FF - Mystic Quest

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty FF - Mystic Quest

Post by Conn Tue 19 Nov 2019 - 10:22

Project finished:

Apply on Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (USA) (Rev 1).sfc, no header.

Map the tracks:
The patch features SPC fallback, so not all tracks needed to replace

Original rom:
make a breakpoint in geiger at $0D/81FC, execute hook
FF - Mystic Quest Image416

Wait until the title screen starts, and the emulator halts with A: 0118
- Click on edit registers
- change the 18, with the track you want to hear, e.g., 15 "join the party"
FF - Mystic Quest Image613

You now should hear $15 = pcm-21 during the title screen


ingame mapping on patched rom:
make 2004 write hook:
FF - Mystic Quest Image811

The lower byte in A: tells you which track is about to play (in this case $18=pcm-24, title screen)

Track List

Pacth v1:

Last edited by Conn on Sat 11 Jan 2020 - 20:27; edited 5 times in total

FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty Re: FF - Mystic Quest

Post by Conn Wed 20 Nov 2019 - 6:22

If anybody wants to help darthvaderx to complete the track mapping is welcome. Here's the template for the track list:

Track List

Edit: Ok, I should have mapped 'em all Wink

FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty Re: FF - Mystic Quest

Post by JUD6MENT Sun 22 Dec 2019 - 17:48

Do we have someone completing this project? Anyway, i found an entire remastered soundtrack on youtube.
At least we know there is music to make PCM for this game.

FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty Re: FF - Mystic Quest

Post by Conn Mon 23 Dec 2019 - 7:45

No, nobody has started yet, you are free to do so Wink

FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty Re: FF - Mystic Quest

Post by JUD6MENT Mon 23 Dec 2019 - 10:04

Conn wrote:No, nobody has started yet, you are free to do so Wink

Lol, kind of figured I would end up volunteering. I will make the PCM's for this game. Hopefully someone else will be kind enough to play through the game and check if there is any bugs to this RPG, Im not too much of a fan of Final Fantasy games so I dont really want to play through it if possible. Maybe our friend Polargames is up for it Wink

I hope I can find time during christmas break to do this, otherwise making the PCM tracks will take longer once I am back in school.

FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty Re: FF - Mystic Quest

Post by JUD6MENT Tue 24 Dec 2019 - 4:06

I found a second full remasted soundtrack of the entire game. Now i know i at least have two tracks to choose from for every song. This actually should not be a difficult project. I will try to get as much done as possible thursday.


FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2018-04-19

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FF - Mystic Quest Empty Re: FF - Mystic Quest

Post by Conn Sat 11 Jan 2020 - 15:37

Pev sacrificed himself and is going to make this set, he even bought the soundtrack for lossless music Smile

So all I have successfully burdened:
Edale: ff5, ff4 (remaster with Mathew valenente, the artist who did the remarkable life lost remaster for FFA):

Jud6ment: FFA

Pev: FF: MQ

Very Happy

FF - Mystic Quest Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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