Tutorial for Beginner MSU1 modders?

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Tutorial for Beginner MSU1 modders? Empty Tutorial for Beginner MSU1 modders?

Post by Zeldal Sat 11 Jan 2020 - 3:00

So I've been going back and forth whether I should take matters into my own hands regarding some SNES games that may never get a worthy patch. I have one mini-project in mind, but I do not know where to begin.

I know how to make the PCMs and insert into already made MSU-1 Patched games (which is the easiest part of MSU-1), but this will be the first time I make something for a game that has yet to have MSU-1 Functionality currently.

Is there a step-by-step basis that anyone has or is MSU-1 more complicated than it looks?


Since : 2017-02-18

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Tutorial for Beginner MSU1 modders? Empty Re: Tutorial for Beginner MSU1 modders?

Post by Conn Sat 11 Jan 2020 - 3:45

The problem is that each game is different. Basically there are these steps:
- muting the spc (easy for some games, extremely difficult for others)
- find out the hook with track number to run the msu code
- map the themes
- substitute them with pcm:s

The msu code is very similar for every game (sta $2004, stz $2005 etc...) but finding the place to hook and muting the spc is the task here. Since this is different for each game there cannot be a tutorial, but good asm knowledge and intuition is needed.

Tutorial for Beginner MSU1 modders? Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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