Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR

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Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Empty Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR

Post by Dogeritos Fri 16 Sep 2022 - 19:43

As shown below, when I use the bow in my hack, the graphics are messed up, and I can't seem to find the location of these specific graphics in YY-CHR.

If anyone happens to know the location, I would greatly appreciate it, thank you!

Since : 2014-11-24

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Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Empty Re: Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR

Post by Puzzledude Sat 17 Sep 2022 - 6:09

The bow in YYchr is just after the first half, after the item menu gfx, but this will not help you at all, since the gfx will probably be displayed fine in YYchr.

What you have is a known bug, which is a result of extensive gfx editing. This bug can not be solved so easily as you need to track down the bug location which is in the gfx part of the hex code. This means the bug will reappear each time you recompress the gfx into the game, and you need to thus hex-debug it everytime once you know the exact location of the byte to fix. I debugged this in the Conker hack for instance.

Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Empty Re: Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR

Post by Dogeritos Sat 17 Sep 2022 - 13:47

Puzzledude wrote:The bow in YYchr is just after the first half, after the item menu gfx, but this will not help you at all, since the gfx will probably be displayed fine in YYchr.

What you have is a known bug, which is a result of extensive gfx editing. This bug can not be solved so easily as you need to track down the bug location which is in the gfx part of the hex code. This means the bug will reappear each time you recompress the gfx into the game, and you need to thus hex-debug it everytime once you know the exact location of the byte to fix. I debugged this in the Conker hack for instance.

Ahh gotcha, thank you for pointing me in the right direction! Razz (Conn)

Since : 2014-11-24

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Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Empty Re: Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR

Post by Puzzledude Sat 17 Sep 2022 - 15:55

Sure. The gfx hex data starts at 87000 and it ends at C3FFF. You can easily pinpoint the bug, since here "my" "hex compare/replace" method works without crashing the rom. You copy the code from original ALTTP into a Copy of your hack by chunks using a hex editor. For instance first chunk from 87000 to 97000. Load your rom in emulator and see if the bug is gone (and since this is GFX it should not crash either). Then repeat from 97000 to A7000 and so on. Once the bug disappears for instance in the region A7000 to B7000, you know it is here.

Then make another copy of your rom. This time you take from A7000 to A8000 and so on. If the bug diappears let's say from B1000 to B2000, you know the problem is in this region. And so on until you reach one row or even one byte, but in Conker it was a part of one row, around 7 bytes somewhere in A9000 region.

This bug is probably a problem with Zcompress compressing routine, since the in-game bow and hookshot gfx should display fine with custom gfx as well. But what you are doing is essentially debugging this bug, by bringing in the code from original game, which displays the bow and other in-game items correctly. Might also be a result of running out of room for custom gfx in the hex string. The problem is you need to repeat the manual debug everytime you recompress custom gfx with zcompress into the rom.

Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR Empty Re: Bow Graphics distorted, can't find location in YY-CHR

Post by Dogeritos Sat 1 Oct 2022 - 12:42

Gotcha, thank you for the in-depth info! I've never really messed with hex editing that much, but this makes me a lot more confident going into fixing the issue. I appreciate it.

Since : 2014-11-24

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