Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro

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Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro Empty Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro

Post by scapman Sun 25 Dec 2022 - 12:08

Hey all,

I tried looking in the forums for this situation, but haven't found any.
Does anyone have the same setup and has gotten this to work?

Current setup:
Mega SG Jailbroken with Mega Sg Jailbreak v7.8
Mega EverDrive Pro with Firmware 4.19 beta
Sega CD Bios file placed in both bios directories of Mega SG and EverDrive

Game runs with sound effects but no music.
Similar problem when using Fusion364 (have only gotten Mickey's Castle of Illusion to work). All other games have sound effects, no music.

Any tips or steps I missed?


Since : 2022-12-25

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Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro Empty Re: Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro

Post by Relikk Mon 26 Dec 2022 - 10:04

Make sure the "Enable Cartridge and CD Audio" option is on in your Mega Sg options, and when using these hacks on a Mega Everdrive Pro the ROM and CUE filenames must match.

MD+ hacks won't work with Fusion. You'll need to use Retroarch and Genesis Plus GX for them.

Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro Empty Re: Getting MSU-MD/MD+ roms to work on Mega SG using Mega Everdrive Pro

Post by scapman Mon 26 Dec 2022 - 17:09


Thanks for the suggestion. That was exactly it!!! I've been going crazy trying to figure out why it wasn't working. I didn't see it mention anything about that setting. I appreciate it!


Since : 2022-12-25

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