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EarthBound - Page 3 Empty EarthBound

Patch v2 by Conn, loop-table by ShadowOne333:

PCM set v3* by ShadowOne333:
*v3 includes Niribelle's Venus Live! track 80 (original replaced) and WaffleGMVenusLive (extra track).

PCM Hip Hop Journey by Ballz:
Note: Best to be used with Ballz' Hip Hop Journey patch
Video Preview

Optional "Venus Live!" track by Waffles GM feat. DeltaSilver64 (Rename to "Mother 2-80.pcm"):

Last edited by ShadowOne333 on Thu 7 Jan 2021 - 18:31; edited 1 time in total

Since : 2016-04-06

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EarthBound :: Comments


Post Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 9:59 by Conn

Alright, probably you are right, reading your message again... my approach was that LDA $4210 resets the nmi flag. I was thinking that the JSL to the nmi msu routine in this particular case takes some more program counters right before this register is read so this causes the flckering...

I'll let Ballz briefly test it, and if it is still bugging (what I assume now), I'll go for your solution; guess $C0/834E should do it.

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Post Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 11:31 by ShadowOne333

User @ballz is currently unavailable, but I managed to contact him and he told me to post this:
ballz wrote:Based on Ikari’s info I really don’t think the new test will work, but I wouldn’t be able to actually test it myself until I get home from work later on. If you want to get that new test patch ready in the meantime I can give that one a look tonight.

Out of that, I am just about to finish the fixed track, I just have to properly convert it to PCM and normalize it, once that's done, I'll PM Pev and send him the fixed PCM asap Smile
Thanks, guys!

Edit: Fixed track sent to Pev through PM Smile

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Post Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 16:32 by Conn

I currently have little time. Will update the patch later in the hope no foreseen bugs occur (hooking the nmi late may in some cases result that this point isn't reached, means branched over, rti elsewhere. But this doesn't seem to be the case in earthbound... hopefully.

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Post Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 18:30 by Ballz

Conn wrote:I currently have little time. Will update the patch later in the hope no foreseen bugs occur (hooking the nmi late may in some cases result that this point isn't reached, means branched over, rti elsewhere. But this doesn't seem to be the case in earthbound... hopefully.

I did just test your latest patch and the issue is indeed still there.

I do appreciate your help trying to get to the bottom of this, so take as much time as you need and thanks so much. Smile

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Post Wed 31 Jul 2019 - 18:44 by Conn

Alright, I hacked the new point suggested by Ikari, but didn't test much, that I leave to you Wink
(IPS size 582 bytes, clear browser history if it isn't).

Hook point:
$C0/834E C2 30       REP #$30                
$C0/8350 64 99       STZ $99    

Hope...this...time... for our sakes Wink

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Post Thu 1 Aug 2019 - 0:16 by Ballz

Conn wrote:Alright, I hacked the new point suggested by Ikari, but didn't test much, that I leave to you Wink
(IPS size 582 bytes, clear browser history if it isn't).

Hook point:
$C0/834E C2 30       REP #$30                
$C0/8350 64 99       STZ $99    

Hope...this...time... for our sakes Wink

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

I fought the spiteful crow about two dozen times, then completed the entire fire springs dungeon, and did not encounter the graphic glitch once.

I... I think it's been fixed.

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Post Thu 1 Aug 2019 - 5:12 by Conn

Hooray for ikari Spin Spin Spin

I see Pev also already updated track 22 in first post.

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Post Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 15:21 by ShadowOne333

This has nothing to do with the IPS patch in the OP, but rather a script I am using for adding MSU-1 into CoilSnake for EarthBound projects that use that software.

So the thing is that we are having some problems with the fading with my script (and any CoilSnake-compiled ROM that is).
Once the fading tries to go back to full volume after a mid-fade, it doesn't fade all the way up, but rather it fades back to around 85% of the volume.

After a lot of debugging and a lot of help, user DarkSamus993 from was able to figure out that it seems other stuff is overwriting the RAM range used for the MSU-1 flags, which is what's causing the odd fading.

With that said, I wanted to ask you, Conn.
Was there any specific reason for the usage of RAM 7FFFF0-7FFFF3 for the MSU-1?

Could other RAM addresses be used for these?

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Post Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 16:09 by Conn

Yes, you can use ram, I followed ram in snes9x debugger and considered it safe (not used by the rom).
It's unfortunate that coilsnake seem to use the same free ram addresses, I hope you can find free ram elsewhere and remap the asm.

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Post Wed 14 Aug 2019 - 0:45 by Conn

New pcm set by Ballz (The Hip Hop Journey) added to first post. Thanks for the contribution Very Happy

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Post Wed 14 Aug 2019 - 8:54 by Ballz

Thanks for everything, Conn.  Very Happy

While the PCM pack can be played fine on its own with the base MSU-1 patch, I do have an accompanying hack to go along with it that does a few more things with the game.  

You can download that IPS over at the EarthBound PK Hack Forum, and it should soon also be over at RHDN.

Sample video of what to expect:

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Post Wed 14 Aug 2019 - 13:27 by Conn

Awesome set Ballz, I really enjoy watching your video!
I added your preview along with the patch link to first post Very Happy

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Post Wed 14 Aug 2019 - 15:34 by Shadowrun

Confused The hip hop version is awesome !!

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Post Wed 14 Aug 2019 - 21:14 by Ballz

Conn wrote:Awesome set Ballz, I really enjoy watching your video!
I added your preview along with the patch link to first post Very Happy

Much appreciated! But if it isn't too much trouble, could you instead link to the Vimeo video in the first post? It's more up to date than the YouTube video:

I don't think I can embed Vimeo here, which is why I stuck with the YouTube video. The reason why the new video is only on Vimeo is because it got a copyright block on YouTube... although the song that was blocked on the new video is also in the old video where it plays just fine. Ohmygod

Shadowrun wrote:Confused The hip hop version is awesome  !!

Thank you!

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Post Thu 15 Aug 2019 - 2:09 by Conn

link changed Wink
As for a rank for reward, would you like to be a purple PCM artist, or dark green asm hacker? (since you both made a pcm set and an ips, so I guess you can also code in asm). I can't give both Woot!!

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Post Thu 15 Aug 2019 - 9:08 by Ballz

Conn wrote:link changed Wink
As for a rank for reward, would you like to be a purple PCM artist, or dark green asm hacker? (since you both made a pcm set and an ips, so I guess you can also code in asm). I can't give both Woot!!

Purple PCM please. All ASM work seen in my hack came from far more talented rom hackers than myself. I just put it all together.

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Post Wed 21 Aug 2019 - 11:59 by ShadowOne333

Congratulations on the release, ballz!
I'm glad to see how well received your PCM pack has been Very Happy

Also, two tidbits of info:

1) Conn, the problem with the RAM addresses mentioned before has been addressed and fixed!
We used addresses 7E0100-7E0103 for the CoilSnake script instead of the original 7FFFF0-7FFFF3 RAM addresses and everything seems to work properly now on our end with CoilSnake compiled ROMs Smile

2) user @vince94 is still working on his PCM pack as well. Although, he is giving his pack a whole original approach, so expect his pack down the line!

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Post Thu 22 Aug 2019 - 17:11 by pfraktall

Could someone please make a pcm set using this remix album?? Also the pcm download links dont work for this as well as ffIV.

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Post Thu 22 Aug 2019 - 17:46 by Conn

Much luck finding somebody who makes your set. The FFIV (and this? earthbound) links work for me. Check with another browser maybe.

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Post Mon 26 Aug 2019 - 16:35 by Ballz

pfraktall wrote:Could someone please make a pcm set using this remix album?? Also the pcm download links dont work for this as well as ffIV.

Creating PCMs itself isn't too difficult. If you wanted to make them yourself, there are several online tutorials around. I found this guide to be particularly helpful when I first started making PCMs a couple of years ago.

It was kind of fun the first time I did it! I made a couple of custom tracks for Chrono Trigger MSU-1 using some songs from my old copy of The Brink of Time album.  I never released those tracks publicly, but creating them gave me the confidence to try a larger, more ambitious project... Very Happy

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Post Sat 31 Aug 2019 - 19:21 by darthvaderx

pfraktall wrote:Could someone please make a pcm set using this remix album?? Also the pcm download links dont work for this as well as ffIV.

I could do it for you, but I have something much better in mind, something that was born out of a joke but it turned out to be really good, so as soon as I finish my project with Final Fantasy IV (I have to review some things because I was not very satisfied with some tracks), I will present here another project with Earthbound, it will be very cool.

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Post Sat 2 Nov 2019 - 2:10 by willbread

Hello! I really want to play this and am trying to download the patch, but the bslegends site seems to be down. Music is fine, the patch itself I can't grab for the life of me. Is there any mirror or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

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Post Sat 2 Nov 2019 - 6:05 by Conn

Yes, there are again server issues, unfortunately.
Here are all patches:
earthbound is (don't use the marked as old)

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Post Sat 2 Nov 2019 - 21:18 by willbread

Thank you, much appreciated!

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