The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom

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The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom Empty The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom

Patch Download v.3.0:

Patch v.3.0 (MSU-1 version):

The patches need to be applied on ALTTP (US), no header. You need a UPS patcher.

The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom :: Comments


Post Sun 6 Sep 2020 - 6:08 by Pamfafoofle

All of the download links are broken.

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Post Mon 7 Sep 2020 - 11:02 by Conn

I told seph and qwerty but no reply yet, hopefully it gets fixed soon... If anyone has a backup?

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Post Mon 7 Sep 2020 - 11:19 by Pamfafoofle

It's version 3.1 that I'm after, since I've never played it. Version 3.0 is available for download at And I do have a backup of version 2.0 (which for some reason isn't among the listed links) which I have attached here as a zip folder which includes the Lunar IPS patch and original author instructions.
The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom Attachment
Zelda3 - Goddess of Wisdom Goddess of Wisdom 2.0; incl. Lunar IPS patch and author instructionsYou don't have permission to download attachments.(690 Kb) Downloaded 7 times

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Post Mon 7 Sep 2020 - 14:40 by Conn

I found a site where you can play GOW online and it claims to be version 3.1.
Until anybody fixes this up you can try this (apply on ALTTP US, no header)... and no guaraantee it is indeed 3.1
The Legend of Zelda - Goddess of Wisdom Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(341 Kb) Downloaded 10 times

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Post Tue 8 Sep 2020 - 19:33 by Puzzledude

I sent SePH all the patches in UPS (instead of IPS) since this format has a fail safe and will not patch if the original games to patch are not identical.

Seems like the links were not yet updated, so here are the patches.


Also, a lot of versions which were posted here are actually not the correct ones, like GoW 3.1. I only released 3.0, there is also Jammer's version of GoW, which is v1.21 and also both with MSU variants.

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Post Tue 8 Sep 2020 - 20:22 by Conn

Thanks a lot for clearing this up and provide the patches Very Happy
So there never existed an official 3.1 GoW?

Can you help me updating the sections with the current patches, like which patch should be posted where? Just was in contact with SePH and he's pretty busy and thus grateful I take on this task, but I would need to know where which patches should be placed (there are many threads here and many patches you posted, and I was busy with MSU mainly in the last time and not so much involved with the zelda patches Woot!!

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Post Wed 9 Sep 2020 - 18:30 by Puzzledude

Yes, there never was an official 3.1 of GoW.

Regarding the patches (not sure if you can download from in Germany, since there were some complaints in the past that this domain is blocked from your location.

Otherwise you post them here:

1.) finished hacks/Goddess of Wisdom
-UPS patch here is
-MSU version patch here is

2.) finished hacks/A link to the past Retold
-UPS patch here is

3.) finished hacks/Parallel Worlds
-UPS patch here is Zelda3_Parallel_Worlds_v1-23
-UPS patch here is (previous)
-MSU version patch is
although regular PW might also have MSU already in, but not in the "short version" like in my MSU version

4.) finished hacks/Zelda3 Cube
-UPS patch here is

5.) finished hacks/Zelda3 IQ test Revenge of the Einstein
-UPS patch here is

6.) finished hacks/Zelda3 IQ test Remodel
-UPS patch here is

7.) finished hacks/Zelda3 IQ test
-UPS patch here is

8.) finished hacks/Puzzledude's Quest
-UPS patch here is

9.) finished hacks/Goddess of Wisdom Remake
-UPS patch here is
-MSU version patch is

10.) finished hacks/Conker's High Rule Tail
-UPS patch here is Zelda3_Conker'
although current is 1-28b, so no need to update

11.) finished hacks/Secrets of the Past
-UPS patch here is

12.) finished hacks/The legend of Zelda Hylian Legacy
-UPS patch here is

13.) finished hacks/Bruce Campbel vs Ganon
-UPS patch here is
-UPS patch here is

14.) finished hacks/Parallel Remodel
-UPS patch here is
-MSU patch here is

15.) finished hacks/Master Quest (1)
-UPS patch here is

16.) finished hacks/Master Quest (2)
-UPS patch here is

17.) in progress hacks/Oracle of Secrets
-UPS patch here is

18.) in progress hacks/Gerudo Exile
-UPS patch here is

So all together I have 24 ups patches,
4 are MSU version, so 20 remaining,
but 2 have altered versions,
so 18, as above

Also, these are the latest/correct versions (except Conker HRT which in my case is v1.27, but latest is v1.28b; and also except some Master quests, which might also be updated, but I know that the version of master quests which I have are tested).

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Post Thu 10 Sep 2020 - 15:01 by Conn

Much thanks Puzz Very Happy

I updated everything like you wrote, except Oracle of Secrets (where scawful gave me the current v0.54) and Conker Hyrule Tail where we have a newer version.

It was a mess, many had version numbers that don't exist (alike GoW, also PuzzleDude quest was e.e. 1.1, cube was 1.1 and so on. Guess you know it better because you're the author Very Happy )

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Post Fri 11 Sep 2020 - 4:18 by Puzzledude

Great. This really is a lot better than IPS. I've tested it out and the downloads work. When you get the patch I also tested what happens if you patch to false original files and the process is stopped. Only if you have the correct file with no header, the process is called "success" unlike IPS, where it says "success" in all cases and corrupts the original file (if it has a header for instance).

This really should be the standard what we now have with these UPS patches database. (BPS will work as well obviously).

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Post Fri 11 Sep 2020 - 5:26 by Conn

Yes, only problem is if you want to apply mutliple hacks, like msu, a translation, whatever... then ips clearly has the advantage. The GoW patches are for the US version, right?

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Post Fri 11 Sep 2020 - 13:09 by Puzzledude

All the ups patches were made from this original rom:
Zelda A Link to the Past, SNES, US version,
1.024 KB, NO header, CRC32(ROM-hash-id)=777AAC2F

which actually is mentioned in the txt alongside the UPS patcher.

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Post Sat 12 Sep 2020 - 11:22 by Pamfafoofle

Thanks for all the site updating--I know this hack wasn't the only one that had bad links--as well as the cumulative patch dump. That could be convenient someday when I get the desire to try some more of these hacks.

Three questions. First to PuzzleDude: You say there is no GoW version beyond 3.0 (which I've played several times), and since you're the main author I guess you would know. But can you explain the top two screenshots for this hack thread? As far as I know, the cloudy title screen background has never existed, nor has a rock with a small key under it in the guardhouse. Can you provide an explanation for how those screenshots can exist? Am I completely forgetting my GoW content?

Second, I notice that Hylian Legacy is now v1.03, apparently updated from the longstanding v1.02. Can either of you confirm if this is actually an updated version, and if so, would you happen to have a changelog for it? Someday I will get around to patching and playing through this version myself to check it out, but figured I'd go ahead and ask if you know anything about it.

Finally, while I have some of the Zeldix masters nearby (including one who has created more hacks than any other), I'm wondering if you have any particular recommendations for hacks I ought to try next. I've played Parallel Worlds, Parallel Remodel, Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Wisdom Remake, Hylian Legacy, Secrets of the Past, and LttP Retold. HL and GoW have been my favorites, primarily because of the way they've done their dungeons. Any suggestions for other current hack that I really ought to try?

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Post Sat 12 Sep 2020 - 12:30 by Puzzledude

Three questions. First to PuzzleDude: You say there is no GoW version beyond 3.0 (which I've played several times), and since you're the main author I guess you would know. But can you explain the top two screenshots for this hack thread? As far as I know, the cloudy title screen background has never existed, nor has a rock with a small key under it in the guardhouse. Can you provide an explanation for how those screenshots can exist? Am I completely forgetting my GoW content?
The cloudy titlescreen is what I made, but never released the rom. I did release the screenshot here, since I wanted to make GoW 4.0, but canceled it (might do it someday). The key under the big rock screen is unknown to me. Both things are not in GoW 3.0, so not really the appropriate screens for this hack thread.

Second, I notice that Hylian Legacy is now v1.03, apparently updated from the longstanding v1.02. Can either of you confirm if this is actually an updated version, and if so, would you happen to have a changelog for it? Someday I will get around to patching and playing through this version myself to check it out, but figured I'd go ahead and ask if you know anything about it.
I remember playing v1.02 and the Lanmolas had the gamebreaking bug, where another room was loading ontop of that room, so I corrected this bug. This one edit is in room 148. So you can open the rom in Hyrule magic and check this room. It should be fixed in 1.03 and not fixed in 1.02. The not fixed room can be seen in this thread:
on page 7, where the player gained the Pendant. This room should not have any doors up, left or right, nor all the small block elements. This is due to a bug which is also loading room 221 ontop of room 148.

Change log is this if you are interested:

F81BC, overwrite old pointer for room 148 to:
00 80 26

write new code for room 148 at:
C9 00 6A 98 C4 6A 88 C4 80 7A 01 78 AA 02 98 EB 06 B0 91 05 E8 AA 66 EC C8 80 8C C8 7F 88 C1 65 7D 83 69 FE 2A 85 B8 90 3A FE 49 06 FD D7 80 FD DA 81 FE 47 82 90 89 62 75 88 61 E1 4A C0 9D 38 C0 BB 38 C0 CA 12 C0 8B 12 C0 43 11 C0 43 33 C0 72 68 C0 46 68 C0 0B 4A C0 0B 13 C0 85 42 C0 0A 8A C0 0B BB C0 3F BB C0 37 83 C0 A3 4A C0 EC BC 77 FF FF FF FF F0 FF 81 18 FF FF

this will debug room 148, while preserving room 221, which is connected. Cause of bug was - out of data or false pointer calculation for room 148.

So the code at F81BC and 130000 are the only changes from 1.02 to 1.03.
So no need for you to play this version again, as it is possible to defeat lanmolas in a bugged room (as you can see in that screen on HL thread on page 7).

Finally, while I have some of the Zeldix masters nearby (including one who has created more hacks than any other), I'm wondering if you have any particular recommendations for hacks I ought to try next. I've played Parallel Worlds, Parallel Remodel, Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Wisdom Remake, Hylian Legacy, Secrets of the Past, and LttP Retold. HL and GoW have been my favorites, primarily because of the way they've done their dungeons. Any suggestions for other current hack that I really ought to try?
I think you already played the best. Maybe further recomended is Gerudo Exile, which is (I believe) the remake of Hylian Legacy (or at least HL was its base), or the Oracle of Secrets demo 2015 or later/current version. Both are somewhat in beta, but still nice to play (preferably on emulator, due to the state they are in, so you can load savestates and such).
There is also Conker High Rule Tail and Conker Milk Utopia. These are two unconventional ALTTP hacks, since they basically change Zelda into Conker, but ALTTP is still the base, so the game still plays like a Zelda game. So despite the spoof nature of these hacks, they were made by the very best hackers and the skill needed to do this was overwhelming. Maybe the best part here are again dungeons and ASM. I was less satisfied with how the overworlds turned out. Milk Utopia did however made some visual progress here, but again due to "duble layer" overworld only "small" areas are possible.
The rest are just either master quest variants (where Bruce Campbel vs Ganon, and Puzzledude's quest stand out, since they have a lot more edits, specially indoors), or something not for everyone like my IQ/Cube hacks and similar (unless you liked Impa's Ways and Nabooru's hole of Parallel Worlds).

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Post Sat 12 Sep 2020 - 13:22 by Pamfafoofle

Thanks for the quick answers Puzzledude!
I remember playing v1.02 and the Lanmolas had the gamebreaking bug, where another room was loading ontop of that room, so I corrected this bug. This one edit is in room 148.
I don't know hex coding and don't think I can be bothered to learn it (one major reason why I've concluded that I wouldn't be able to get far on doing my own hack, at least on Hyrule Magic; I've played around with Hyrule Magic enough to know that you really need to go deeper than the basic overworld/dungeon/sprite edits to make much headway due to the hardcoding) but I certainly know which room you're referring to, and it makes a lot of sense that this was fixed. I've never had a problem with that room, but I suppose I have to know not to enter the north door after defeating the Lanmolas.
I think you already played the best. Maybe further recomended is Gerudo Exile, which is (I believe) the remake of Hylian Legacy (or at least HL was its base), or the Oracle of Secrets demo 2015 or later/current version. Both are somewhat in beta, but still nice to play (preferably on emulator, due to the state they are in, so you can load savestates and such).
There is also Conker High Rule Tail and Conker Milk Utopia. These are two unconventional ALTTP hacks, since they basically change Zelda into Conker, but ALTTP is still the base, so the game still plays like a Zelda game. So despite the spoof nature of these hacks, they were made by the very best hackers and the skill needed to do this was overwhelming. Maybe the best part here are again dungeons and ASM. I was less satisfied with how the overworlds turned out. Milk Utopia did however made some visual progress here, but again due to "duble layer" overworld only "small" areas are possible.
The rest are just either master quest variants (where Bruce Campbel vs Ganon, and Puzzledude's quest stand out, since they have a lot more edits, specially indoors), or something not for everyone like my IQ/Cube hacks and similar (unless you liked Impa's Ways and Nabooru's hole of Parallel Worlds).
Also good to know. I prefer completed hacks, so I shall keep an eye on Gerudo Exile and Oracle of Secrets and hope they make their way to the Finished category someday so I can play 'em. I've recognized that the Conker hack must be a particular masterpiece, but having zero exposure to the franchise, I haven't felt right trying it since as you say it is so unconventional. And I have sort of assumed that most of the hacks with terms like "IQ" or "Einstein" in their titles would not be true, natural-playing sort of hacks. Impa's Ways/Nabooru's Hole bring PW's rating down a lot just because they can't be approached in any way remotely like a canon Zelda dungeon. I might give Cube a try someday though.

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Post Sat 12 Sep 2020 - 13:38 by Puzzledude

Yes, it's all about what your preference is. For instance Gerudo Exile and Oracle of Secrets are in a similar state than Hyrule Legacy. You might not be aware, but HL also has a lot of bugs still and you played it. So you should have no problems with Gerudo or Oracle. The beta might not mean they are not playable, but simply that the author considers adding material to it. For instance Oracle is missing the dark world, but the author could just decide to make it only in light world. If he would then add Ganon, the game would be considered complete already.

The Cube is also unconventional, as you need to solve 100 Hyule Magic rooms and defeat Ganon in one sitting. Just an idea I had for the biggest single dungon ever made for this game, while the IQ hacks were based of PW's Impa's Ways and Nabooru's hole, as well as an interesting ASM trick of multiple block pushing (block town dungeon), as well as multiple-jump puzzles in the final dungeon (rabbit hole dungeon). This was interesting for me to make and a lot of knowledge and testing of very complex block pushing puzzles were made, but this level of complexity unfortunately is not for everyone and definitely is not what you play in the original game's dungeons.

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Post Tue 5 Jan 2021 - 16:12 by VVV18

A small question:
there is no PCM set for this game yet?
Thanks in advance!!!

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Post Wed 6 Jan 2021 - 10:53 by SePH

Pretty sure it was made to be compatible with every other A Link to the Past pcm sets here:

Hey, don't look at me, I've only worked on the original version of the game (Shards of Might), every update since then has been by different authors. Razz

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Post Thu 7 Jan 2021 - 1:57 by Conn

Yes, if you download the patch
in folder lite(novideo)_pal... you find the alttp_msi1_short.ips

this one is compatible with all versions (ntsc, pal, japanese...) and hacks!

Just use one of the dozens pcm packs and use bulk rename utility
to match the pcm names the name of your rom (also don't forget the .msu file)

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Post Thu 7 Jan 2021 - 5:57 by Puzzledude

VVV18 wrote:A small question:
there is no PCM set for this game yet?
Thanks in advance!!!
I personally use this:
A Link Between Worlds pcm set.

I didn't bother to make a new set just for this game, since we have so many ALTTP PCM sets already and they are all compatible with GoW.

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Post Thu 7 Jan 2021 - 13:12 by VVV18

@ Seph
@ Conn
@ Puzzledude

too grateful here,
I’ll be choosing one of the many PCM sets now,
Thank you so much guys!!!

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Post Wed 28 Sep 2022 - 7:18 by gérald rudolf

do you know about the game goddess of wisdom remake v1-21

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Post Mon 24 Oct 2022 - 15:50 by Puzzledude

gérald rudolf wrote:do you know about the game goddess of wisdom remake v1-21
Sure. It is in a separate topic here, since it is a separate game:

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