Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Sun 6 Aug 2017 - 23:03

Good evening I am new here I come to report that I just discovered a very strange bug is about about the parallel tower the last floor is that when I stroll around in the vicinity on the empty holes in Sheik's Hideout Dungeons so I went out of the dungeons to the 2nd Ice World and so go for a shortcut via the basement and then here is the bug transitions LW/DW Icy
Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Attachment
The Legend of Zelda, The - Parallel Worlds - v1.23000.png You don't have permission to download attachments.(19 Kb) Downloaded 10 times

Last edited by KevinLD1919 on Mon 7 Aug 2017 - 5:36; edited 1 time in total


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Sun 6 Aug 2017 - 23:07

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le10


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Puzzledude Mon 7 Aug 2017 - 6:53

Your english is too poor and the explanation too unconnected and without sence, to actually figuere out what you did to experience the problem.

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Mon 7 Aug 2017 - 23:08

Good evening do you think there is a possibility to solve the bug on the top floor at Parallel Tower? Did qwertymodo publish a last patch by disabling access to the first world from the 2nd world that the game does not allow to access this level?

PS: Excuse me if my English is bad and a little understandable but I do my best to write


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Mon 7 Aug 2017 - 23:12

Is it possible that I get a clean hand patch?
That I'm free to patch it myself if it's possible to do it
Do you already have a post that is similar to other old post but other players?


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Mon 7 Aug 2017 - 23:13

The version I have Parallel World: v12.3


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by qwertymodo Tue 8 Aug 2017 - 3:17

I'm sorry, we're not trying to be rude, but we are completely unable to understand what it is that you are trying to report. What is your native language? Perhaps we can find somebody who is able to translate more clearly for you.

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Puzzledude Tue 8 Aug 2017 - 7:08

The version I have Parallel World: v12.3
There is no 12th version, the version is 1.23.

Good evening do you think there is a possibility to solve the bug on the top floor at Parallel Tower?
Did qwertymodo publish a last patch by disabling access to the first world from the 2nd world that the game does not allow to access this level?
There is no bug on top of the Parallel Tower. What you experienced is the Light/Dark world flag glitch, which is easy to solve, but such a situation can never happen in PW, since all entrances from the light world enter and exit in light world and the same for ice world.

Perhaps we can find somebody who is able to translate more clearly for you.
I think making a simple video or some more screenshots would do.

Last edited by Puzzledude on Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 7:30; edited 1 time in total

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Wed 9 Aug 2017 - 22:48

It is in this room that there was a bug one would have said that he missed 8x8 tile
Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le11


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Wed 9 Aug 2017 - 22:50

disabling a bg2 on Snes9x
Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le12 at the last floor


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Wed 9 Aug 2017 - 22:52

There is not a way to solve this glitch by adding an 8x8 tile on PW?
In Hex? Or I can locate the data / values in hex about this room?


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Wed 9 Aug 2017 - 23:00

That's what I'm trying to talk to you about while crossing some dungeons / rooms by the top floor bedroom of the parallel tower
Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le13


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Wed 9 Aug 2017 - 23:03

And here I am in the second world / ice yet I was in the parallel tower of the first world is impossible since the code does not allow to do this kind of inter-world operation connected
Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le14


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Conn Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 6:11

If I understand you correctly, in this room the wall tiles are missing:

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le12

Thus you were able to walk into screens you are not allowed to and enter the icy world in a way you shouldn't and the game therefore glitches.

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Puzzledude Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 7:35

Thank you for explaining this KevinLD.

Indeed this IS the problem, but it is not on the last floor of Parallel Tower, this is floor 7.

But the problem is not really light-ice world flag glitch, the actual bug is going "out of bounds" in indoor room 155 (floor 7 of Parallel Tower). Since there must always be a bg1 wall under indoor bridges inserted on layer-2 (thus bg2).

And indeed this is easy fixable with dungeon editing. Will post a hex fix soon.

Do note: all versions of PW have this problem, but no one noticed since this pretty much is a dead-end room.

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Puzzledude Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 9:24

Ok, I have fixed the room 155 problem:

room starts at 119A67 with block length EC.

Thus old room is (old code)
31 08 38 6E FE 98 20 BC 17 50 C3 3F 50 C3 5C 3D 96 5C 4D BD 17 2C C3 3F 2C C3 5C 35 BD 30 95 3D FC E9 39 FE 56 88 FE 5A 09 FE 9A 0D FF 42 CF FF 72 CB A4 2D 63 C4 5D 04 B5 1C 03 31 BC A4 31 D1 28 A2 B1 69 C6 6C 69 E1 4A 69 A1 1D 69 A1 48 69 E3 9B 69 A3 E1 22 D4 98 22 94 64 22 94 B0 22 D4 6C 22 A3 49 22 C5 86 22 A3 3F 22 A4 4F 63 D1 AC 64 A4 B3 63 95 78 63 B5 6D 64 D0 4E 64 21 AC E5 FE 96 8C FF 71 CA FE 91 C8 B4 D3 04 C4 9D 03 FE D5 CF FE D9 CE FF 49 CA FF 4D 0B FE 9D 09 FF 45 CB 20 B6 E4 28 D4 E6 32 D4 E6 C4 5F F9 FF 19 F1 50 AE E3 39 AC E5 FF FF 32 BD C3 3F 2C C3 17 2C C3 3F 50 C3 17 50 C3 FF FF AB 1D C6 D0 4D C6 A6 58 C6 A6 4C C6 96 6B C6 D0 A3 C6 A6 A3 C6 F0 FF 62 36 00 00 02 18 22 00 82 00 FF FF

And the debugged room is (debugged code)
31 08 38 6E FE 98 20 BC 17 50 C3 3F 50 C3 5C 3D 96 5C 4D BD 17 2C C3 3F 2C C3 5C 35 BD 30 95 3D FC E9 39 FE 56 88 FE 5A 09 FE 9A 0D FF 42 CF FF 72 CB A4 2D 63 C4 5D 04 B5 1C 03 31 BC A4 31 D1 28 A2 B1 69 C6 6C 69 E1 4A 69 A1 1D 69 A1 48 69 E3 9B 69 A3 E1 22 C5 98 22 94 64 22 94 B0 22 C5 6C 22 A3 49 22 78 D8 C0 A3 3F 22 A4 4F 63 D1 AC 64 A4 B3 63 95 78 63 B5 6D 64 D0 4E 64 21 AC E5 FE 96 8C FF 71 CA FE 91 C8 B4 D3 04 C4 9D 03 FE D5 CF FE D9 CE FF 49 CA FF 4D 0B FE 9D 09 FF 45 CB 20 B6 E4 28 D4 E6 32 D4 E6 78 E8 C0 78 D8 C0 50 AE E3 39 AC E5 FF FF 32 BD C3 3F 2C C3 17 2C C3 3F 50 C3 17 50 C3 FF FF AB 1D C6 D0 4D C6 A6 58 C6 A6 4C C6 96 6B C6 D0 A3 C6 A6 A3 C6 F0 FF 62 36 00 00 02 18 22 00 82 00 FF FF

So open the rom in a hex editor. Rom must not have a header. Go to 119A67 address and copy paste the new code in (debugged code) using ctrl+B, which is paste+overwrite.

Main problem was this: can not insert new objects in PW on bg2 in this room since no one already existed on bg2 in this room, thus I choose this solution which prevents the player to go to lower level. If you want to add new element to block the area under the bridge, you need to repoint the room to another address, where you have more space.

Last edited by Puzzledude on Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 9:40; edited 2 times in total

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Puzzledude Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 9:34

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Edit_r10

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by qwertymodo Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 14:32

Thanks for tracking that down Puzzledude.  Turns out, you can actually keep the room unchanged visually and logically because there are two redundant tiles on BG1, specifically the wall tiles underneath the ladders.  Removing those gives you the room to add the necessary BG2 walls.  The ladders still function correctly, and there is no visible difference because you can't actually see those walls anyway.


B5 1C 03 31 BC A4 31 D1 28 A2 B1 69 C6 6C 69 E1 4A 69 A1 1D 69 A1 48 69 E3 9B 69 A3 E1 22 D4 98 22 94 64 22 94 B0 22 D4 6C 22 A3 49 22 C5 86 22 A3 3F 22 A4 4F 63 D1 AC 64 A4 B3 63 95 78 63 B5 6D 64 D0 4E 64 21 AC E5 FE 96 8C FF 71 CA FE 91 C8 B4 D3 04 FE D5 CF FE D9 CE FF 49 CA FF 4D 0B FE 9D 09 FF 45 CB 20 B6 E4 28 D4 E6 32 D4 E6 C4 5F F9 FF 19 F1 50 AE E3 39 AC E5 FF FF A4 3E 61 D0 3E 62

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by Puzzledude Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 16:26

Thanks for tracking that down Puzzledude.  Turns out, you can actually keep the room unchanged visually and logically because there are two redundant tiles on BG1, specifically the wall tiles underneath the ladders.  Removing those gives you the room to add the necessary BG2 walls.  The ladders still function correctly, and there is no visible difference because you can't actually see those walls anyway.
Nice, even better. I didn't notice those.

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 17:24

The solution operated by changing from the old codes 119A67 (rom without-header) of 31 08 38 6E FE 98 20 BC 17 50 C3 3F 50 C3 5C 3D 96 5C 4D BD 17 2C C3 3F 2C C3 5C 35 BD 30 95 3D FC E9 39 FE 56 88 FE 5A 09 FE 9A 0D FF 42 CF FF 72 CB A4 2D 63 C4 5D 04 B5 1C 03 31 BC A4 31 D1 28 A2 B1 69 C6 6C 69 E1 4A 69 A1 1D 69 A1 48 69 E3 9B 69 A3 E1 22 D4 98 22 94 64 22 94 B0 22 D4 6C 22 A3 49 22 C5 86 22 A3 3F 22 A4 4F 63 D1 AC 64 A4 B3 63 95 78 63 B5 6D 64 D0 4E 64 21 AC E5 FE 96 8C FF 71 CA FE 91 C8 B4 D3 04 C4 9D 03 FE D5 CF FE D9 CE FF 49 CA FF 4D 0B FE 9D 09 FF 45 CB 20 B6 E4 28 D4 E6 32 D4 E6 C4 5F F9 FF 19 F1 50 AE E3 39 AC E5 FF FF 32 BD C3 3F 2C C3 17 2C C3 3F 50 C3 17 50 C3 FF FF AB 1D C6 D0 4D C6 A6 58 C6 A6 4C C6 96 6B C6 D0 A3 C6 A6 A3 C6 F0 FF 62 36 00 00 02 18 22 00 82 00 FF FF

and the new hex code
31 08 38 6E FE 98 20 BC 17 50 C3 3F 50 C3 5C 3D 96 5C 4D BD 17 2C C3 3F 2C C3 5C 35 BD 30 95 3D FC E9 39 FE 56 88 FE 5A 09 FE 9A 0D FF 42 CF FF 72 CB A4 2D 63 C4 5D 04 B5 1C 03 31 B C A4 31 D1 28 A2 B1 69 C6 6C 69 E1 4A 69 A1 1D 69 A1 48 69 E3 9B 69 A3 E1 22 C5 98 22 94 64 22 94 B0 22 C5 6C 22 A3 49 22 78 D8 C0 A3 3F 22 A4 4F 63 D1 AC 64 A4 B3 63 95 78 63 B5 6D 64 D0 4E 64 21 AC E5 FE 96 8C FF 71 CA FE 91 C8 B4 D3 04 C4 9D 03 FE D5 CF FE D9 CE FF 49 CA FF 4D 0B FE 9D 09 FF 45 CB 20 B6 E4 28 D4 E6 32 D4 E6 78 E8 C0 78 D8 C0 50 AE E3 39 AC E5 FF FF 32 BD C3 3F 2C C3 17 2C C3 3F 50 C3 17 50 C3 FF FF AB 1D C6 D0 4D C6 A6 58 C6 A6 4C C6 96 6B C6 D0 A3 C6 A6 A3 C6 F0 FF 62 36 00 00 02 18 22 00 82 00 FF FF


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 17:25

Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 The_le15


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 17:28

Thank you to you luckily that I am not the only one to see meet this problem in room 155


Since : 2017-08-06

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Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3 Empty Re: Bug discovered on Parallel World v12.3

Post by KevinLD1919 Thu 10 Aug 2017 - 17:32

For the moment I do not notice other bugs on the dungeons/caves
Except that the part of the church that leads the player to go in that level but that cause a glitch of GFX but that was solved and close a patch v1.23 by Qwertymodo


Since : 2017-08-06

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