HUD and Inventory

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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Fri 4 Oct 2013 - 17:19

Yeh if you have a concept for a menu i am sure i can help you when finishing the PoC one Smile 


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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by Spane Sat 5 Oct 2013 - 6:12

Progress with the menu because of the genius named XaserLe :-D
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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by scawful Sat 5 Oct 2013 - 8:29

Dang! I like how you managed to go the bottom triforce's upright too! I noticed in Spane's original model he had them flipped probably so it'd be easier to construct so it's awesome that XaserLE managed to pull it off

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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by Puzzledude Sat 5 Oct 2013 - 8:33

This is great. And very fast done, too. Regarding the Triforces (I don't think there is any problem in flipping them, it is just a different value of the byte, which flips, rather then makes a normal load).

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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Sat 5 Oct 2013 - 8:36

Thanks! Yeh, as PuzzleDude said, rotating is quite easy, there are only two bits that manage vertical and horizontal mirroring.


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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Fri 3 Oct 2014 - 10:55

It's finally done, the Prophet of Chaos menu is finished Smile
The arrangement of the items has changed slightly Very Happy
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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by Puzzledude Fri 3 Oct 2014 - 14:19

This is super great.  Ohmygod
By the way, how did you mannage to change the order in which the items are in the Inventory (when they go from left to right). I thought this was actually impossible to make. It is always Bow, boomerang, hookshot, bomb, powder etc. But in this case it is Bow, boomerang, bombs, powder, cape etc.

Since I once changed the positions of boomerang and hookshot, but it didn't work. The second item was always boomerang (despite the fact that hookshot was displayed).

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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by Spane Fri 3 Oct 2014 - 14:48

As you can see it is possible :-D
But ask XaserLE it was a painfull work for him and for me get the new order work and it is new code also needed.


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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Sat 4 Oct 2014 - 5:28

Yes, as Spane said: It was painful. There were a lot of side effects about this. The first thing was to draw the items at the new positions (no problem). The second was to change the texts (annoying work, but no problem too, i am happy that Spane did this  Very Happy ). The third thing was to change the table that transforms from the internally menu index (saved at $202 in RAM) to the item you actually hold (saved at $303 in RAM). At this point, it worked if you had all items. The fourth thing was needed to make it work if you have gaps in the menu (items you haven't collected yet) --> the circle will jump randomly through the menu. This is caused by the order of the items in memory. The game trusts the fact that the item order in the menu is the same as the order in RAM (starting at $7EF340) so i needed to hardcode the new order to make the circle jump correctly over gaps.
(It's around 1000 lines of assembler  code.)

Edit: The hud needs to be recoded too, otherwise it will show the wrong item.


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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by Puzzledude Sat 4 Oct 2014 - 6:03

Great. I guess this is the first time to see the Menu so much edited from the original.

It's around 1000 lines of assembler code.
You know, when I first saw the Parallel Worlds brand new Menu, I thought: well they just put that in, haven't relized how much work is necessary for this to be done.

Last edited by Puzzledude on Sat 4 Oct 2014 - 6:14; edited 1 time in total

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Since : 2012-06-20

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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Sat 4 Oct 2014 - 6:08

Thank you, i am very happy to see it that it works now Smile


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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by scawful Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 9:37

This looks freaking awesome! Good job XaserLE! Very Happy Ohmygod

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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 9:47

Thank you so much Smile


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HUD and Inventory - Page 2 Empty Re: HUD and Inventory

Post by XaserLE Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 7:38

Progress, HUD is finished (except minor palette issues).
This is the return of the Beta Magic Bar Ohmygod
Ok, maybe i should delete the debug information in the final release Very Happy
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