can someone change sound effects (sfx)?

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can someone change sound effects (sfx)? Empty can someone change sound effects (sfx)?

Post by ycmwan Thu 29 Feb 2024 - 3:42

street fighter 2 turbo is an excellent fighting game.
I felt that the original SNES had bad percussion sound, so I recorded a Playstation version of the sound, could someone please replace it? I read an article that said can choose between SPC and SFX.
I uploaded some sound effects for the playstation version

Mad Batter
Mad Batter

Since : 2023-07-04

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can someone change sound effects (sfx)? Empty Re: can someone change sound effects (sfx)?

Post by Cubear Thu 29 Feb 2024 - 3:55

MSU1 can do one audio track at a time. that has led to some people saying "Music or SFX" but if multiple SFX overlap in gameplay, then even SFX may not be possible.

can someone change sound effects (sfx)? Image211

Since : 2021-11-17

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can someone change sound effects (sfx)? Empty Re: can someone change sound effects (sfx)?

Post by ycmwan Thu 29 Feb 2024 - 6:10

Cubear wrote:MSU1 can do one audio track at a time. that has led to some people saying "Music or SFX" but if multiple SFX overlap in gameplay, then even SFX may not be possible.
Thank you for your reply. It seems like the mus1 can't do all the musical power of the snes, but I can only admire what SONY has accomplished in the music space

Mad Batter
Mad Batter

Since : 2023-07-04

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can someone change sound effects (sfx)? Empty Re: can someone change sound effects (sfx)?

Post by Cubear Thu 29 Feb 2024 - 21:27

if you selectively replace sfx, like say, only voices, almost always the SNES will only play one voice sample at a time, meaning they're a good candidate for replacement via MSU-1.

any game where SFX play cancels other SFX playing would also be a good candidate for MSU1 sfx

can someone change sound effects (sfx)? Image211

Since : 2021-11-17

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