MD+ Audio Loop Points

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by jerrymh Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:20

+RyeGuy+ wrote:
jerrymh wrote:

Oh my god, he hasn't replied yet but I hope -pepodmc hasn't deleted his material.
I only have a couple of tracks that I liked. The good thing is that changing the audio tracks in the sega patches are less difficult than in MSU1.
We are still waiting for your friend's tracks, I liked the sample of the first track you showed us.

Later going to try one of the tracks form the tecnosoft disk.

Hi, I'm attempting to test this MD Plus, but I don't see the .cue file in the .zip.  Is this one still being worked on?  Sorry if I am jumping the gun on this one.

You could take an example of an MD+ cue and build one.
So far I don't know how loops work in MD+ but I've made a preliminary one just for testing.
It would be nice to have a tutorial to build MD+ CUEs and what options can be use for noobs.

If you're interested, I'll leave you one that I've made more or less following an example of a Relikk MD+. But it doesn't have loop points only for test and tracks for the first stage.
By the way, I like that it behaves like CDaudio from the sega cd. How do you set the loop points for that to happen? Can someone help me with an example?

The patch is for Thunder Force IV (Japan) (En) (Sega Ages).

TF4 USA, Jap and Euro roms do not work with this patch.

I leave you a video that looks like it, by the way, don't make fun of my ability to play.

Last edited by jerrymh on Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:31; edited 1 time in total

Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2021-02-11

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by Relikk Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:30

jerrymh wrote:So far I don't know how loops work in MD+

I explained it a little in this post:

MD+ Audio Loop Points Image212

Since : 2017-02-17

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by jerrymh Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:32

Relikk wrote:
jerrymh wrote:So far I don't know how loops work in MD+

I explained it a little in this post:

Thanks a lot I really appreciate it.

Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2021-02-11

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by pev Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:33

jerryhm wrote:How do you set the loop points for that to happen? Can someone help me with an example?
The loop points are set inside the CUE sheet per track.
for example, track-01 for Mega Man Wily Wars

FILE "01-CutManStage_MM1.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   REM LOOP 275

What is in red is how you setup the loop point.

To get the loop point, I use Audacity set to CDDA frames (75 fps) mode. Then find the loop points in much the same way as MSU-1. Let me know, I can make a quick video showing you this with Mega Man track-01 (Cutman).

UPDATE: Lol, I like Relikk's setup better. No need to re-invent the wheel. Thanks Relikk.


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Since : 2017-10-16

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by pev Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:40

@jerryhm I think any further discussion regarding making/adjusting audio tracks should be moved to a different forum post. This one is becoming too crowded. I believe ArcadeTV just wants to keep this section to notify everyone on new release and such.

Last edited by pev on Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:45; edited 1 time in total


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Since : 2017-10-16

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by jerrymh Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:41

pev wrote:
jerryhm wrote:How do you set the loop points for that to happen? Can someone help me with an example?
The loop points are set inside the CUE sheet per track.
for example, track-01 for Mega Man Wily Wars

FILE "01-CutManStage_MM1.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   REM LOOP 275

What is in red is how you setup the loop point.

To get the loop point, I use Audacity set to CDDA frames (75 fps) mode. Then find the loop points in much the same way as MSU-1. Let me know, I can make a quick video showing you this with Mega Man track-01 (Cutman).

UPDATE: Lol, I like Relikk's setup better. No need to re-invent the wheel. Thanks Relikk.

No regrets, any help and explanation is welcome.

Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2021-02-11

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by jerrymh Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:42

pev wrote:@jerryhm I think any further discussion regarding making/adjusting audio tracks should be moved to a different forum post. This one is becoming too crowded. I believe ArcadeTV just wants to keep this section to notify everyone on new release and such.
You're right, sorry for being out of context.

Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2021-02-11

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty Re: MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by pev Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:43

@jerryhm No problem. Go ahead and start a different post and I can move all the audio related stuff over there and clean up this area a bit.


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Since : 2017-10-16

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MD+ Audio Loop Points Empty MD+ Audio Loop Points

Post by jerrymh Wed 5 Apr 2023 - 19:49

pev wrote:@jerryhm No problem. Go ahead and start a different post and I can move all the audio related stuff over there and clean up this area a bit.

I think that with the explanation of PEV and the Relikk's thread it is enough. If there's no objection, I wouldn't mind if you deleted posts that aren't useful to the thread.

Wish Fairy
Wish Fairy

Since : 2021-02-11

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