A Link to the Past revamped

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A Link to the Past revamped Empty A Link to the Past revamped

Hackers and play testers needed: currently in the works is an open world hack, but I could use some help for a more unique level design that is similar, but has some re-designed rooms to add a more non-linear, yet surprising experience. a mini-dungeon has been added, and the cane of somaria can now pierce several enemies that can nly be killed with specific items. several items have become optional such as the pegasus boots, tian's mitt, the magic rods and medallions, and the silver arrows (excluding the Ganon damage glitch). the objective is to give more choices in the dungeon and less non-looping backtracking in dungeons. the moon pearl has been relocated to avoid revisiting the tower of hera if forgotten, but some changes are needed.

the two RNG based heart pieces won from mini-games need to be removed, the overlay to hyrule castle's doors getting locked is gone so the ether medallion bug needs to be fixed, the optional heart containers from bosses also needs to be patched, and a few other changes that could make the game more interesting. changes that i request: desert temple and the tower of hera need to have a more intricate layout, but still focus on the item independent puzzles.

if anyone is going to make changes be sure not to add unintended design choices such as bomb jumps and other glitch exploits.  the whole objective is to make the game feel more free, while making the level design more balanced and unique.  what needs to be changed are the entrances that can use the somaria block for weighted switches unless the bug is fixed, key items that are required must be used in the dungeon they are obtained, even if it is just once. all dungeons must have one optional key and optional rooms.
A Link to the Past revamped Attachment
zelda3revamp patch.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(125 Kb) Downloaded 33 times

Since : 2015-01-04

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A Link to the Past revamped :: Comments


Post Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 12:32 by MattyXB

Hello, I start play this Hack and finish first Dungeon (not right side yet). Then I go to the Swamp place LW where you must pull the switch to release the Water and this happen.

A Link to the Past revamped YyAowIn

It ring 2 times (not only one time like normal) and the complete room filled with water, next room also. Confused
But you walk still normal in the water and seems only a graphical glitch.
After leave and reenter it was normal.

PS: I used USA Rom no Header, not sure if this is the correct here, but seems to work fine until this graphic glitch.
Emulator: Snes9X v1.55 for Windows

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Post Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 13:02 by Puzzledude

It ring 2 times (not only one time like normal) and the complete room filled with water, next room also. Confused
But you walk still normal in the water and seems only a graphical glitch.
After leave and reenter it was normal.
This is a very known bug, which is usual for all ALTTP hacks. There is a hex fix for it, but sometimes not even this fix works, this is why some more polished hacks just deactivate this water-channel-feature when the lever is pulled.

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Post Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 16:50 by wizzrobemaster

strangely I have seen this bug occur sometimes and other times it does not occur. fortunately, it is the only case of this happening so i would let it go. if someone wants to hex it or remove the water channel (although this will defeat the gimmick of the water shrine), then by all means do it. be on the lookout for any tile set inconsistencies or paths that seem off. I was working on a test hack where I moved a cave entrance near the potion shop but it required the flippers. I had to change some of the water fall tiles.

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Post Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 17:09 by wizzrobemaster

I forgot to add in the description that I made text edits. unfortunately i do not have the program to rename the flute to ocarina on the menu screen.  hints are also changed and the text is closer to the original text. palaces are called temples and references to death being edited are restored.

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Post Sun 19 Nov 2017 - 18:44 by Puzzledude

unfortunately i do not have the program to rename the flute to ocarina on the menu screen
LoL, you don't need a program for this. This is done in hex and the process is explained in the compendium. Xaser and Spane even decoded the entire menu before the compendium was made. And Redscorpion even before that, as this is necessary when translating hacks into their language.

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Post Mon 20 Nov 2017 - 7:49 by wizzrobemaster

so other things to point out is that the sword beam's damage class is 2, the cane of somaria missile i recall is now 2 while the block does piercing damage (strangely this can destroy small blade traps). I used some of the bug fixes such as the mothula damage bug. I recall that the book of mudora can warp away beamos (although some complications might occur).

i want to have the menu of 24 items, but honestly, i'd rather have this added after the edits are made. i need to post some over world photos of edits i made on other test hacks. the ice rod patch can be applied if it is safe to use.

i mentioned that the overlay for misery mire needs to be removed. i was able to remove it in another rom copy, but unfortunately, i discovered a corrupted room that causes HM to crash when i try to access it. unless the cane of somaria bug fix is applied, which i recall a patch was posted, i recommend removing any weighted switches from dungeon entrances. also i noticed that some of the short cuts will make the dungeons way too short.

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Post Mon 20 Nov 2017 - 8:22 by wizzrobemaster

here is an edit i made on a test hack. the entrance leads to death mountain's south east corner. i wanted to move it for a more consistent path way.

A Link to the Past revamped Legend10

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Post Tue 21 Nov 2017 - 15:51 by MattyXB

Not sure if I done something wrong. But the Warp next to LW TR is always a "Mirrorbonk" back, because at the DW TR side is a black skull. So this Warp is complete useless. Or have I miss something?  Confused

wizzrobemaster wrote:the two RNG based heart pieces won from mini-games need to be removed,
PS: Also how many Heart Pieces in this hack? I already got 20 full Hearts and found now the next Heart Piece. Piece of Heart
Now I understand, there are 2 heart pieces more in this hack. It seems I miss one. XD

PSS: Complete the hack now, feels easy and good choices in Dungeons. Not so much backtracking and different ways for some Bosses. Game feels much easier now. Good start so far. Very Happy

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Post Tue 21 Nov 2017 - 16:36 by wizzrobemaster

So, I need the hex address to disable the heart piece in the digging game and I plan on removing the treasure chest mini-game in the DW because I loathe luck based missions required for 100% completions.  also this patch might have more issues than a more developed one i worked on, but unfortunately, i mentioned that the spectacle rock exit that leads to the tower of hera was corrupted.  skull woods became too easy and some of the dungeons could use more circular backtracking for puzzle design.  also, i removed the overlay in HC so that way there are no missables, but I advise not returning to Agahnim's room because of the Ether bug.

Update: fixed the tile set by the TR warp. thanks for letting me know about this over sight.

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Post Tue 21 Nov 2017 - 20:10 by Conn

With digging I can help as I traced that already:

My notes:
0E/FD7A: 8F FD - nothing - Before it was 90 FD: get Heart Piece, but a chance of 1:8 to dig it up randomly is odd.
So, changing 0e/fd7a: 90 -> 8f might do the job

I never took care about the chest game though, much luck on that.

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Post Wed 22 Nov 2017 - 7:41 by wizzrobemaster

I am going to delete it. if i find a cave that has multiple exits, but only needs one, then i will change it. i removed an item shop because it felt redundant and i needed to use it for Sahasrahla's house. anyway, i am going to add another image from a test hack to give an idea of how i want to change the tower of hera. i want to add some puzzles similr to eagle's tower in link's awakening where you must fall in a specific hole. of course, i would need to make sure the landing spot is large enough not to have issues with getting stuck.

anyway, if anyone wants to edit the hack and post images please let me know of list what should be fixed or more suggestions on to make the levels more interesting. i want to keep a non-linear dungeon design but with interesting puzzles and obstacles. i might also plan on using conn's item patch so that way there is more variety on dungeon items. one idea i also have is to add a secret cave that requires the shovel to enter.

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Post Wed 22 Nov 2017 - 8:10 by wizzrobemaster

A Link to the Past revamped Legend12
A Link to the Past revamped Legend13
A Link to the Past revamped Legend11

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Post Sat 25 Nov 2017 - 9:55 by wizzrobemaster

as an update, I would like this hack to have the auto-magic refill like in PW and if anyone can use hyrule add ons, I would like to see a more balanced damage scaling such as bottomless taking away half a heart.

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Post Sat 16 Dec 2017 - 9:29 by wizzrobemaster

I need some suggestions on how I can get the moon pearl to be unskippable where it must be obtained to advance through a dungeon while concealing the dark world map. also i want to remove the introduction but still have it that Zelda must be rescued and the dungeon item obtained is needed to get to the master sword.

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Post Sat 16 Dec 2017 - 9:57 by Puzzledude

also i want to remove the introduction but still have it that Zelda must be rescued
That's not happening, since if you skip the intro/beginning, the game assumes Zelda is rescued.

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Post Sat 16 Dec 2017 - 12:13 by Conn

You really should read MoN's docs! Most of your questions are answered there:

All ram adresses are addressed to $7ef, (e.,g 7ef-3c5)

Progress Indicator (value, not bitwise)
$3C5: $0: Unset, Will put Link in his bed state at the beginning of the game. (Also can't use sword or shield)
   $1: You have a sword and start in the castle on start up.  
     $2: Indicates you have completed the first Hyrule Castle dungeon.
     $3: Indicates you have beaten Agahnim and are now searching for crystals.
     $4 and above: meaningless. Though, you could write code using them to expand the event system perhaps.

$3CC[0x01] - (Tagalong)
   Tagalong Indicator (who is following you, if anyone?) (value based)
   Note: Don't use a value of 0x0F or larger here, as it will likely crash
   the game.
   0x00 - Tagalong disabled
   0x01 - Princess Zelda
   0x02 - ???
   0x03 - ???
   0x04 - Old Man?
   0x05 - Zelda (invisible) bitching at you about coming to rescue her.
   0x06 - Blind masquerading as a Maiden
   0x07 - Missing Dwarf (smithyfrog as I call him) in DW
   0x08 - Missing Dwarf in LW
   0x09 - Middle Aged Guy w/ Sign
   0x0A - Kiki the monkey
   0x0B - ???
   0x0C - Thief's chest
   0x0D - Super Bomb
   0x0E - Activated in reaction to acquiring the Master Sword. Used
          to trigger a telepathic message from Zelda indicating that Agahnim's
          goons have come for her at Sanctuary.

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Post Sat 16 Dec 2017 - 22:46 by wizzrobemaster

so the best option would be to delete the Zelda sprite when starting at part two.

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Post Sun 17 Dec 2017 - 6:23 by Puzzledude

wizzrobemaster wrote:so the best option would be to delete the Zelda sprite when starting at part two.
She will not show up in part two even if you insert the sprite.

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Post Sun 17 Dec 2017 - 7:35 by Conn

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Post Sun 17 Dec 2017 - 10:29 by wizzrobemaster

Puzzledude wrote:
wizzrobemaster wrote:so the best option would be to delete the Zelda sprite when starting at part two.
She will not show up in part two even if you insert the sprite.

I used a starter patch that I found on romhacking that SunGodPortal uploaded. I found the patch from the compendium link.

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Post Sun 31 Dec 2017 - 4:56 by wizzrobemaster

Should I share information about this patch on romhacking? Could that draw more attention?

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Post Sun 31 Dec 2017 - 7:42 by wizzrobemaster

Okay, so the Flute to Ocarina is 5E 25 52 25 50 25 61 25 58 25 5D 25 50 25 from address 6F579-6F586. Those values need to be replaced with the ones I posted.

I am sure some of you already know this, but for those who do not or want an easy access to change it, then these are the values.

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