New Super Mario Land

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New Super Mario Land Empty New Super Mario Land

Patch v12 (supports ROM v1.5 --> Fixed Link Jan-19-2024):

Homebrew/Non-Commercial ROM v1.5:

PCM Pack
Arranged Pack presented by PepilloPeV:

Last edited by pev on Fri 19 Jan 2024 - 12:02; edited 50 times in total

New Super Mario Land Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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New Super Mario Land :: Comments


Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 11:23 by pev

@Polargames Ok, here we go. I had to take it down for a bit, discovered some last minute issues, now fixed. Thanks for helping map the tracks.

@Relikk I almost forgot to thank you for finding a lossless version of this arranged set. Thanks a bunch.

Last edited by pepillopev on Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 15:21; edited 1 time in total

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 11:53 by Retroplay

Just an FYI. Wink
Patch is not compatible with the new v1.1 game released yesterday (same place as usual).

EDIT - Jan 1st, 2020

Based on feedback, there have been a few updates to the homebrew. Mario's controls and collision detection have been greatly improved. Mario's jump sounds have also been fixed to be less distracting to the player.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 12:10 by Conn

Just an FYI. Wink
Patch is not compatible with the new v1.1 game released yesterday (same place as usual).

Impressive timing... My commiseration, Pev - I hope the porting is not that hard Very Happy

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 12:18 by Retroplay

Also, where's my manners? Thanks for the patch. Very Happy

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 12:18 by pev

Conn wrote:Impressive timing... My commiseration, Pev - I hope the porting is not that hard Very Happy
Hope so, the game was relatively simple to hack. The music is what took me forever to get right.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 12:21 by pev

Retroplay wrote:Also, where's my manners? Thanks for the patch. Very Happy
You are very welcome. Now, for a short break and then deal with this updated version 1.1 at a later time.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 13:24 by pev

Ok, updated. Included patches for both versions of the game. Did a quick test on 1.1 and so far seems ok (did not do a full playthrough). Let us see what happens when more play it. Peace out.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 13:36 by pev

Found a stupid minor bug with msu-1 playback. Now at v4.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 13:46 by Retroplay

That was fast, thanks. Very Happy

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 13:57 by PittStone

A-W-E-S-O-M-O! Squirrel

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 14:48 by Polargames

pepillopev wrote:@Polargames Ok, here we go. I had to take it down for a bit, discovered some last minute issues, now fixed. Thanks for helping map the tracks.

Sounds good Pepv, Your very welcome Very Happy , Feel free to let me know if you have any more track mapping projects :-D

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 18:36 by D2DEZEL

It doesn't work on SD2SNES oops sorry!!! on FXPAK Smile Great Job! pepillopev Very Happy

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 18:44 by pev

Yup, I now why too. Rookie mistake. Stand by.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 19:21 by pev

Ok, I fixed my stupid rookie mistake. It plays on sd2snes now.

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 19:49 by pev

ok, played through it and have some buzzing in some areas. need to troubleshoot on sd2snes. this will take a bit. Sad

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Post Thu 2 Jan 2020 - 20:04 by pev

Ok, the buzzing sound when going into pipes is fixed by using a silent PCM labeled as "nsml-msu1-19.pcm". If you click on the download link, you can choose to just download this one PCM or the whole set all over again.

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Post Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 5:54 by Conn

it should be possible to easily prevent this with "spc fallback"

bit $2000
bvs loop
lda $2000
AND #$08
BNE playspc ; error bit set?

LDA #$03
STA $2007
LDA #$ff
STA $2006
STZ $2007

So if a track is not found (error bit set), simply disable msu playing. This is in above code of course no real spc fallback, but only a mute if track is not present.

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Post Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 9:16 by VVV18

Amazing this game...
Thank you so much for MSU1 pack...
This is beautiful work!!!

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Post Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 12:56 by pev

Conn wrote:@Pev
it should be possible to easily prevent this with "spc fallback"
Implemented the no track exception code, per your suggestion. I totally forgot about doing this. I get rusty very quickly when staying away from this coding stuff too long, lol.

@ToAll There is no need for the silent "nsml-msu1-9.pcm" track any more. I will remove it from the pack, eventually.

Update: Removed silent track, no longer necessary. PeV @ 01/03/2020 5pm EST.

Last edited by pepillopev on Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 17:11; edited 1 time in total

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Post Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 13:41 by Retroplay

v6 patch for v1.1 rom can't be applied, it complains it's the wrong rom.
This is the one I have:

Name:  New Super Mario Land (J) (V1.1).sfc
Size:  2097152
CRC32: 8d69103f
MD5:   3d89d04f1daee43c6af7218235042807
SHA1:  592d16617f9d8be111ca914d387bfe59a84c0eec

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Post Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 14:20 by pev

Retroplay wrote:v6 patch for v1.1 rom can't be applied, it complains it's the wrong rom.
My mistake when creating the separate patches. Ok, now you can safely apply the "NewSuperMarioLand-Msu-v11.bps" patch without issue. Please clear your browser cache and re-download the patch package.

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Post Fri 3 Jan 2020 - 14:54 by Retroplay

Thank you. Yes

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Post Thu 30 Jan 2020 - 21:25 by OMorty

Turns out v1.2 was released a few days ago. Does the MSU-1 patch need to be updated to account for this? Or should it work on v1.2 as well as v1.1?

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Post Thu 30 Jan 2020 - 22:12 by pev

@OMorty Cannot confirm unless I review it myself. I recall from 1.0 to 1.1, there were changes that forced me to relocate MSU-1 code. I would have to check and update.

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