Trials of Mana Pixel Freemaster

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Trials of Mana Pixel Freemaster Empty Trials of Mana Pixel Freemaster

Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster (MSU1) v.99 BETA by Nintenja featuring hacks from Conn, Red Soul, and Hmsong.
This should be the ultimate SNES Trials of Mana (official 2019 rom) experience in one easy to use patch. MSU1 Audio files are required in this version.  There is a non MSU1 version available that utilizes upgraded vanilla audio as an option but the MSU1 Audio experience is the focus of this version as having uncompressed audio truly upgrades this game in an important way. There is also a 3 player version of this hack.  It is subject to an unfixable but avoidable bug in the Ghost Ship area however.

Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster is an attempt at creating an ultimate version of Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3) that is easily patchable and will provide a significantly modernized improvement over the vanilla version. Version .99 Beta is available for testing. If it works fully it will become version 1.0 and be released on RHDN as I've gained permissions from all hack author's whose work is included in the project. Luckily a ton of work and improvements have already been individually released and are available. As more improvements are made or existing improvements are updated this project too will update and expand. Especially Special Thanks goes to Hmsong for his work on this game and support of this project.

::::::::Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster (MSU1)(v.99 BETA) works on an unheadered Trials of Mana (World) (Rev 1)official rom and includes in one easy to install patch::::::
1.Better Monsters and Maps 2.3 by hmsong.
2.Better Starting Stats 1.6 by hmsong.       
3.Black Rabite 1.5 (respawns version) by hmsong. 
4.Class Balance 3.2 - Bundle + No Skill Counter by hmsong.
5.Item Shop Changes 2.7 - full grail (grail item restores 999 hp) Or  Item Shop Changes 2.7  quarter grail (grail item restores 250 hp) by hmsong
7.Less Grinding 1.7 by hmsong.   
8.Useful Energy Ball 1.1 by hmsong. 
9.More Evade Changes 1.2 by hmsong.
10.Hues of Mana - Complete v1.1.ips by Red Soul.
11.MSU1 Patch by Conn (v6 21th June 24 - mana holyland fixed):

(if chosen)3 player unheadered patch v1.0 by hmsong    (original 3 player headered  patch created by Parlance)
*(3P-MSU1) Means you are patching in the three player version. (2P-MSU1) Means you are patching in the 2 player version.

You can Download Trials of Mana Pixel Remaster .7z file from
Unzip file using 7zip utility

Step 1. Choose just one version of patch you wish to use.
(1a) Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster (2P-MSU1)(250 HP Grail)(v.99 BETA).ips    
This means 2 players and Grail item restores 250 HP.
(1b) Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster (2P-MSU1)(999 HP grail)(v.99 BETA) .ips    
This means 2 player and Grail item restores 999 HP.
(2a) Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster (3P-MSU1)(250 HP Grail)(v.99 BETA).ips      
This means 3 players and Grail item restores 250 HP.
(2b) Trials of Mana-Pixel Freemaster (3P-MSU1)(999 HP Grail)(v.99 BETA).ips      
This means 3 players and Grail item restores 999 HP.

Step 2.Patch unheadered Trials of Mana (World)(v1.0)(Collection of Mana).sfc rom with an .ips patching program or rom patcher js site
If on android unipatcher works well which is available for free in the playstore.
Rom to use is unheadered Trials of Mana (World)(v1.0)(Collection of Mana).sfc
CRC32: 9743dc0e
MD5: c9829d76e25f8c4bf459cf77a8306825
SHA-1: 462580125693a73da90da08d415023a885d84d1d

Step 3.Download MSU1 audio files from:
Rename patched rom to same name as items in MSU1 folder.
*Without the MSU1 files there will be no music present, though other audio such as menu actions will be present.

Step 4.Play on SNES9X or other emulator that supports MSU1 audio
Use xBRZ shader for best video experience

*3 player version contains the infamous and unfixable Ghost Ship Bug. Some people have reported game breaking bugs
when a team member leaves during the ghost ship scene and when other characters die. It's good to use save states
often when using the three player version for an easy reload in the event of a bug.

=======Contact Info========================
To link to all my projects and updates:
To watch videos of my projects and other uploads:
Contact Nintenja at

Hmsong hacks RHDN project page

Redsoul RHDN Hues of Mana page
Project forum page

:::::::::::::Legal Disclaimer::::::::::::
This is fan made, not for profit software that is not for sale and free to use. Use software at own risk as
creator/authors of this hack takes no responsibilty for any damage to software or hardware or any sort.
Trials of Mana, Seiken Densetsu, and Secret of Mana are registered trademarks and intellectual property of Square Enix.
I won't tell you how or where to get roms or explain the legalities of roms to you...use GOOGLE if you seek further information
on this subject.

====other similar Redux-like projects of mine====
Final Fantasy V-Pixel Freemaster
(v4.50 available to download) (forum post) (download link)

Mario Kart-Super Circuit-Freemastered v2.5
( available to download)

Terranigma-Pixel Freemaster
(v1.0 released) (forum post)

There is already a great version of Trials of Mana known as Sins of Mana you should check out.

Last edited by Nintenja on Fri 20 Jan 2023 - 1:48; edited 5 times in total

Since : 2022-09-18

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Trials of Mana Pixel Freemaster :: Comments


Post Wed 18 Jan 2023 - 2:50 by nico7550

Hi, there is a typo error in the instructions part for the link, the endind . is part of the URL.

And could you give the full rom name with extension, I cannot manage to find one with the correct checksum in the latest no intro romset. And it's not there also:


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Post Wed 18 Jan 2023 - 7:07 by Conn

I corrected the dot in the url of OP, so it is working now. As for the rest I need other people to chime in.

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Post Thu 19 Jan 2023 - 1:47 by Nintenja

Outdated info

Last edited by Nintenja on Fri 20 Jan 2023 - 1:01; edited 1 time in total

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Post Thu 19 Jan 2023 - 5:28 by nico7550

I check those on vims lair too before posting...

There is 3 versions but none of them match the checksum:
Trials of Mana (World) (Beta) (Collection of Mana, 2019-04-02).sfc ==> CRC32 DFB821E4
Trials of Mana (World) (Collection of Mana).sfc ==> CRC32 9743DC0E
Trials of Mana (World) (Rev 1) (Collection of Mana).sfc ==> CRC32 173E6097

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Post Thu 19 Jan 2023 - 6:20 by Conn

Roms are not allowed to post in this forum, links will be removed and the author subjected to a ban. It's illegal and this forum can be sued if this happens.
However we do not have control what happens in personal messages...

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Post Fri 20 Jan 2023 - 1:50 by Nintenja

nico7550 wrote:I check those on vims lair too before posting...

There is 3 versions but none of them match the checksum:
Trials of Mana (World) (Beta) (Collection of Mana, 2019-04-02).sfc ==> CRC32 DFB821E4
Trials of Mana (World) (Collection of Mana).sfc ==> CRC32 9743DC0E
Trials of Mana (World) (Rev 1) (Collection of Mana).sfc ==> CRC32 173E6097

Sorry wrong info was in post. Also updated the patches.

Rom to use is unheadered Trials of Mana (World)(v1.0)(Collection of Mana).sfc
CRC32: 9743dc0e
MD5: c9829d76e25f8c4bf459cf77a8306825
SHA-1: 462580125693a73da90da08d415023a885d84d1d

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Post Sun 26 May 2024 - 1:37 by BaronLoe

I wanted to bring to your attention that the Complete Bugfix patch has been made to be compatible with the 2019 rom (which was a major omission for the freemaster). It makes the evade patch and energy ball patch redundant.

Linked here -

Also recently another extremely useful addon came out which should be compatible with the pack called "Running in Battle".

Linked here -

Would be amazing if you could revisit this pack to merge these two in to make the best version of the game.

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