Possible new use for shovel found!

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Possible new use for shovel found! Empty Possible new use for shovel found!

Post by GweiloGopher Sat 9 Mar 2019 - 17:57

I was messing around with my new romhack and discovered something possibly yet unknown.

If you place a "hole" item on the overworld on a spot that can be dug (i.e. plain grass), using the shovel on that square will open up the hole. At first there is no visual indication that there is a hole there. The hole appears after using the shovel. The hole also will function as you would expect (obviously you'll need to put the hole entrance in addition to the hole item).

Just wanted to share this discovery in case it'll help any other romhackers!

Last edited by GweiloGopher on Sat 9 Mar 2019 - 20:30; edited 2 times in total


Possible new use for shovel found! Image213

Since : 2018-07-12

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Possible new use for shovel found! Empty Re: Possible new use for shovel found!

Post by P-Tux7 Sat 9 Mar 2019 - 18:31

If someone makes a patch that makes the hole change tile after you dig it, this would be a great idea.


Since : 2018-11-12

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Possible new use for shovel found! Empty Re: Possible new use for shovel found!

Post by GweiloGopher Sat 9 Mar 2019 - 20:29

Sorry, I didn't explain that well. There is no indication of a hole being present at before using the shovel. But if you use the shovel in the right spot, the hole does appear and the "secret found" chime plays.


Possible new use for shovel found! Image213

Since : 2018-07-12

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Possible new use for shovel found! Empty Re: Possible new use for shovel found!

Post by Puzzledude Sat 9 Mar 2019 - 20:43

Nice find. I didn't know that. Maybe no one found this, since once you get the Flute, the Shovel is gone. Of course this does not happen in the 24 item menu, so.

If someone makes a patch that makes the hole change tile after you dig it, this would be a great idea.
It chages automatically. Main element to add is the overworld item (ie red dot in Hyrule Magic). This will make the hole if you dig. The "hole 7D" on the other hand is just the entrance definition on where to fall down, otherwise it's Hoolihan room.

Possible new use for shovel found! Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Possible new use for shovel found! Empty Re: Possible new use for shovel found!

Post by Kyim Sat 11 May 2019 - 18:10

Oh this is brilliant. Thanks, GweiloGopher!

Possible new use for shovel found! Image213

Since : 2019-05-08

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