Can someone convert 2 tracks for me?

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Can someone convert 2 tracks for me? Empty Can someone convert 2 tracks for me?

Post by Tabs3121 Thu 28 Oct 2021 - 15:40

Can someone please convert 2 tracks to pcm format for me please?

Its for WWF Royal Rumble. Its Bret Harts and Shawn Micheals older themes.

Link to tracks is here.

Thank you


Since : 2021-10-25

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Can someone convert 2 tracks for me? Empty Re: Can someone convert 2 tracks for me?

Post by JUD6MENT Thu 28 Oct 2021 - 18:32

I wouldnt mind doing it, but i am a college student with a full time job and a two week old baby. It will take me a couple days until i get around to it.

I would strongly encourage following this tutorial by qwertymodo. Converting to PCM is actually not too hard, it took me about 40 minutes to learn how to accomplish it.

Can someone convert 2 tracks for me? Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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