Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

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Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Empty Re: Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

Post by Conn Wed 27 Apr 2016 - 11:56

Awesome, could you shortly list the specs of bsnes plus if you have them?
- xml or bml
- sfc or smc (header or no)
- pcm or wav (ok I strongly assume pcm)

What do you mean by resume support? If I want to pause the pcm, I simply make a stz $2007 - resuming it is a #$01 for non-loop and #$03 for loop- It resumes from the point I unset the flag.

Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Empty Re: Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

Post by DarkShock Wed 27 Apr 2016 - 13:20

- XML (same as bsnes)
- sfc (you still using copier header, seriously?)
- pcm

By resume support I mean being able to play a MSU-1 song, play another one, and resume the first MSU-1 song when you stopped it. Like for playing battle music in Chrono Trigger and resume the dungeon music where it left off.

Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Image111

Since : 2014-12-29

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Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Empty Re: Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

Post by Conn Wed 27 Apr 2016 - 19:19

I see Smile
well, it is game dependent. For hacking I surely remove the header, but some games are downloadable with header only. E.g., bszelda is such a case, so all my hacks for this game (100 maybe) were done for the headered version, also the msu patch. Therefore I prefer compatibility (zsnes and snes9x both play headered as well as unheadered roms), it is completely out of my capability of pursuabiliy why byuu went a strict way here... bsnes 70 still plays headerd rom so I continue to suggest this version for bszelda; but spc fallback isn't necessary here anyways.

However if you have good contacts to the bsnes plus developer, could you suggest to add a small compatibility code?

Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Empty Re: Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

Post by qwertymodo Wed 27 Apr 2016 - 20:12

One important case for unheadered ROMs is that when you're applying patches, you can compare the source ROM to a known hash value. With headered ROMs, the header could be anything. The BPS patch format actually allows you to embed the source ROM hash into the patch itself so it can verify it for you (not so helpful if you're applying multiple patches to a single ROM, but there's the option to ignore verification). Frankly, headers are useless, and they're just a headache at this point. byuu got tired of dealing with them and decided he wasn't going to do it anymore. I think he might have added support in icarus (the ROM importer for higan) which will accept headered ROMs and strip the header during import as something of a compromise after everybody kept complaining about it.

Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Empty Re: Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

Post by Rahzadan Wed 11 Oct 2017 - 22:05

The Japanese Playstation version of Rockman X3 has an intro movie, which plays after the copyright year and Capcom logo jingle, but before the main menu.

In addition, it has FMV 'intros' to all the Maverick levels:

Would is somehow be possible to include these into the MSU-1 pack for this game, much like ALLTP DX has an intro movie?

I own the original Japanese Playstation version of this game, so I could extract the video file from the disc to provide the best quality version if someone were able to do this...

Since : 2015-04-05

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Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O - Page 2 Empty Re: Mega Man X3 MSU1 O.O

Post by DarkShock Thu 12 Oct 2017 - 10:22

It is possible but I have no plans to do it.

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Since : 2014-12-29

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