Star Fox 2 MSU1?

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Star Fox 2 MSU1? Empty Star Fox 2 MSU1?

Post by ABOhiccups Tue 7 Jan 2020 - 0:53

I just want to know. Is anyone working on Star Fox 2 (Final Version) with MSU1 Support? Well it work with 52MHz Overclockable patch?
Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2019-08-22


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Star Fox 2 MSU1? Empty Re: Star Fox 2 MSU1?

Post by Polargames Tue 7 Jan 2020 - 1:45

ABOhiccups wrote:I just want to know. Is anyone working on Star Fox 2 (Final Version) with MSU1 Support? Well it work with 52MHz Overclockable patch?

From what I know, No. Star Fox 2 is not getting msu1 support. There is no high quality fan made music made, and because of that there is no point. I could be wrong, someone might be working on it but, I would not get your hopes up for it.

Star Fox 2 MSU1? Image112

Since : 2018-06-06

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Star Fox 2 MSU1? Empty Re: Star Fox 2 MSU1?

Post by Conn Tue 7 Jan 2020 - 5:23

yes, there are no themes to substitute...

Star Fox 2 MSU1? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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