Current date/time is Thu 5 Dec 2024 - 16:39


  • Topics
  • 20190418
     Global announcement:
    After the previous discussion, I'm happy to announce that we now have a Patreon page!

    This is still a pretty new thing, so we're definitely open to feedback and suggestions for things like supporter perks.  This has been an amazingly supportive community, and I'm looking forward to keeping it going for years to come.

    by qwertymodo - Comments: 17 - Views: 88318
  • 20231203
    Author: ThatEntityGirl (Entity1037)
    Can't believe I haven't posted these here until now.

    Author: ThatEntityGirl (Entity1037)
    Information: These two hacks create the experience of “Hero Mode” from later Zelda games in A Link to the Past and Ancient Stone Tablets. This is especially nice for AST since that game is very easy.
    Roms: Headerless US ALttP / Any AST version
    Zelda 3...

    by Entity1037 - Comments: 0 - Views: 1895
  • 20140318
    Authors: Conn, PuzzleDude
    Information: Load custom overworld music, without the reseting when changing screens. (Original Alttp always resets it to Overworld music when exiting most entrances).
    Rom: expanded ALTTP rom (US), without header; pc w/o header ALTTP (US)

    Others Play_c10

    Ups Patch:

    by Puzzledude - Comments: 1 - Views: 2732
  • 20140318
    Author: MathOnNapkins, Conn
    Information: This is a hack collection to fix some bugs occuring in the native Zelda
    Rom: ALTTP (US), without header

    Others Kholds11

    Ips Patch:

    by Conn - Comments: 4 - Views: 5143
  • 20161217
    Others Bombab10

    This patch will give you destructible walls that look just like regular walls similar to the BS Zelda - Ancient Stone Tablets games.

    No graphics tiles were altered so this should be compatible with nearly all Zelda III hacks.

    This patch is for a ROM without a copier header.


    Patch V1.0

    by SunGodPortal - Comments: 0 - Views: 2088
  • 20150221
    accelerate the speed of ALTTP (Author wiiqwertyuiop)
    Author: Wiiqwertyuiop
    Information: this patch makes ALTTP run in fastrom mode, this should prevent slowdowns, which are encountered in case too many sprites are on screen
    Rom: expanded (min 1.5 MB) NATIVE ALTTP (US), without Header

     This is the native code by wiiqwertyuiop for the native expanded rom. The all-in rom as well as the complete items patch already have the code adjusted and merged. Only apply this patch in case you play the native rom, but NOT if you use the all-in...

    by Conn - Comments: 16 - Views: 9561
  • 20140805
    Information: With this asm you can give a text message to any room, like Boss introductions
    Rom: ALTTP (US), without header; expanded to 1.5 MB (Minimum)

    Others All-in11

    this asm covers 10 (boss) rooms (can be decresed or increased easily). This asm can also only be used for rooms

    by Conn - Comments: 1 - Views: 2935
  • 20150329
    Author: PuzzleDude
    Others 2366ti10
    Latest version: 1.0
    Original file to patch to: Alttp US rom, no header (CRC-32= 777AAC2F)

    The God mode, Byrna hack is a collection of small hacks, which make you invincible or give you the Cane of Byrna.

    The god mode has two features: if you get hit, your energy will not...

    by Puzzledude - Comments: 0 - Views: 3651
  • 20150209
    Author: PuzzleDude
    Others 1529ti10
    Latest version: 1.0
    Original file to patch to: Alttp US rom, no header (CRC-777AAC2F)

    These patches were designed to help rookies who have problems with Zelda3 and would like to start it with HP upgrades. There are 5 parameters: start with 10 heart containers, start with 20 heart containers,...

    by Puzzledude - Comments: 0 - Views: 2730
  • 20141105
    Author: Conn, mwreichelt, Ikari01
    Information: This patch to hear CD-Quality Music while playing (bsnes, sd2snes). Optionally you can now also play a video between name entry and game start (plays only when new slot was created).
    Rom: extented US ALTTP (min 1.5 MB)


    IPS patch:

    by Conn - Comments: 1 - Views: 2369
  • 20140318
    Authors: Conn, PuzzleDude
    Information: Transfer the data for Indoor sprites to another bank to have more room for them.
    Rom: ALTTP (US), without header; pc w/o header ALTTP (US)

    Others Transf10

    Ups Patch:

    Additional info: This also means more room for...

    by Conn - Comments: 0 - Views: 2310

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