Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Wed 7 Aug 2013 - 14:57

Parallel Worlds is a really grandious Zelda Hack that sets standards! However, I always find it sad when it's not possible to get a complete inventory... it feels like having not 100% completed the game, as here due to the bottle space.

So here's a hack that will close this gap by letting you keep the shovel (the shovel won't affect any existing puzzles). It is not playtested (the game is almost too hard for me for bug-hunt - important is maybe to test if the flute is working).

Euclid, SePH, Puzzledude or anybody feel free (as always) to include this patch in an upcoming version of PW or to adapt it to your own projects if you like  Smile

I know that the shovel is not part of the current version, so you must place it in a chest prior to use (easily doable with HM)... further I think the fields don't contain randomized treasures (ruppees) to dig up by default - in AST you could always find ruppees and stuff with the borrowed shovel... maybe it's possible to get the AST code, use the code in the treasure field or insert some treasures via HM? ...puzzledude? Woot!!
You may also find out how to place HC-pieces, or even items like the flute into the ground, and mark the place via a circle of bushes or other patterns... I am sure this hack opens some small nifty possibilities Wink 

Here's the ips (2 versions: rom with and without header), for ALTTP US prepatched with 1.1 pw patch.

Version 5

Rupee patch seperated:

Version 2: bug-fix
Version 3: added random treasure patch
Version 4: added a incomlpete tuorial how to dig special items
Version 5: seperated shovel and rupee patch

A txt with made changes is inside the zip as well...

Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Shovel10

Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Shovel11

Last edited by Conn on Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 6:31; edited 10 times in total

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Wed 7 Aug 2013 - 17:09

Yes, that's what I intented and managed (I hope) ^^''

But please playtest some sensible situations: aquiring the shovel, flute, bottles, content of bottles, see if all works (couldn't test the flute warp).

Then it is necessary to get randomized treasures to dig up... other than AST, ALTTP seems to be empty (except the treasure field where you can borrow the shovel). Hopefully anything can be done via HM... if not there's maybe also Euclid as backup Wink

btw: If it works 100% and you need something similar for PU I'm sure I can adapt the hack.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Puzzledude Wed 7 Aug 2013 - 17:21

Thank you for this! This is not just a Parallel Worlds issue. I know SePH had a similar problem in PU, Spane in PoC and even I in GoT, and decided to revert back to standard Inventory because of this.

I also don't know how this is possible, since the game generally doesn't allow both items at once. Will test this out.

You can not do anything with HM when it comes to Parallel Worlds, because of the heavy pointer and various data shifts. Every change (including adding a shovel in a chest, must be done via hex only).

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Wed 7 Aug 2013 - 17:33

I used a trick: unused (hopefully!) ram at 7e/d100 (bottle content) and 7e/d101 (equipped). I used in my previous hacks (icerod, and so on 7E/D000) so that they can be used together. The rest was trying and error to make step by step the shovel work...
I do not know how good your asm knowledge is and whether you can adapt the code yourself. I guess you also use another main code than PW does.

It should be tested if everything is fine and then I can try to adapt the patch to your projects if you encounter problems Smile

Uhoh, guess the storage of the shovel into a chest is a minor problem in comparison to hide some treasures... otherwise this item is obsolete.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Wed 7 Aug 2013 - 18:18

Ah I see, so you made the 24th item as an unuseable icon filling the bottle gap? I think Euclid can adapt the code as well to render your 24th item useable.

Looks absolutely amazing! Smile

BTW: I HATE IT... next to that one ips (for headered rom) was corrupt I noticed that I made a jsr instead of jump. Though it didn't result in a crash, this is a source for various bugs.
Please RE-DOWNLOAD the patch. It is urgent, .

Edited the first post patch link to Version 2, so that you always know whether you have the latest version... if more is up to come.

I double and tripled check the code, now everything seems fine.

Edit: I was looking for a cheat to dig up treasures. It seems it is hardcoded with the ground. I tested with PAR 7e03fc-01. This enables the shovel as y-item equally what else you equip and you can dig in the treasure field even if time ran out - it happens that you only can get treasures inside the field.
Dunno whether HM has this option to mark ground as treasury or whether there is a possibility to code a randomizer so that you by chance get rupees, magic bottles, hearts or something anywhere you dig by chance.

Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Thu 8 Aug 2013 - 13:39

I found out how to let you dig up treasures.
Please redownload the version 3 in my first post.

Inside you will find a patch to randomize treasure dig-up (2 versions; headered, non-headered).
The patch will let you dig for tresures at any place; the treasure field thus gets obsolete. Also I switched off the HC-piece dig-up; otherwise you'd dig it up with a chance of 1:8.

In total, there are 8 possibilities when you dig, whereas 4 are nothing - cannot be changed with current code). But the chance to dig up a treasure is 50%, what is ok. You can worse the chance to dig up a treasure.
The treasures you can get with 50% chance are alterable (I'd rennounce on 20 ruppees, since otherwise you'd get rich too quickly).
It's all written in the text inside the zip how this can be achieved.

I do not know how to place items like the flute, or a HeartPiece into a specific ground. As for the flute, it tells (useless sprite). But I am sure there's a way to find out.

Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Puzzledude Thu 8 Aug 2013 - 14:46

The flute in the ground is actually achieved with ASM, which tells where this spot is. Useless sprite has no function, it actually is useless (but it is an indicator where the Asm will work). Nice job with the random digging.

Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Image213

Since : 2012-06-20

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Sat 10 Aug 2013 - 0:19

Further good news... I think it is possible to hide special items. Wink
I'm on it to create a patch to hide 8 items of your choice...

Finished. For the Heart Container pieces it works perfect, but no items possible as far I could see. But you nearly can hide at least the HC-pieces anywhere now (works only on small screens but not big screens as far I tested). Hack posted, have fun :d

The flute is the only item possible to dig up (though this new patch) so you can use grass in space to make it digable. You are however restricted to a 4 tile item (flute, book mudora, all medallions, etc). Tiles that I haven't reworked for you (mushroom, ice bolt, etc.could work with more coding). I hope you have an idea for a nice item (I'd have favoured eden's apple or deku seed, both I'd need to hardcode since reworked to get them there).

Please read the updated tutorial in the posted single hacks for more (posted shovel/flute menu and the treasure dig up - inside the treasure dig up you find a part 3 explained how to change the flute. I also found a better change value, so use this for your future work instead those from the former tutorial).
Btw, the first explanation for the coordinates was wrong, in the new tutorial inside the hack zip the correct way is explained.
As for the new sprite dig-up key. The flute uses 0C, book mudora 0E. I do not know to which item list these values refers, but maybe you can check with yy-char if it is this table (it is not the list you can access via chest items in HM, this you can use when taking up the item from ground). You can also take a savestate and test various values until you find by chance the right item (reload the rom everytime you altered the hex in that case).

Just found something funny ^^
It's in German... but you'll get the message :p

Reminds me somehow on:

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Sun 11 Aug 2013 - 19:32

@ Conn: About those docx files, I meant your music tutorial and your recent shovel hacking tutorial both come with pictures in them! Means I will have less job to do when I'll go and add them in the guide.
Ah, I see what you mean :)I understood that I shall provide something in docx...

I'll change it so that the deku seed doesnt require the sword 2 barrier anymore (also already used in the rift anyway) and make it in the rift overworld area with a small garden in there lol (will make sense eventually once all the rift is fully done... trust me!)
Err... not possible, sorry. The only possible location for a dig up item is to replace the flute location in 2a, space.

If you like to have the seed there in the way I suggested you could send me a rom with digging tiles at that location. In case you like to dig up Eden's apple there (I understand now what you mean), you need to tell me first which native item you want to map with it ("24th item").
For now the shovel is mapped on the apple. Easiest way is to leave the graphic gfx I inserted (mushroom apple, etc, pc 11/1000 I think) as they are and only redraw the apple there to a 4-tile shovel. Looks better and no further work like reversing the code.
The 24th item must be a 4 tile item anyway (only hookshot is 2 tile), so you simply can replace it with the apple look as you did with the other items.

As soon you set up your mind, send me the rom and I'll go for it. I can also look for the peg boots when I am on it.

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Since : 2013-06-30

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Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Empty Re: Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds

Post by Conn Mon 12 Aug 2013 - 8:27

SePH, that is great!
You can have the seed there, but we are no longer restricted to this area.

I can now change it to any screen, also rift and whereever Smile:)Took me 3-4 hours to trace that shit.
Edit: Err, I can't place it anywhere but luckily at the rift. But I can only set it to the same coordinate as the native flute is, row 04 - coordinate 92 and in the same screen row... 29, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d....!

Complete Inventory for Parallel Worlds Flute013

SePH, if you want to make a garden in the rift, please use 2b or 2d (not 23, 24 since it must be in the same row as 2a). Best is you'd use 2 tiles: one with normal digable ground and one digable ground tile which has the seed as "decoration" at the place where to dig up the seed then. After it is taken I reverse this to normal ground Smile

Sorry, this was extremely difficult, but I now managed at least this.

To catch things up... I'm getting confused somehow:

- get a garden to the rift, 2b or 2d (unless you want to leave it in space)
- get two different digable tiles, one with deku seed in lower right (or some mark that I can distinguish and can reverse the tile if you harvested it and reenter screen)
- make deku seed as digable item
- fix pegasus sprite

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Since : 2013-06-30

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