MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly?

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MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly? Empty MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly?

Post by PittStone Sat 21 Mar 2020 - 19:42

It would be very nice if we can in future compressed music with .ogg files or .mp3 files.
To save huge Space on sd-cards and other small saveplaces.
Its that possibly or never?

MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly? Image110

Since : 2017-07-17

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MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly? Empty Re: MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly?

Post by Conn Sun 22 Mar 2020 - 6:31

I once asked byuu for the possibility of mp3 to safe space. The problem is that mp3 is compressed and the cpu limited. Means there is simply no time to decompress mp3 and stream via msu1.

MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly? Empty Re: MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly?

Post by qwertymodo Mon 6 Apr 2020 - 2:01

The real limitation is whether not it could be implemented in FPGA like the SD2SNES, which would be both difficult and patent encumbered (especially for MP3). Otherwise you'd end up with music packs that only work in some implementations of the MSU-1 and not others, which would be a big problem. We already had a similar fragmentation issue with volume levels several years ago, and it's a real pain for everyone, especially considering how cheap disk space is these days (256GB micro SD cards are like $30 if you catch a good sale). It would be nice if we could make it "just work" but it's not going to be that easy, and would just be a huge hassle.

MSU1 .ogg or .mp3 Possibly? Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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