Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude

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Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Empty Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude

Post by Guest Fri 28 Apr 2017 - 15:12

Did anybody finish the hack Zelda 3 IQ test ? I'm currently stuck in the third dungeon called "Village block"
Actually in this room (the picture)

Need help !
Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Attachment
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Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Empty Re: Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude

Post by Puzzledude Fri 28 Apr 2017 - 18:21

Download the PNG Guide (pdf file)

Download the Notes for the guide (pdf file)

Download all in Zip

General IQ test Guide topic

Its actually called Block village. From where you are "the real fun begins".

Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Empty Re: Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude

Post by Puzzledude Fri 28 Apr 2017 - 18:26

Main trick in this room is to cut 2 fences so you can come to the upper right area where the skull is at and the switch under it to open the door. Main trick: the block just bellow this switch does not go up on the switch but far down into the far lower corner (straight down), which means you can thus reach the area otherwise in a paradox.

Now you can save the 2 blocks which were otherwise impossible to get. You now have access to all blocks so you can cut all fences to the door. One additional block can be pushed right and up on the switch to hold the door opened.

Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude Empty Re: Zelda 3 IQ Test by Puzzledude

Post by Guest Sat 29 Apr 2017 - 5:20

Thank you Puzzledude to answer me and so fast :-)

Ok I have pass this room, always simple when we get the solution ! I don't know why, I believed i needed three blocks to access to the upper right area with the skull.

Game pretty difficult but very good job made by you !


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