Mega Man (Project Nested)
Zeldix :: MSU-1 Hacking :: MSU-1 Development :: Finished
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Mega Man (Project Nested)
NES rom MD5 was 4D4FFDFE7979B5F06DEC2CF3563440AD
converted using settings found in
[01c48d] = 22 00 00 cf ea
you MUST use this patch in nested's settings or MSU1 will not work.
additional nested settings:
v1.5: disable NMI at vblank, disable native return address
Beta patch here:
Track map here:
fallback should work correctly and normally
converted using settings found in
- Code:
[01c48d] = 22 00 00 cf ea
you MUST use this patch in nested's settings or MSU1 will not work.
additional nested settings:
v1.5: disable NMI at vblank, disable native return address
Beta patch here:
- Code:
Track map here:
- Code:
fallback should work correctly and normally
Last edited by Cubear on Tue 8 Nov 2022 - 12:41; edited 5 times in total
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
I can do a pcm set of this. Not immediately, but maybe this weekend. Is this your first project nested?
I am hoping that eventually Metroid runs smooth on project nested because i love the nes metroid soundtrack. I even have the pcm set done technically
I am hoping that eventually Metroid runs smooth on project nested because i love the nes metroid soundtrack. I even have the pcm set done technically
JUD6MENT- Since : 2018-04-19
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
This is my first go at dealing with a conversion via project nested.
I had considered doing Castlevania (because it was halloween) but this was much easier.
(and castlevania has incorrect sfx.. kinda annoying..)
I figured it's a good skill to pick up because eventually people will want Dragon Quest 4 (once it works properly)
I had considered doing Castlevania (because it was halloween) but this was much easier.
(and castlevania has incorrect sfx.. kinda annoying..)
I figured it's a good skill to pick up because eventually people will want Dragon Quest 4 (once it works properly)
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
It's unfortunately a bit more complicated if I remember correctly. But not much, when you know what you do... The problem with your patch should be that the hijack is hard coded,
To overcome this:
With the help of myself086, I did it this way:
I made a game profile txt File and on conversation it adds a hook into the NES ROM: e.g. look into my Zelda 1 patch in profiles:
[1af7] = 22 00 01 CF EA
This means that I hijack at NES ROM address 1af7 with a jsl to the MSU code.
Then, in the msu asm, you only need to write the executive code (in above case at cf/0100) like the MSU sta $2004, but no hijacks anymore (that you do in the NES ROM via the game profile)
- Code:
org $c90eb9
jsr playmsu
To overcome this:
With the help of myself086, I did it this way:
I made a game profile txt File and on conversation it adds a hook into the NES ROM: e.g. look into my Zelda 1 patch in profiles:
[1af7] = 22 00 01 CF EA
This means that I hijack at NES ROM address 1af7 with a jsl to the MSU code.
Then, in the msu asm, you only need to write the executive code (in above case at cf/0100) like the MSU sta $2004, but no hijacks anymore (that you do in the NES ROM via the game profile)
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
that's really clever. i suppose i'll have to turn my jsr into jsl in order to really take advantage of this, since there's no guarantee that my free space will be free in other versions too..
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
When it gets to details it gets tricky... I think pnn can only do jsl (no jsr,jump) anyway when hooking in NES code.
If you need more example reference, more similar to mm1:
[07f6d0] = 22 00 00 CF
In the MSU.asm you then find only one org at free Rom space:
org $Cf0000
If you need more example reference, more similar to mm1:
[07f6d0] = 22 00 00 CF
In the MSU.asm you then find only one org at free Rom space:
org $Cf0000
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
The Krzysztof Słowikowski tracks for MM1 (2 & 3 as well) are pretty much done as part of the Wily Wars MD+ patch. Convert the sector loop points in the CUE to samples, lower the volume and you're good to go.
Relikk- Since : 2017-02-17
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
I actually already did those. I forgot about MD+. Also doing a String Player Gamer set
JUD6MENT- Since : 2018-04-19
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
Just an update, we will probably wrap this project up in about a day's worth of time. I got a MET guitar pcm set and a String Player Gamer orchestra pcm set. Both sound good.
JUD6MENT- Since : 2018-04-19
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
converted to PNN patch style and updated the first post with a new patch (music stops when dying)
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
Awesome! I am almost done on my part so maybe a release tomorrow. We technically could release now but i was hoping to finish the preview video, which is very close
JUD6MENT- Since : 2018-04-19
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
Awesome, for the final release, I'd suggest to export the profile with the correct settings and also include a readme. Feel free to use the readme I made as template (e.g., for megaman4) if you like:
/profiles (all those versions with the hooks)
The setup is so complex that I urgently suggest to include both files otherwise people may write thousands of messages how to get it work...
/profiles (all those versions with the hooks)
The setup is so complex that I urgently suggest to include both files otherwise people may write thousands of messages how to get it work...
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
thats solid advice for sure. its definitely a level beyond what most users have been expected to do in the past.
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
Lol, SGB is similar troublesome, but the best is: we have this possibility to MSU 'em all
Conn- Since : 2013-06-30
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
Conn wrote:Awesome, for the final release, I'd suggest to export the profile with the correct settings and also include a readme. Feel free to use the readme I made as template (e.g., for megaman4) if you like:
/profiles (all those versions with the hooks)
The setup is so complex that I urgently suggest to include both files otherwise people may write thousands of messages how to get it work...
It is more complex indeed, I actually did not know how to do it at first as I had forget steps since we did the zelda one together.
I was considering doing a tutorial video for the NES msu-1 to show how to do each one step by step.
JUD6MENT- Since : 2018-04-19
Re: Mega Man (Project Nested)
updated the beta to a final version, basically.
zip contains a .txt file. it belongs in the /profiles/ directory of pnn. selecting the profile will use the same settings + patches that i used when generating my rom.
you can post a thread in releases when ready, @JUD6MENT
zip contains a .txt file. it belongs in the /profiles/ directory of pnn. selecting the profile will use the same settings + patches that i used when generating my rom.
you can post a thread in releases when ready, @JUD6MENT
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