Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 6:52

Good evening,

I am having the strangest glitch maybe someone can help me out with.
I am able to apply the audio and patch the rom file but i have a really odd glitch.
when you beat the any of the first 3 bosses (the ones who drop the pendants) i immediately get the text pop up and can end the stage. Typically you have to wait at least 10 secs for the fanfare to play and then you get the text to end the level.

I have no idea why this is happening. I have tried several ways and i get the same result. This glitch doesnt happen at all unless i patch the rom for the new audio,

help Smile


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Conn Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 11:07

OMG, your called for help let me think this was a severe game crashing bug Very Happy
I tried myself and yes, the fanfare isn't played until the end when you pick up the pendant, so the textbox pops up before. But I tested a lot and this does not have negative influences on the later game play - fanfare is still played it gets fade out and you see the accomplished spin and the overworld is played again normally.

I fixed this in the "old msu patch" that one with the video (if I remember correctly), but for this patch I will not do this "fix". The reason is simple: the hook for this short patch works for any pal/ntsc version. This fix would require a new hook and thus the patch looses compatibility, and I need to make a msu version for every alttp version out there (US, Eng, Ger, Fra)... that's really not worth the effort!

If you are disturbed by it, simply don't press the text box away until the fanfare stops.

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2013-07-01

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 14:37

Not super disturbed by it and yes you are correct it does not cause any issues playing the game fully. Sorry for making it sound like a earth shattering bug. I was hoping to use msu1 for my speed running to avoid the copyright stuff on youtube. You mentioned an older version that may work fix the hook issue? also thank you for the quick reply. I use a sd2snes for most things just as a side note.
do you have any other suggestions?


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Conn Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 15:15

You see, this glitch is depending on this loop:

$08/C421 AD 40 21    LDA $2140  [$08:2140]   A:0837 X:0004 Y:0042 P:envMXdiZC
$08/C424 F0 05       BEQ $05    [$C42B]      A:0813 X:0004 Y:0042 P:envMXdizC
This means the cpu checks if the spc fanfare is still running and loops if it is. Since the msu mutes the fanfare, this loop doesn't work anymore.
The above hook is the US version, this loop is at different locations in each version (like the japa/US is different address). So it would require a separate patch for each version only to fix this negligible glitch.
It is already fixed in the normal US version anyways ("alttp_msu1.ips" with the msu video, where I mimiced the loop using a msu register) - so I'm not gonna do it for the short ntsc/pal version (which would require 10 different patches for each version).  

The only thing I can help you with without much effort, is to leave the fanfare as spc. Try the attached ips if it serves your needs.
I coded an exception that the track $13 (pcm-19) is not substituted by msu, so you will have the original wait when collecting the pendant (but also the spc fanfare).
Patch will still work on all pal/ntsc versions:
Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Attachment
alttp_msu1_fanfare_spc.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(2 Kb) Downloaded 5 times

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2013-07-01

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 17:21

I will give this a try. Thanks so much for your help and time. As well as your amazing work on this project as a whole.


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by qwertymodo Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 20:20

Did you use the patch version specifically meant for the Japanese ROM which I released here?  https://www.zeldix.net/t1494-link-to-the-past-j-msu-1-patch

Because I'm quite certain that one should work properly.

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Conn Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 20:43

Did you use the patch version specifically meant for the Japanese ROM which I released here? https://www.zeldix.net/t1494-link-to-the-past-j-msu-1-patch

Because I'm quite certain that one should work properly.

Tested and works perfect for Zelda no Densetsu (V1.0) (J).sfc (dunno about other J versions though).
You probably should post it in below
(even if it has not the other dx festures, but this way it doesn't get lost Wink )


Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2013-07-01

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by qwertymodo Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 20:57

I think a better place for it in the db would be with your original LoZ3 MSU-1 patch, since that's where people would be more likely to look for it.

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 21:28

I did not see that patch at all to be honest with you. Sadly I am at work so can't test it but I absolutely will as soon as I get home. Again thanks for being amazing


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Conn Sat 21 Apr 2018 - 22:05

I think a better place for it in the db would be with your original LoZ3 MSU-1 patch, since that's where people would be more likely to look for it.
I concur and noticed you already added it
I only added to ntsc-j "v1.0" since there exists also a 1.1 and I didn't test compatibility. If you have feel free to remove that version restriction again Wink

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2013-07-01

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Sun 22 Apr 2018 - 0:32

Afternoon, okay here are the results of my testing. The modified "fanfare" ips works perfectly. it plays the original fanfare which is just fine but the timing is spot on as before.. which makes sense because well it is the original audio.

I also tested the JP ips that you mentioned qwerty, that one is a bit better than before but still about 5 secs shorter than the original the text box still appears before the fanfare is completed.

Either way they both work exceptionally if you are not as nit picky as myself. As before thank you so so much. It is amazing to see such dedication. especially to a newcomer such as myself. If i could donate to you both i would! Keep up the amazing work


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Conn Sun 22 Apr 2018 - 1:44

Conn wrote:I only added to ntsc-j "v1.0" since there exists also a 1.1 and I didn't test compatibility. If you have feel free to remove that version restriction again
@qwerty: I just tested J Rev1, it cannot be patched (of course) since the patch is bps. However, I made a ips (between org 1.0 and bps-patched 1.0), patched Rev1 with that ips and compared the hooks, they are 100% identical. Means, your patch would be compatible with Rev1, if it wasn't bps.

@Durend: Nice to know that both solutions work. So you now have the choice with which patch to complete your speedrun Smile (dunno if the timing must be exact, so that you are forced to use the spc fanfare over msu).
Also thanks for the offer, but we strictly are non-profit here.

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2013-07-01

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Wed 16 May 2018 - 1:16

Good afternoon. I know this is a good month old now but i wanted to report on some things i found and maybe we can get a US version and Japanese version of MSU1 created (i know that is a lot of work for you)
but in further testing of the newly created file you made me to allow the original fanfare to play, thank you by the way, I found an issue with collecting the crystals as well. A similar "glitch" occurs and the fanfare doesn't play correctly there either. This occurs in randomizers and the original japanese version that qwerty mentioned.
Any ways i wanted to mention it since we spoke about it. I am still super happy with the overall performance so thank you again for your hard work.


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by qwertymodo Wed 16 May 2018 - 1:20

Don't apply any patch to randomizer, it already includes MSU-1 support.

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Wed 16 May 2018 - 3:02

well that i didnt know Qwerty, that's good to know. any thoughts on patching the full JP version to work just as amazing at the us version?. but 1 piece of the puzzle fixed Very Happy


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by qwertymodo Wed 16 May 2018 - 3:09

Yes, the link i posted above to the version of the patch specifically meant for the Japanese version should work just fine. As Conn mentioned, it will need to be patched on the 1.0 version.

Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Image212

Since : 2014-10-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Durend Wed 16 May 2018 - 3:16

I have that patch listed above, and when i patch the game it does patch but the fanfare is still not playing correctly. Maybe I am missing something? Note the game plays all the way through just fine other than the Pendant and Crystal fanfares are cut short.

EDIT!!! ok so i am not sure what i did differently but it worked that time Ohmygod - Thanks again


Since : 2018-04-21

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Conn Wed 16 May 2018 - 8:47

Is the patch I sent above (spc fanfare) working now as well for crystals? It should since it is the same theme as the pendant collect, but I'm not sure...

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Since : 2013-07-01

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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Leonis Mon 8 Mar 2021 - 19:48

Hi guys, the link https://dl.qwertymodo.com/zelda3_jpn_msu1.bps is broken, fix please Smile

Since : 2021-03-08


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Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch? Empty Re: Zelda 3 (j) msu1 glitch?

Post by Founder Mon 8 Mar 2021 - 21:57

Yeah, sorry about that, my server was hit with malware and I haven't had time to clean it up and bring it back online. I'll get around to it when I have the chance.


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Since : 2012-06-19

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