MSU-1 for Sound Effects?

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MSU-1 for Sound Effects? Empty MSU-1 for Sound Effects?

Post by Jamminsammiller Sun 24 Oct 2021 - 20:27

Hey y'all I'm Jammin' Sam Miller. I restored the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy and Super Metroid. I'm eternally grateful that playing the game with my restored music was made possible via the MSU-1 patch. Some people have asked about sound effects. Would it be possible and/or probable in the future?


Since : 2021-10-15

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MSU-1 for Sound Effects? Empty Re: MSU-1 for Sound Effects?

Post by JUD6MENT Sun 24 Oct 2021 - 20:34

I asked Conn about this once and the answer is no. You can change sound effects or music but you can not change both at the same time unfortunately.

By the way, you do great work and a lot of people that come to me for help to learn how to run msu-1 for the first time mention your pcm sets often. I also used two of your tracks in my DCK2 pcm set that i could not find remixes for. You add a lot to this community so thank you.

MSU-1 for Sound Effects? Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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MSU-1 for Sound Effects? Empty Re: MSU-1 for Sound Effects?

Post by Conn Mon 25 Oct 2021 - 2:32

The thing is that we unfortunately only have one msu music channel (snes has 4), so you can only have either spc or sfx substituted, but not both. It would be nice if we had at least 2. There is to my knowledge only one game that has SFX as msu1 and this is Yoshi's strange quest (but this renounces on spc-msu1 substitution):

So it is a technical problem we cannot do anything to help Sad

Also from my side: thank you so much for your work on the restorations!

MSU-1 for Sound Effects? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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