TMNT IV: Turtles In Time

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TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Empty TMNT IV: Turtles In Time

-  Patch  -

Patch With Voice Clip Compatibility (by Cubear, an expansion of DarkShock's patch):

Mirror Download:
SIDE NOTE: This patch works fine whether you have level announcer voice clip PCM's in or not. It will mute the original voice clip if it detects a PCM to upload, but will not mute it if you are using a set without voice clips included.

Original Patch (by DarkShock):
This patch is only compatible with PCM sets that do not have voice clips. It is highly recommended that you use Cubear's patch as that one is compatible with voice clips or not.

-  PCM Packs  -

Arcade (with higher quality "Pizza Power" & stage announcer intros) (by Relikk):

Shell Shocked OC Remix (by DarkShock) (rev. by Colines and DatSwissGuy):
YouTube Preview

Lame Genie Guitar v3, Now With Voice Clips! (by JUD6MENT):

Mirror Download:
YouTube Preview

SIDE NOTE: You must use Cubear's Patch for the PCM packs with voice clips, otherwise you will hear the original voice clips overlapping the new voice clips.

Coverart by polargames:
TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Tmnt410

Last edited by Conn on Wed 10 Jul 2019 - 17:32; edited 18 times in total

TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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TMNT IV: Turtles In Time :: Comments


Post Wed 18 Dec 2019 - 14:46 by Relikk

Yeah I want to try and find the original and cobble it together myself and add it to my own, but as an option rather than the default.

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Post Wed 18 Dec 2019 - 17:51 by Mistawani

Relikk wrote:Oh, cool. Had no idea there was a higher quality version of that floating around.

i used this link for the song :

accelerate a bit and cut it for mimic the arcade intro, and add the "pizza power" digit from arcade game.

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Post Wed 18 Dec 2019 - 18:16 by Relikk

Aye, I know, but I'm trying to source a lossless version. Haven't found one yet. The fact that FFShrine died recently doesn't help either.

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Post Wed 18 Dec 2019 - 19:17 by Mistawani

Relikk wrote:Aye, I know, but I'm trying to source a lossless version. Haven't found one yet. The fact that FFShrine died recently doesn't help either.

oh ok sorry, u can probably take this

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Post Wed 18 Dec 2019 - 19:22 by Relikk

Indeed. Weird how it was only ever released on cassette (and VHS).

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Post Fri 20 Dec 2019 - 5:56 by Relikk

I've updated the link to my own pack with the new version of the title screen music.

I've named it 250alt, so anyone that wants to replace the original arcade version with the new one can just rename their respective 250 PCM's.

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Post Sat 28 Dec 2019 - 20:40 by niuus

Relikk wrote:Ah, I did it anyway. I was bored. Suspect

Arcade OST for the tracks that are available.

Relikk wrote:So I looked at DarkShock's ASM and the hack is actually complete. So, I added the rest of the arcade tracks that were missing.

If anyone can update the first post and replace the old Arcade link with this one, that'd be great. Razz

Relikk wrote:I've updated the link to my own pack with the new version of the title screen music.

I've named it 250alt, so anyone that wants to replace the original arcade version with the new one can just rename their respective 250 PCM's.
I would suggest you to delete all the previous links, it gets kinda confusing when reading the thread which one of your posts is the latest and greatest, not even the OP one is the same link Embarassed

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Post Sun 29 Dec 2019 - 5:05 by Relikk

The links in the original article with the patches and audio packs are always updated to the latest available versions, but I see your point.

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Post Mon 24 May 2021 - 22:55 by SuperFeistyFox

I have to point out, at least on FXPak that the cutscene music of the turtles being sent in time for the first time (tmnt4_msu1-54) is strangely set to loop. I briefly hear it start to play again just before it cuts to the next scene.

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Post Tue 25 May 2021 - 3:40 by Conn

Well 3 options
1. ignore Smile
2. make pcm 54 longer for 3 seconds with mute
3. botch in Darkshock patch

Attched is option 3 for testing purpose
TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(1 Kb) Downloaded 19 times

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Post Tue 25 May 2021 - 8:13 by SuperFeistyFox

Conn wrote:Well 3 options
1. ignore Smile
2. make pcm 54 longer for 3 seconds with mute
3. botch in Darkshock patch

Attched is option 3 for testing purpose

I'll give option 3 a go whenever I can. Smile

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Post Thu 17 Jun 2021 - 21:26 by SuperFeistyFox

The new patch fixed the issue. It works great and the song no longer loops.

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Post Sat 19 Jun 2021 - 3:43 by Conn

Nice, I replaced link in first post eventually

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 4:48 by niuus

Tried to unsuccessfully comprehend these two patches in order to make them work together. Also tried to use this to make some possible sense out of it, but it reports 100% compatibility, sadly it isn't the case, as it crashes when trying to start a new game. Is there a software that could help me achieve this?

MSU-1 patch:
TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Y1pwYPE
Dash with L-R buttons:
TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 V1Vszu7

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 6:57 by pev

niuus wrote:Tried to unsuccessfully comprehend these two patches in order to make them work together. Also tried to use this to make some possible sense out of it, but it reports 100% compatibility, sadly it isn't the case, as it crashes when trying to start a new game. Is there a software that could help me achieve this?
After looking into this some more, The two patches are not compatible with each other. See below...
TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Image_20
Though possible to make them compatible, it would take some time since no source code is readily available for the MSU-1 and Dash patch. TBH, I have no inspiration at the moment to do this. I would say the same for Conn. If you need this to be compatible, consider contacting the author of this patch to relocate his code elsewhere.

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 7:29 by Conn

Darkshock doesn't release his source code so the shift must be made in hex by hand. I previously (yesterday) talked with relikk and we concurred that we are a MSU only patch forum (so it's not our concern providing compatibility with other patches). We maintain 170 patches, on romhacking you find a million further patches. It is impossible to make every msu patch compatible with every other patch... I did that in the past (last e.g. ultimate mk 3 deluxe), but currently simply have no time or mood.

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 10:22 by pev

@niuus, @ToAll I whole heartily agree with Conn and Relikk that this forum is primarily a MSU-1 patch forum (aside the Zelda stuff). It is not our duty to make every single MSU-1 patch compatible with something else. We would appreciate that everyone who visits this site to refrain from "feature creeping". If a specific patch is that important to you, please contact that patch author to make it compatible.

Now, this aside, I took the lesser of two evils and was able to shift the conflicting dash code. It was quick and dirty via the **hex by hand** method. The patch has dash + msu merged. Please apply on a clean TMNT IV rom with CRC 5940BD99. The patch is below...


I did a brief test. So, hopefully, it is good. This will most likely be the last time, I will help out with compatibility fixes outside our own forum.

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 13:45 by niuus

pepillopev wrote:
niuus wrote:Tried to unsuccessfully comprehend these two patches in order to make them work together. Also tried to use this to make some possible sense out of it, but it reports 100% compatibility, sadly it isn't the case, as it crashes when trying to start a new game. Is there a software that could help me achieve this?
After looking into this some more, The two patches are not compatible with each other. See below...
TMNT IV: Turtles In Time - Page 2 Image_20
Funny enough, i re-verified and it gave me 83.3%, then 88.9, then 100, and so on. This kept changing everytime i opened the program, until it threw me a message "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application". Wut.

Conn wrote:Darkshock doesn't release his source code so the shift must be made in hex by hand. I previously (yesterday) talked with relikk and we concurred that we are a MSU only patch forum (so it's not our concern providing compatibility with other patches). We maintain 170 patches, on romhacking you find a million further patches. It is impossible to make every msu patch compatible with every other patch... I did that in the past (last e.g. ultimate mk 3 deluxe), but currently simply have no time or mood.

pepillopev wrote:I whole heartily agree with Conn and Relikk that this forum is primarily a MSU-1 patch forum (aside the Zelda stuff). It is not our duty to make every single MSU-1 patch compatible with something else. We would appreciate that everyone who visits this site to refrain from "feature creeping". If a specific patch is that important to you, please contact that patch author to make it compatible.

Believe me when i tell ya: i wasn't requesting a fix by yourselves, as i have read your messages about moving to other pastures countless times in many threads. I only wanted a nudge in the right direction and possibly learn to fix them on my own someday. I enjoy most of the work posted in these forums and, of course, completely understand the situation. I though about asking for months, googled about snes patch conflicts, read some threads with some loose info on romhacking, before finally trying here, hence why i asked if there was any software that i could use, maybe some resources to be shared, etc.

So! Now that it is clarified, apologies and i hope you don't feel or stay angry/mad about it. If there ever is a next time with a question about it, i'll be thoroughly specific to ask for written resources. You really didn't have to do the patch, so thanks.

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 14:01 by pev

@niuus Apologies, I re-read your post and jumped to conclusions. My bad and I own this one. Take the patch as a token of good will. I had to isolate both patches to really see what was different. Not really sure why your methods resulted in different percentage values. Mine was always consistent.

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 14:19 by niuus

pepillopev wrote:@niuus Apologies, I re-read your post and jumped to conclusions. My bad and I own this one. Take the patch as a token of good will. I had to isolate both patches to really see what was different. Not really sure why your methods resulted in different percentage values. Mine was always consistent.
Thanks again, @pepillopev.

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Post Sat 26 Jun 2021 - 17:12 by Conn

If you wish to fix those conflicts you need to do it by hand, and this involves address calling in assembly.
E.g. jsl $809000 let the code call this routine (fallstrick, there are lo and hiroms, you need lunar address to get the pc address. Above is e.g. lorom and you find the executed code at pc 0x1000 (I think, I have no lunar address on my mobile. So here is a conflict since this space is free, and both darkshock and the dash hacker found it a good place to inject their code.
So you probably want to move the smaller code since you also have to move calls within this routine, like jsr,jmp, maybe even branches.
So what you need to do is finding the call (which is maybe at $0x004: 22 00 90 80 (reverse and opcode 22 is jsl: jsl $809000.
You find another free space at 0x2000, so you copy paste the code at pc 0x1000 to 0x2000 and change the SNES call 22 00 90 80 to 22 00 a0 00. It's not difficult but you need the how to knowledge

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Post Sun 28 Nov 2021 - 4:06 by JUD6MENT

I got a small preview of Lame Genie music in TMNT 4. They are going to cover every track from the game but so far they have only finished the stage music. I have converted what is done so far and excited for them to release their finish album sometime soon. Here is a preview below of what some tracks sound like so far.

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Post Sun 20 Mar 2022 - 2:03 by JUD6MENT

I am releasing a PCM set of Lame Genie guitar cover of the game. They claim to be coming out with a full album that does all the smaller tracks of the game and I was going to wait for that to release this, but I changed my mind. It has been 4 months and still no album. So I am releasing this PCM set that does have every stage music and boss fight completed and I will update this set when Lame Genie releases their promised album.

Side Note: The intro theme and the theme of the statue of liberty being stolen is done by Dark Water Studios. All other small tracks in the game comes from the Arcade OST or the game's OST

Here is a link:

Here is a YouTube preview. It is short as I plan to update it when the full album drops.

When I update this PCM set, I will release it here and make a new preview video for it. Come back later at an unknown time for that Razz (Conn)

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Post Mon 8 Aug 2022 - 1:29 by Cubear

Hi all! Just a teeny tiny update patch for this game. It allows for the level intro voice clips to be replaced via MSU-1.

@JUD6MENT's pack now includes the voice clips necessary to replace these! Check it out!

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Post Mon 8 Aug 2022 - 1:34 by JUD6MENT

We have a new patch and PCM set that is being released. The new patch is from Cubear who tweaked Dark Shock's patch to allow PCM voice clips to be loaded to announce the stages, while muting the original voice clips in game. However, if the PCM for the voice clip is missing, then the original voice announcer from the game will not be muted. In other words, Cubears new patch is compatible with all our PCM sets whether it has a voice clip PCM in or not. However, my newest set is not compatible with Darkshock's original patch as it will cause two voice clips to trigger at the same time.

If you want to play my new PCM set that has the Lame Genie band announcing the levels, you need to update your patched rom with Cubear's new patch.

Technically Darkshock's patch is no longer needed, but I feel it would be disrespectful to remove it all together, so I am keeping that listed too. I also think it is important to keep it achieved here on Zeldix.

Here are some links below to download the new stuff (that is also in first post).

Patch With Voice Clip Compatibility (by Cubear, an expansion of DarkShock's patch):
Mirror Download Link:

Lame Genie Guitar v2, Now With Voice Clips! (by JUD6MENT):
Mirror Download Link:
YouTube Preview
SIDE NOTE: You must use Cubear's Patch for JUD6MENT's PCM set, otherwise you will hear the original voice clips overlapping the new voice clips.

Here is my preview.

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