MD+ / MSU-MD Wishlist Audio Packs

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MD+ / MSU-MD Wishlist Audio Packs Empty MD+ / MSU-MD Wishlist Audio Packs

Post by Relikk Fri 26 Feb 2021 - 11:16

These audio packs are loop optimised for MD+ patches but they can be easily used for MSU-MD projects by using the sector values in the CUE file to extend loops in an audio editor.

Track orders will possiby need to be changed (they are based on Zophar track listings) and will need some audio balancing, but these along with looping are trivial tasks and should only take a couple of hours once a patch is ready.

Burning Force (Arcade)

Lethal Enforcers (Arcade & Arranged)

OutRunners (Arcade)

Road Rash Trilogy (Dean Harris Arranged)

Rolling Thunder 2 (Arcade)

Sol-Deace (X68000 Internal, Roland MT-32 & CM-64 MIDI Arranged)

Turbo OutRun (Arcade & FM Towns Arranged)

Viewpoint (Neo Geo)

MD+ / MSU-MD Wishlist Audio Packs Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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