New playthroughs & testing
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New playthroughs & testing
Here is my first video (Part 1) of hopefully my final play test of the game. This is version 1.2 (6/30/17) update.
Monologue Stuff:
At the 6:29 mark - Signpost says its version 1.1 release yet it's really the 1.2 release.
At the 7:53 mark - When picking the easy and hard mode difficulty at the signpost the green cursor leaves behind a small speck of green as an artifact when switching between options.
At the 1:05:32 mark -
At the 1:03:14 mark - In the 2nd dungeon (sony substation), after beating the pocket station the floor move sprite kept scrolling in a single direction. Very strange because I've never encountered this bug before.
At the 1:20:41 mark - When exiting the Casino dungeon after beating the boss the game crashed resulting in a black screen.
Here is the part two of the testing. This is Part 2.
My findings:
At the 25:58 mark - I have been wanting to find the cause of the arrow/pebble glitch for some time. It seems as if sometimes you get arrows and other times you get pebbles. At 25.58 I have arrows, but then I died and then at 27:24 I got the correct pebble graphic. Maybe something gets updated when you die that fixes the graphics?
At the 30:50 mark - Game crash, but never mind if you fixed it.
At the 53:12 mark - Game crash, but again never mind if you fixed it. Will retest with hotfix.
At the 47:12 mark - The skull mimick enemy in the lower left corner spawns a little to the left and then at the 56:05 mark the same skull mimick enemy spawns a little to the right. Any reason why this sprite is spawning strangely?
At the 1:23:53 mark - The new hammer graphics look good, but one tile is messed up. It's the tile when the hammer makes contact with the ground. It should look like its flush (flat) against the ground when you hammer the ground. I will get this redrawn.
Things on my remaining wishing well:
Another pose of the fox tail graphic - All tails have two graphics associated with them. A walking North pose and walking East, West pose. Fox tail only has one pose so another one is needed.
New hammer graphic tile when hitting the ground fix.
Bottle guy in Resident Evil dungeon turned into Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil game. Requires dialogue change.
Yes, I also want to move on and finish the project too. Trust me this game has taken a toll on my life. But I have to make sure that I have fulfilled this destiny of mine at the same time.
This is Part 3.
At 23:59 mark - In the Clock Tower (gear) dungeon, Conker still falls through 2 solid gears which should be walk-able. Conn, maybe if you could look in Hyrule Magic and see if this can be fixed. There are other gears of the same type and they don't have this problem. Thanks.
At 28:44 mark - Here if you turn up the volume on the video you might be able to hear that some sound effects are not playing at full volume and sound mute. This actually happens a lot throughout the video.
The code is correct, bsnes and snes9x work correctly as far I can tell, appears to be a bug with your sd2snes. If not, nothing I can do here anyways. For now I can only say: you need to live with it. But we watch that, to see whether you are the only person with that issue
At 45:13 mark - Discovered Bunny Moonwalk Glitch - If you are the bunny/small elf if you use the shovel then select the harp you will face one direction, but can walk in any direction allowing you to moonwalk. Actually keep this glitch and don't change it, its far to cool to fix. Keep it.
We keep it
At 52:59 mark - While being the small elf in parallel dungeon I read the Galaxy Guide and got very strange sound effects with every word. Pretty strange, but not game breaking.
At 1:17:40 mark - Toad in front of Triforce Shrine says the same message he did at the beginning of the game. I thought he said something else but it was changed to the same message he already said. Hmmm
It's the same sprite, how could he say anything different?
At 1:20:38 mark - In the firerod dungeon or Vattie's dungeon, the entrance to the dungeon is under a waterfall.
Just a quick video showing a problem with a sprite. I never saw this or had this happen to me until now. Soft locking.
Maybe just swap this sprite out with another one.
Puzz was right, (you cannot fall down in a small gap).
Here's my re-design (the perma-stuck is independent from that lamnola, Erock, it happens also without)
This is part 4.
At 1:12 mark - If you use shovel and while in use pause and select the silver harp you will be frozen in place. It is not game breaking because you can get out of it by using another item.
At 2:03 mark - If you use shovel and while in use pause and select a bottle, conker does a funny dance for a second. Again not game breaking.
At 13:12 mark - Here is a perfect example of the sound effects that seem not to play at the correct volume level. I took out my SD2SNES and cleaned it and put it back in just to see if the problem was that it didn't have a good connection. I purchased it from, who sells the carts in the USA. I don't have another flashcart so I'll have to think if I have another way of testing this out to see if my cart has a problem or not.
Neither on snes9x nor on bsnes, can't fix, presumably a problem with your sd2snes when enemies are in a room
At 17:33 mark - In this room when you push the block a chest sound happens, but there is no chest that appears.
The sound refers to the the compass (gps) in room SW. You didn't get that in your play. It isn't possible to assign the move block to get chest to a specfic quarter in HM, so I guess moving that block let the chest appear in the other room
At 29:12 mark - There are two bubbles (take away full magic) with glitched graphics when you walk into the room for a few seconds. Can we turn these into fairies or hearts so that the graphics are not glitched.
changed to fairies
At the 1:07:29 mark - Game Breaking Bug.
Let me explain. I managed to get the 1st key of the parallel tower dungeon in the small elf form. Since you cannot progress further in this dungeon in this state I eventually died.
fixed with X disable
Also when storm trooper conker digs with the shovel you see that one tile overlapping on his helmet. I think I have a solution for this. Each character has their own graphics player tileset. So just find that tile i the storm trooper tileset and make it transparent. I believe this fixes that.
If you look closely, this also happens as Conker. It's just not as obvious as the brown of the shovel staff matches nearly Conker's ear color
Fixed by disabling the last frame of the shovel animation
Monologue Stuff:
At the 1:05:32 mark -
Conker wrote:You will have to tell that to Al Lowe.
At the 1:20:41 mark - When exiting the Casino dungeon after beating the boss the game crashed resulting in a black screen.
Here is the part two of the testing. This is Part 2.
My findings:
At the 25:58 mark - I have been wanting to find the cause of the arrow/pebble glitch for some time. It seems as if sometimes you get arrows and other times you get pebbles. At 25.58 I have arrows, but then I died and then at 27:24 I got the correct pebble graphic. Maybe something gets updated when you die that fixes the graphics?
At the 30:50 mark - Game crash, but never mind if you fixed it.
At the 53:12 mark - Game crash, but again never mind if you fixed it. Will retest with hotfix.
At the 47:12 mark - The skull mimick enemy in the lower left corner spawns a little to the left and then at the 56:05 mark the same skull mimick enemy spawns a little to the right. Any reason why this sprite is spawning strangely?
At the 1:23:53 mark - The new hammer graphics look good, but one tile is messed up. It's the tile when the hammer makes contact with the ground. It should look like its flush (flat) against the ground when you hammer the ground. I will get this redrawn.
Things on my remaining wishing well:
Another pose of the fox tail graphic - All tails have two graphics associated with them. A walking North pose and walking East, West pose. Fox tail only has one pose so another one is needed.
New hammer graphic tile when hitting the ground fix.
Bottle guy in Resident Evil dungeon turned into Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil game. Requires dialogue change.
Yes, I also want to move on and finish the project too. Trust me this game has taken a toll on my life. But I have to make sure that I have fulfilled this destiny of mine at the same time.
This is Part 3.
The code is correct, bsnes and snes9x work correctly as far I can tell, appears to be a bug with your sd2snes. If not, nothing I can do here anyways. For now I can only say: you need to live with it. But we watch that, to see whether you are the only person with that issue
We keep it
At 1:17:40 mark - Toad in front of Triforce Shrine says the same message he did at the beginning of the game. I thought he said something else but it was changed to the same message he already said. Hmmm
It's the same sprite, how could he say anything different?
At 1:20:38 mark - In the firerod dungeon or Vattie's dungeon, the entrance to the dungeon is under a waterfall.
Maybe just swap this sprite out with another one.
Puzz was right, (you cannot fall down in a small gap).
Here's my re-design (the perma-stuck is independent from that lamnola, Erock, it happens also without)
This is part 4.
Neither on snes9x nor on bsnes, can't fix, presumably a problem with your sd2snes when enemies are in a room
The sound refers to the the compass (gps) in room SW. You didn't get that in your play. It isn't possible to assign the move block to get chest to a specfic quarter in HM, so I guess moving that block let the chest appear in the other room
changed to fairies
Let me explain. I managed to get the 1st key of the parallel tower dungeon in the small elf form. Since you cannot progress further in this dungeon in this state I eventually died.
fixed with X disable
If you look closely, this also happens as Conker. It's just not as obvious as the brown of the shovel staff matches nearly Conker's ear color
Fixed by disabling the last frame of the shovel animation
Last edited by Erockbrox on Sun 2 Jul 2017 - 18:56; edited 1 time in total
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
- I still even in your (transition version) can get the bunny to get the Triforce metal and enter in Jedi dungeon. I can also obtain the first key in the chest in bunny form similar to the small elf key chest thing. Here is a short video. It's up to you if you want to fix it.
I disabled triforce medal use on bunny
hope this is fixed with Puzz new design
Also please remove the crystal pegswitch in the southbound room in regards to the cursed room. Remember a crystal switch was placed in that south room to try and fix the cursed room, so it needs to be removed.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
SePh refers to dwarf rings as "power" and all 20 rings as "power". To make it differ I changed dwarf rings of Force - otherwise we'd have to change the endings as well. I hope there is no further monologue refering to the hidden dwarf rings
I tested a lot. Now I will work on getting the rest of the graphics changes that I want.
Also for wishing well:
- redesign the two mimmick rooms in parallel tower as they are not fun and not interesting right now.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
you change this to:
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 02 02 02 24 00 00 00 00
Awesome, that helped, thank you!
I also changed this in the following rooms:
This guy was a green mimic, it is now a red, so you do not can harm it by slashing with your sword through the blocks.
This isn't possible anymore as well after I placed a block into the wall.
Also differed red from green mimics:
Can't give another color than lightblue without looking buggy (left red, right green mimic)
That also affects these guys but they look also awesome in lightblue (left red, right green mimic, both are in that clock dungeon present)
As for room 215:
The upper room is also better with a red mimic, but I do not understand the sense of the conveyer belt in the lower room, can you explain what this room is supposed to be?
Last edited by Conn on Thu 6 Jul 2017 - 9:44; edited 1 time in total
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
quite easy:
06/b8f9: 00 -> 01 (makes Ganon vulnerable to L1 attack class)
06/b901: 00 -> 02 (makes Ganon vulnerable to L2 attack class)
disable other attack classes than sword at Ganon
04/7fed: BF 7e ec 06 -> 22 XX XX YY (hook to free rom space)
YY/XXXX (free rom space):
lda $06ec7e,x ;(bf 7e ec 06) repeat native overwritten code
cmp #$01 ;(c9 01) do we have attack class 1?
BEQ $05 (F0 05) yes: branch 5 bytes
cmp #$02 (c9 02) do we have attack class 2?
BEQ $01 (F0 01) yes: branch 1 byte
RTL (6b) else: return
PHA (48) push attack class on stack
lda $0e20 (ad 20 0e) which sprite is in slot 1?
cmp $d6 (c9 d6) is it Ganon?
BEQ $02 (F0 02) yes: branch 2 bytes
PLA (68) else: pull attack class from stack
RTL (6b) return
PLA (68) pull attack class from stack
lda #$0a (A9 0A) overwrite it with magic powder attack class
RTL (6b) resturn
bug fix to avoid peg switches being destroyed:
03/6dc0: bf f1 b8 8d -> 22 xx yy zz (hook)
LDA $0DB8F1,x (BF F1 B8 0D) repeat code
CPX #$08 (E0 08) is it 08 on x
BEQ $05 (F0 05) yes: branch
CPX #$10 (E0 10)
BEQ $01 (F0 01) branch if x=10
RTL (6b) else: return
PHA (48) Accumulator on stack
LDA $0e20 (ad 20 0e) load sprite slot 1
CMP #$d6 (c9 d6) is it Ganon?
BEQ $04 (F0 04) yes: branch 4 bytes
PLA (68) clear stack
lda #$00 (a9 00) restore 00 if not Ganon
RTL (6b) return
PLA (68) restore value on stack
RTL (6b) return
The hook is only valid for y-box items, not swords, so every item with a 01 or 02 attack class (except the sword) is ignored on Ganon (e.g., somaria blast, byrna, sword blast are disabled).
The trick with the magic powder works here as well (I used it already on your peg switch bomb disable if you remember). It has no effect on Ganon (can't give attack class 00 as it is the boomerang).
I also had to manually disable the green force boomerang and goldstar on Ganon, similar to above code
Do not give him lower than A0, as at A0 he begins with stage 2 (jumping)
06/b8f9: 00 -> 01 (makes Ganon vulnerable to L1 attack class)
06/b901: 00 -> 02 (makes Ganon vulnerable to L2 attack class)
disable other attack classes than sword at Ganon
04/7fed: BF 7e ec 06 -> 22 XX XX YY (hook to free rom space)
YY/XXXX (free rom space):
lda $06ec7e,x ;(bf 7e ec 06) repeat native overwritten code
cmp #$01 ;(c9 01) do we have attack class 1?
BEQ $05 (F0 05) yes: branch 5 bytes
cmp #$02 (c9 02) do we have attack class 2?
BEQ $01 (F0 01) yes: branch 1 byte
RTL (6b) else: return
PHA (48) push attack class on stack
lda $0e20 (ad 20 0e) which sprite is in slot 1?
cmp $d6 (c9 d6) is it Ganon?
BEQ $02 (F0 02) yes: branch 2 bytes
PLA (68) else: pull attack class from stack
RTL (6b) return
PLA (68) pull attack class from stack
lda #$0a (A9 0A) overwrite it with magic powder attack class
RTL (6b) resturn
bug fix to avoid peg switches being destroyed:
03/6dc0: bf f1 b8 8d -> 22 xx yy zz (hook)
LDA $0DB8F1,x (BF F1 B8 0D) repeat code
CPX #$08 (E0 08) is it 08 on x
BEQ $05 (F0 05) yes: branch
CPX #$10 (E0 10)
BEQ $01 (F0 01) branch if x=10
RTL (6b) else: return
PHA (48) Accumulator on stack
LDA $0e20 (ad 20 0e) load sprite slot 1
CMP #$d6 (c9 d6) is it Ganon?
BEQ $04 (F0 04) yes: branch 4 bytes
PLA (68) clear stack
lda #$00 (a9 00) restore 00 if not Ganon
RTL (6b) return
PLA (68) restore value on stack
RTL (6b) return
The hook is only valid for y-box items, not swords, so every item with a 01 or 02 attack class (except the sword) is ignored on Ganon (e.g., somaria blast, byrna, sword blast are disabled).
The trick with the magic powder works here as well (I used it already on your peg switch bomb disable if you remember). It has no effect on Ganon (can't give attack class 00 as it is the boomerang).
I also had to manually disable the green force boomerang and goldstar on Ganon, similar to above code
Ganon's HP is at 06/B249: FF
Can you reveal how to do that, since Ganon is otherwise on max health, ie 255 in the sprite editor and his health in general can not be edited.
Do not give him lower than A0, as at A0 he begins with stage 2 (jumping)
Last edited by Conn on Tue 11 Jul 2017 - 10:24; edited 2 times in total
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Okay guys here is the last of the artwork that I want done. Seriously I think its the last.
Bottle (under the bridge guy) turned into Jill.
Monologue change required.
Hammer see how its flush with the ground now. its only that one 8x8 tile.
Conker Tail when he is facing north. This was we have two different versions of the tail.
This is actually the Gannon barrier. It's like a strange face with the other pieces being the end posts. I asked the guy to draw a pig skull and well it kind of looks like an alien skull.
Bottle (under the bridge guy) turned into Jill.
Monologue change required.
Jill wrote:Jill: Oh hey Conker. I'd give you my gun, but then I won't be able to bust a cap in those zombies. Here, take this belt of mine instead.
Hammer see how its flush with the ground now. its only that one 8x8 tile.
Conker Tail when he is facing north. This was we have two different versions of the tail.
This is actually the Gannon barrier. It's like a strange face with the other pieces being the end posts. I asked the guy to draw a pig skull and well it kind of looks like an alien skull.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
I don't even believe it.
This crazy strange obsession with me doing a complete remake of Zelda 3 is basically finally over. I can't believe that this was a dream of mine that turned into a reality.
I've been dreaming of this since 2008. Since I didn't know ASM at the time I actually didn't think that I would ever hack Zelda 3. I tried doing pixel artwork, but it just never really caught on. I'm sure I could do it if I really wanted to. But then I downloaded Hyrule Magic and just started designing things.
Little did I know that by playing with Hyrule magic that this would lead me to become an actual video game designer. My goal was to design a new zelda 3 that would be of ever higher quality than the original. I wanted to make the absolute best Zelda 3 hack in all existence. (which is why I gave thousands of suggestions). I designed for years and years imagining what this dream hack would be like.
Originally I was with the Quest for Calatia project and I sent tons of stuff to Gamemaker, but as we all know, that project is 100% doomed.
Speaking of which and totally out of the blue I just checked GM's website and low and behold, he just freaking updated his site.
But back to reality, his project is still doomed as he is working alone and doesn't seem to want any help here. No offense. He is welcomed here, but nobody here thinks he will finish his project.
If I were him I would do a small overworld with 1 dungeon and that's it and just finish the game. Doing a full hack is next to impossible on your own and everyone agrees upon this. These types of projects will literally break you as a person due to the amount of work involved.
Back to my crazy obsession with this game. The reason I got excited about doing a remake of Zelda 3 was just because it's one of my favorite games of all time and it was important to me when I was young.
Sure you could do a clone game that is 100% original code, but it just wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't feel the same.
This is indeed a very very special project since the talented people involved (you know who you are) are just that, talented people. It is a labor of love and passion. I don't think that we will ever see a Zelda 3 hack on the scale of Conker ever again.
Seph is a master hacker of this game. A unique one of a kind person who literally sacrificed many years of his life making this game. How could you ever find a replacement of Seph?
Originally Seph's hack was kind of generic. But then it eventually turned into something very special. It probably wouldn't have taken so long if he knew exactly what he wanted to make. He literally went though many different versions of the game and probably made 3 hacks worth of material before finalizing things.
I was able to make my dream come true by teaming up with Seph after finally coming to the realization that Quest for Calatia most likely isn't going to happen. It was a hard decision to make at first, but then I knew that it was the right choice.
If I hadn't had made this choice then I would still be waiting 8 more years (or longer) to see this dream happen. And Seph's hack is actually really cool. It's fun and the spoof nature of it works well.
Now I can finally put this dream to rest. Again, I can't believe that I held on to this dream for this long. That is insane. It literally is a major part of my life. Apparently indeed this game meant something to me.
There are just a few rooms in the game that I will be redesigning simply to please myself. But the changes will be minimal. I will need someone to teach me how to open the game with Hyrule Magic and anything else that I might need.
This crazy strange obsession with me doing a complete remake of Zelda 3 is basically finally over. I can't believe that this was a dream of mine that turned into a reality.
I've been dreaming of this since 2008. Since I didn't know ASM at the time I actually didn't think that I would ever hack Zelda 3. I tried doing pixel artwork, but it just never really caught on. I'm sure I could do it if I really wanted to. But then I downloaded Hyrule Magic and just started designing things.
Little did I know that by playing with Hyrule magic that this would lead me to become an actual video game designer. My goal was to design a new zelda 3 that would be of ever higher quality than the original. I wanted to make the absolute best Zelda 3 hack in all existence. (which is why I gave thousands of suggestions). I designed for years and years imagining what this dream hack would be like.
Originally I was with the Quest for Calatia project and I sent tons of stuff to Gamemaker, but as we all know, that project is 100% doomed.
Speaking of which and totally out of the blue I just checked GM's website and low and behold, he just freaking updated his site.
But back to reality, his project is still doomed as he is working alone and doesn't seem to want any help here. No offense. He is welcomed here, but nobody here thinks he will finish his project.
If I were him I would do a small overworld with 1 dungeon and that's it and just finish the game. Doing a full hack is next to impossible on your own and everyone agrees upon this. These types of projects will literally break you as a person due to the amount of work involved.
Back to my crazy obsession with this game. The reason I got excited about doing a remake of Zelda 3 was just because it's one of my favorite games of all time and it was important to me when I was young.
Sure you could do a clone game that is 100% original code, but it just wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't feel the same.
This is indeed a very very special project since the talented people involved (you know who you are) are just that, talented people. It is a labor of love and passion. I don't think that we will ever see a Zelda 3 hack on the scale of Conker ever again.
Seph is a master hacker of this game. A unique one of a kind person who literally sacrificed many years of his life making this game. How could you ever find a replacement of Seph?
Originally Seph's hack was kind of generic. But then it eventually turned into something very special. It probably wouldn't have taken so long if he knew exactly what he wanted to make. He literally went though many different versions of the game and probably made 3 hacks worth of material before finalizing things.
I was able to make my dream come true by teaming up with Seph after finally coming to the realization that Quest for Calatia most likely isn't going to happen. It was a hard decision to make at first, but then I knew that it was the right choice.
If I hadn't had made this choice then I would still be waiting 8 more years (or longer) to see this dream happen. And Seph's hack is actually really cool. It's fun and the spoof nature of it works well.
Now I can finally put this dream to rest. Again, I can't believe that I held on to this dream for this long. That is insane. It literally is a major part of my life. Apparently indeed this game meant something to me.
There are just a few rooms in the game that I will be redesigning simply to please myself. But the changes will be minimal. I will need someone to teach me how to open the game with Hyrule Magic and anything else that I might need.
Last edited by Erockbrox on Mon 10 Jul 2017 - 20:43; edited 3 times in total
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Erobrocks, the monologues were programmatically changed to not be changed in Hyrule Magic to avoid last minute changes. The data even contains old monologues from the Parallel Universe build and fragmented entries.
Mr.x- Fluteboy
- Since : 2014-04-10
Re: New playthroughs & testing
conn wrote:As for room 215:
but I do not understand the sense of the conveyer belt in the lower room, can you explain what this room is supposed to be?
I also do not understand the conveyer belt here which is why I want it changed. I think Seph misinterpreted my design.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
; same as above, I cannot give a sprite another palette. You need to get somebody advanced in HM. I am not.
You don't need to use another palette. You just need to replace the graphics.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
He didn't misinterpret it, it's challenging. He only gave the wrong mimic (that red one, which can only be shot was needed) - I fixed the room. You now must stand on the belt so that the mimic doesn't move while you get transported on the belt to shoot him.I also do not understand the conveyer belt here which is why I want it changed. I think Seph misinterpreted my design.
No, it won't look so good, here you see the colors used:You don't need to use another palette. You just need to replace the graphics.
Find somebody who can do this for you and release 1.3 or learn it yourself. You study MATH! You should have the IQ for this; I do not have time anymore.
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
There's a chat. Zarby89 is a sprite expert.
Mr.x- Fluteboy
- Since : 2014-04-10
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Okay you mean Jill has to have those colors? So we can use the Jill graphic, but only with these colors you have shown me?
Also I'm testing the new rom. There is one thing so far I found. If you enter retro dungeon, the room right before the first mimic room there is a pegswitch. You can hit the pegswitch and it gets killed like its an enemy.
seems as if all crystal pegswitches get killed like enemies when hit with sword.
Also I'm testing the new rom. There is one thing so far I found. If you enter retro dungeon, the room right before the first mimic room there is a pegswitch. You can hit the pegswitch and it gets killed like its an enemy.
seems as if all crystal pegswitches get killed like enemies when hit with sword.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
oh my....
*lol, the pegswitch use the same hit table as Ganon. Making Ganon vulnerable to l1 sword it makes also peg switch vulnerable.
If you make the barrier better (recolor), I may include that as well.
*lol, the pegswitch use the same hit table as Ganon. Making Ganon vulnerable to l1 sword it makes also peg switch vulnerable.
If you make the barrier better (recolor), I may include that as well.
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
But you never made a Zelda3 hack, you didn't even make a single complete dungeon or an overworld area, just some ideas of rooms, which were pretty much trivial. This essentially is SePH's game.Erock wrote:
This crazy strange obsession with me doing a complete remake of Zelda 3 is basically finally over. I can't believe that this was a dream of mine that turned into a reality.
Erock wrote:
Little did I know that by playing with Hyrule magic that this would lead me to become an actual video game designer. My goal was to design a new zelda 3 that would be of ever higher quality than the original.
This is false all the way. One You tube user called the Conker hack as "garbage hack", "most juvnile shit ever", "retarded authors", "SePH and Euclid regressed with this game" etc. While your name/involvement in the game is not metioned.erock wrote:
I wanted to make the absolute best Zelda 3 hack in all existence. (which is why I gave thousands of suggestions). I designed for years and years imagining what this dream hack would be like.
So what you wanted to be perfect and quality game is actually "the worst hack ever" according to some. (PS. They just hate Conker or spoofs).
Gamemakr doesn'k know when his projects are dead. Specially the text I wrote in bald is funny and false. Qalatia is a fine example how to work on a game for 20 years, without actually working on it or finishing anything.Gamemakr wrote:
This is by far the longest I’ve gone without making any progress. Even my wife was asking today, “Are you ever going to work on that again?” I assured her that I am, and I assure you as well, though I can’t blame you for doubting.
This basically tells everything about you.Erock wrote:
I will need someone to teach me how to open the game with Hyrule Magic and anything else that I might need.
You said this was your project and that you worked on it for 8 years (quote from RHDN), yet you can not even open it in an editor.
I explained the belt. It's there to transport Conker without moving his legs, so that the Mimic doesn't move, to be able to hit him later.Erock wrote:
I also do not understand the conveyer belt here which is why I want it changed. I think Seph misinterpreted my design.
Nice work. Also Conn, no need to remove the posts. You know there is basically nothing much to do left (Jill, pegswitch, and anything gamebreaking of the testing of 1.22). Let Erock take over if the game means so much to him... if he will ever figuere out how to open it in HM for editing.Conn wrote:
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Puzz, this makes no sense, Erock is expert in repressing complains about him. His obsession affected gamemakr, SePH and from time to time also me. Erock will just ignore what you said and keeps on... and on... and on.
Puzz, this is a local meaning, don't ever take it global:
Anyways, I fixed the peg stuff as it renders the game unbeatable:
03/6dc0: bf f1 b8 8d -> 22 xx yy zz (hook)
LDA $0DB8F1,x (BF F1 B8 0D) repeat code
CPX #$08 (E0 08) is it 08 on x
BEQ $05 (F0 05) yes: branch
CPX #$10 (E0 10)
BEQ $01 (F0 01) branch if x=10
RTL (6b) else: return
PHA (48) Accumulator on stack
LDA $0e20 (ad 20 0e) load sprite slot 1
CMP #$d6 (c9 d6) is it Ganon?
BEQ $04 (F0 04) yes: branch 4 bytes
PLA (68) clear stack
lda #$00 (a9 00) restore 00 if not Ganon
RTL (6b) return
PLA (68) restore value on stack
RTL (6b) return
This must be added to the code posted at Ganon above to avoid the pegswitch bug
Yes, this is a problem you already had with RM. There are some idiots who see this patch as garbage, a shitstorm emerges, and no one dares to give positive critique anymore to not draw the shitstorm on him.This is false all the way. One You tube user called the Conker hack as "garbage hack", "most juvnile shit ever", "retarded authors", "SePH and Euclid regressed with this game" etc. While your name/involvement in the game is not metioned.
Puzz, this is a local meaning, don't ever take it global:
I’ve played a number of great Zelda ALTTP hacks, but this one is really something special. Many times in my playthrough I couldn’t help but pause and just shake my head in disbelief.
This hack has a huge amount of flexibility, to appeal to users that want to just complete the game ASAP, and to those who want to take on the many optional challenges to earn special items and 100% it.
As the description states, this is not nearly as frustrating as Parallel Worlds. However, you better show up to the boss fights with full health and fairies, as they are a bit more difficult than vanilla ALTTP.
Do yourself a favor and go play this right away! GO!
This is easily the best rom hack I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. Even if the corny humor is not for you, the dungeons, puzzles, items, everything here is just amazing and enjoyable from start to finish. I even took the time to 100% the game and nab every little treasure and heart piece (DNA Fragment) from every nook and cranny.
There’s just a ton of optional content to find and do, from crazy hard puzzles, to multi-layered dungeons full of optional loot and multiple endings. I was just floored by all the work put into this.
If you’re even a tiny bit of a Link To The Past fan, you owe it to yourself to play this fantastic hack.
Anyways, I fixed the peg stuff as it renders the game unbeatable:
03/6dc0: bf f1 b8 8d -> 22 xx yy zz (hook)
LDA $0DB8F1,x (BF F1 B8 0D) repeat code
CPX #$08 (E0 08) is it 08 on x
BEQ $05 (F0 05) yes: branch
CPX #$10 (E0 10)
BEQ $01 (F0 01) branch if x=10
RTL (6b) else: return
PHA (48) Accumulator on stack
LDA $0e20 (ad 20 0e) load sprite slot 1
CMP #$d6 (c9 d6) is it Ganon?
BEQ $04 (F0 04) yes: branch 4 bytes
PLA (68) clear stack
lda #$00 (a9 00) restore 00 if not Ganon
RTL (6b) return
PLA (68) restore value on stack
RTL (6b) return
This must be added to the code posted at Ganon above to avoid the pegswitch bug
Last edited by Conn on Tue 11 Jul 2017 - 13:40; edited 1 time in total
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Puzzledude wrote:But you never made a Zelda3 hack, you didn't even make a single complete dungeon or an overworld area, just some ideas of rooms, which were pretty much trivial. This essentially is SePH's game.Erock wrote:
This crazy strange obsession with me doing a complete remake of Zelda 3 is basically finally over. I can't believe that this was a dream of mine that turned into a reality.
Basically, Erobrocks is too lazy to make his own Zelda hack, so he piggybacked on SePH's.
Piggybacking, a practice in which a person with bad credit uses the seasoned trade line of credit of someone else
Mr.x- Fluteboy
- Since : 2014-04-10
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Alright, I posted the new version
- fixed the peg switches
- added Erock's last stuff. Erock, if you bring up more, I'll ignore it.
I will only fix bugs from now on.
Download the new patch:
Hack v1.2.2 Download: (repatched: July, 11th 2017)
- fixed the peg switches
- added Erock's last stuff. Erock, if you bring up more, I'll ignore it.
I will only fix bugs from now on.
Download the new patch:
Hack v1.2.2 Download: (repatched: July, 11th 2017)
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Yes, thankfully some users respect what we do and gave a positive review, but Erock's idea of making a perfect hack is an illusion. I still think the Conker hack will not be matched technically (ASM, GFX etc), however a lot of players might still think a "regular" future ALTTP hack can be better, simply because it is more Zelda-fitting.Yes, this is a problem you already had with RM. There are some idiots who see this patch as garbage, a shitstorm emerges, and no one dares to give positive critique anymore to not draw the shitstorm on him.
Puzz, this is a local meaning, don't ever take it global:
I hope superskuj will stream the v1.2.2 again and find the last bugs (if any), so you can wrap this up.I will only fix bugs from now on.
Puzzledude- Since : 2012-06-20
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Frankly, I had preferred also a more Zelda-ish hack; the middle-age atmosphere, a better red-threaded storyline, mystic and so on. SePH was in a phase where he wanted to stuff all his favorite movies and games (and hockey sport team only he can know) into one game
But I am more than happy with the result: the technique is fantastic (hdma, msu, items, graphics...), and if somebody is willing to be taken away by a nasty little squirrel, the game is a blockbuster! We can be proud on what we've accomplished
As for lifestream, I do not have time to watch 10 hours anyway, so I am happy if he just lists the issues.
But I am more than happy with the result: the technique is fantastic (hdma, msu, items, graphics...), and if somebody is willing to be taken away by a nasty little squirrel, the game is a blockbuster! We can be proud on what we've accomplished
I pm:ed him. Do not dare to ask Erock as he surely finds dozends further bugs (though he really should be happy now that I included all his wishes).I hope superskuj will stream the v1.2.2 again and find the last bugs (if any), so you can wrap this up.
As for lifestream, I do not have time to watch 10 hours anyway, so I am happy if he just lists the issues.
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: New playthroughs & testing
I don't think I have any more suggestions with this game.
I will however change just a few rooms again to make myself happy. My own Erock Version.
Also I have read several negative comments about me here and I don't appreciate it. We should all have some sort of mutual respect for each other. We belong to a very special and small group of people who hack this game.
And yes I want this game to be over and done.
I will however change just a few rooms again to make myself happy. My own Erock Version.
Also I have read several negative comments about me here and I don't appreciate it. We should all have some sort of mutual respect for each other. We belong to a very special and small group of people who hack this game.
And yes I want this game to be over and done.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Testing newest version out on sd2snes and when i got the sling shot i got pebbels. YES!
Okay I made it to the Jill part, but I have one quirk with it. When she gives the bottle up her animation looks a little choppy. As if the graphics doesn't align correctly in that pose.
Also I asked my artist if he could recolor jill with the color pallett you gave me conn. See if it looks better.
if you could just change the colors to the one the artist did. he did an amazing job with it. thanks.
Okay I made it to the Jill part, but I have one quirk with it. When she gives the bottle up her animation looks a little choppy. As if the graphics doesn't align correctly in that pose.
Also I asked my artist if he could recolor jill with the color pallett you gave me conn. See if it looks better.
if you could just change the colors to the one the artist did. he did an amazing job with it. thanks.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
I like how the mimicks are now two different colors just like with the rocklops. im really liking this.
okay wait a sec. I just played clock tower dungeon and there are two different colors for the robots (rocklops) and yet both of them were invincible to my sword. I thought different colors meant the different types. one of them you can actually kill with you sword.
okay wait a sec. I just played clock tower dungeon and there are two different colors for the robots (rocklops) and yet both of them were invincible to my sword. I thought different colors meant the different types. one of them you can actually kill with you sword.
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
Re: New playthroughs & testing
Also this room was changed to have hookshot through the spikes. I honestly don't think that the spikes make it any better. if you try and hookshot and hit a wall bubble it just blocks you.
Here this is it. use this.
Here this is it. use this.
Last edited by Erockbrox on Wed 12 Jul 2017 - 0:15; edited 1 time in total
Erockbrox- Since : 2013-02-05
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