn's Latest Patch Link
PeV's Alien III Set Link


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Señor Ventura Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 19:31

pepillopev wrote:@Señor Ventura, Conn already fixed the patch to allow the Get Ready theme to be as long as it needs to be.

Yes, i've already read it later... is a very good work Blue1

pepillopev wrote:Once the Get Ready theme is done playing, the game will progress and play the Corridors of Fury afterwards (this is the only track that will require a 3.5 sec delay). I already tested the patch, as well as Conn, and it works great.

To add 3.5 secs of silent only for corridors of fury?, why is it? (all the stages begins equal, isn't it?.

Actually i have the remaster pcm set uoloading, with all the tracks in their correct order, and volume fixed (but if i have to add 3.5 of silence to this track, i will need to reupload again).

pepillopev wrote:You are welcomed to do your PCM set as you wish. Below is mine, download it and test it to get an idea of what I did. Maybe, it can help you decide what you want to do. Once you are done with your set, we can release Alien III to the wild. Much Luck.

PeV's Alien III Set

In a few moments i will download it, i really want to see your work Very Happy

Señor Ventura

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 19:35

@Señor Ventura, Corridors of Fury seems to begin after every new Get Ready stage. The other songs start the moment you go into the terminal and select a mission. I kind of like how the rest of the music starts right away after accepting a new mission. You can add the delay there too, it is your choice. If the delay is not there, all that will happen is the music will start sooner before the stage starts. Not a deal breaker.

As for the PCMs, not much work. All I did was use an already made OST. The credit goes to the original composer of the movie music. I'm no musician or composer, lol.



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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Conn Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 20:01

Great it is solved, and yes feel free to add a manifest to the patch

See what you want to adopt from pev set, I guess there's no objection if you e.g. take 12 pcm for your set.

I cross fingers that it all is done soon and you release the project Wink

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Señor Ventura Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 21:33

Ok, here is the pcm set with 3.5 sec's of empty audio in "corridors of fury" track.

Now the remaster OST is complete:

Señor Ventura

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Conn Fri 16 Nov 2018 - 5:19

Awesome, if you like feel free to release the patch if you can/like to create a video in Jump&Gun Very Happy
Mediafire links need a code tag, so the browser isn't hijacked (so for consistency I put both sets into code tags).
Here's the summary info to release:



Señor Ventura PCM Set:

PepilloPev PCM Set:

Track Map:

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Señor Ventura Fri 16 Nov 2018 - 6:59

I did the .rar with the wrong "corridors of fury" pcm.

Tonight i will reupload it with the correct one (the one in the .rar doesn't have the hard coded loop... i'm a disaster xD).

Señor Ventura

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Señor Ventura Sun 18 Nov 2018 - 6:34

I made a second pcm's pack with an extra filter to stereoize the music that gives to it more sensation of amplitude.

I recorded a video ingame, but it occupies 1,5GBm and i'm not having the time to upload it, i hope that today can be done.

P.D: We are safe that "corridors of fury" doesn't sound again during the rest of the game? (if it comes back sound during some mission we will have an audio track during 3,5 secs, and we will have to add another track to repeat "corridors of fury" without the silence", Could be that possible?).

Señor Ventura

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by pev Sun 18 Nov 2018 - 10:21

@Señor Ventura Send me your Corridors of Fury WAV file and I can fix it to loop after 3.5sec silent portion with wav2msu.


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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Conn Sun 18 Nov 2018 - 10:24

Alright, here's the new version (I really hope it's the last Disgust )

It will play $02 after the stage intro, and $20 if the theme is called at another place in the game.

So all you need to do is
- keep $02=-2.pcm with 3.5 seconds delay
- make a new theme 2 without this 3.5 seconds delay and call it $20=-32.pcm (be careful with the loop).

@Pev, I am really sorry... could you also create and add this track 32 to your pcm set and re-upload?

As for the video, there are various compression tools, you surely don't need to upload 1.5 GB to youtube. Just compress it on your HD (Windows movie maker, vscd video editor or others)

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ALIEN 3 - Page 3 Empty Re: ALIEN 3

Post by Señor Ventura Sun 18 Nov 2018 - 19:26

pepillopev wrote:@Señor Ventura Send me your Corridors of Fury WAV file and I can fix it to loop after 3.5sec silent portion with wav2msu.

The loop was done, i meaned that if the song is called with some other mission, it woould sound with 3.5 sces of silent, but conn has fixed it.

Conn wrote:Alright, here's the new version (I really hope it's the last Disgust )

It will play $02 after the stage intro, and $20 if the theme is called at another place in the game.

So all you need to do is
- keep $02=-2.pcm with 3.5 seconds delay
- make a new theme 2 without this 3.5 seconds delay and call it $20=-32.pcm (be careful with the loop).

Okay... really well done Smile

I'm on it, and preparing the video.

Señor Ventura

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