How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES?

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How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES? Empty How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES?

Post by Señor Ventura Sun 17 Dec 2017 - 9:24


As all we know, listening a tracklist from the emulator is louder than since the SD2SNES, but, the question is, How much is the difference in dB?, How much it penalizes?.

Thank you.

Señor Ventura

How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES? Image110

Since : 2017-11-28

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How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES? Empty Re: How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES?

Post by Relikk Sun 17 Dec 2017 - 9:26

I usually have to set my Rev. F to +9db (it says +12 in most readmes but, +9 is fine) for it to equate to emulator loudness.

How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES? Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES? Empty Re: How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES?

Post by qwertymodo Mon 18 Dec 2017 - 2:58

Yeah, I usually suggest +12dB, but I agree anywhere from 9-12 sounds good, at that point it mostly comes down to taste. I don't think anybody has really pinpointed it exactly, especially now that ikari has found and fixed the exact root cause with the Rev. H hardware.

How many dB penalize listening from SD2SNES? Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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