Gba Improvement patch

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Gba Improvement patch

Post by smashbro596 Fri 6 Oct 2017 - 18:17

Ok. a link to the past gba had a number of improvements to items.
lamp and fire rod burns bushes
boomerangs cut grass
pots and indoor skulls can be smashed with hammer and golden sword
signs can be sliced with golden sword.
and the hurricane spin.

any way we can get a patch that has JUST these improvements and nothing else for the snes version?


Since : 2017-10-06

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by Puzzledude Fri 6 Oct 2017 - 18:52

Ok. a link to the past gba had a number of improvements to items.
Yes, unfortunately this has nothing to do with SNES, thus the features are completely non portable.

lamp and fire rod burns bushes
boomerangs cut grass
pots and indoor skulls can be smashed with hammer and golden sword
signs can be sliced with golden sword.
and the hurricane spin.
This is much more difficult to do than you think, since you need to manipulate the VRAM. This will need very complex ASM.

Your best bet is to manipulate Conn's ASM: Level 2 sword breaks pots, and simply change it to level 4 sword, which will then break pots/indoor skulls.

There is also a very complex ASM: Icerod freezes water, which can then be adopted to freeze/cut bushes.

These 2 codes is what you have and indeed both a very complex. To write all this for Fire rod and Boomerang to cut grass will need more of such complex ASM, which I'm sure will not happen any time soon (too much work for little gain).

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Sat 11 Nov 2017 - 17:45

the GBA port has more memory. which is why it is possible to even have a bonus dungeon right? unfortunately, the hacking community is much smaller unlike SMW and FF6 and not even the latter has gone that far in replicating the GBA port with its bonus dungeon. besides, the GBA port has less buttons and a smaller screen, plus bugs that were not present in the native release.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Thu 7 Dec 2017 - 23:16

sign slicing was not even possible in the SNES version. I presume that would require an extensive ASM for the animation.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by zarby89 Fri 8 Dec 2017 - 11:59

it depends how it sliced it could be really easy to do by just updating the tilemap and spawning a sign object (the one you can grab over your head that is always loaded in vram) Smile

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Since : 2016-10-30

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Fri 8 Dec 2017 - 15:27

so it is not that difficult? unfortunately, i don't think palace of the four swords is possible and the GBA port did have more rooms, but it is possible that some of the unused rooms from the SNES version were used. FF6 advance has the dragon's den and soul shrine and currently no hacker has been successful in adding the bonus dungeon on the SNES (or at least never bothered with it). there is the 6-T edition, but that requires rom add-ons. I suspect the SNES version of zelda3 could have a similar situation.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by zarby89 Fri 8 Dec 2017 - 16:24

it not impossible to add more rooms it just complicated there's pointers for 320 rooms in alttp and only 296 are used, but if you really want more rooms and know what you are doing you could do a copy paste of the current system and have 2 grid of 16x16 rooms and have a code that say like if entrance id > 296 then go to that new grid of room instead that's how i would do it personally

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Since : 2016-10-30

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Fri 8 Dec 2017 - 16:35

PD mentioned this in an earlier topic. past room 255 can only use single exits. also it occurred to me that the palace of four swords is the 16th dungeon label because hyrule castle is technically 4. the main castle section, the tower, the sewers, and the church. as i said before, the GBA's coding is more complex so it has less limitations.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by zarby89 Fri 8 Dec 2017 - 17:45

oh i was not aware of that haha, that would explain lots of stuff but meh you could probably do something about that i guess game change are not planned currently in my editor but like i said in discord when i'll be done with it i'll probably expand lots of stuff like chest arrays, sprites, pit damage, tiles,ect... but i'm not sure about the rooms 16x16x4 is already plenty of rooms to work with in my opinion i could barely fill the half of that

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Since : 2016-10-30

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by Puzzledude Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 6:14

zarby89 wrote:it not impossible to add more rooms it just complicated there's pointers for 320 rooms in alttp and only 296 are used, but if you really want more rooms and know what you are doing you could do a copy paste of the current system and have 2 grid of 16x16 rooms and have a code that say like if entrance id > 296 then go to that new grid of room instead that's how i would do it personally

If you are both interested in more rooms, read this:

I decoded this a while back to tell the game to load multiple grids of rooms 0-319.
So with this method you could have "unlimited" rooms, BUT there is the SRAM issue. Despite the fact you can load multiple object layers, the game will still regard this as the same room and will not be able to save opened chests, unlocked doors etc etc, everything that goes into save Ram. But you can make unlimited rooms if there is no such things in them, like chests, locked doors etc, only "regular" objects and sprites.

There simply is a limit for what SRAM can handle and how it stores info, so you would have to expand the SRAM somwhow to (for instance) be able to have 1000 rooms, thus 3 grids with all capable of saving normally.

There is also a problem with dungeon definitions, which you can not exceed past what the original game is using, despite the fact that there is space for additional 2 dungeons (2 bits of a byte, also prepared in SRAM), but they are not working.

So from the save side, it is globally better to have 3 separate roms/files if you want 1000 rooms for instance.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by Puzzledude Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 6:25

PD mentioned this in an earlier topic. past room 255 can only use single exits.
Yes, you can not mix the 0-255 and the 256-296 areas. These are 2 separate areas. Only the first area can accept dungeons. The second area is meant for houses and caves. You can never travel or warp from first to second area, since this will bug out.

However this can be doubled or tripled, if you double and triple the grid, however like said, there's a saving issue. Since basically you are only loading new objects and sprites onto the same room twice on condition.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 6:41

it occurred to me that the palace of the four swords has no keys or dungeon map, but I do recall that you can use the magic mirror. it also contains new bosses. the GBA port also added LikeLikes.

as for the repeated rooms, is this similar to the unused rooms that share the same properties that are to be left alone?


Since : 2015-01-04

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by zarby89 Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 14:18

Puzzledude wrote:
If you are both interested in more rooms, read this:

I decoded this a while back to tell the game to load multiple grids of rooms 0-319.
So with this method you could have "unlimited" rooms, BUT there is the SRAM issue. Despite the fact you can load multiple object layers, the game will still regard this as the same room and will not be able to save opened chests, unlocked doors etc etc, everything that goes into save Ram. But you can make unlimited rooms if there is no such things in them, like chests, locked doors etc, only "regular" objects and sprites.

There simply is a limit for what SRAM can handle and how it stores info, so you would have to expand the SRAM somwhow to (for instance) be able to have 1000 rooms, thus 3 grids with all capable of saving normally.

Oh yeah true i forgot about the SRAM, that's nice it almost looks like what i had in mind Razz

wizzrobemaster wrote:it occurred to me that the palace of the four swords has no keys or dungeon map, but I do recall that you can use the magic mirror.  it also contains new bosses.  the GBA port also added LikeLikes.  

as for the repeated rooms, is this similar to the unused rooms that share the same properties that are to be left alone?

new boss Confused

i think those rooms are only using same objects pointers, HM allow you to save them separately
Gba Improvement patch Reused10

just need to press yes when you save one of those room and it should create a new pointer

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Since : 2016-10-30

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by Puzzledude Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 15:49

as for the repeated rooms, is this similar to the unused rooms that share the same properties that are to be left alone?

just need to press yes when you save one of those room and it should create a new pointer
Yes, this is safe to do regarding data, however not room header unless you are using the HM 964 with unlimited room header. Then you can "detwin" all header-twin rooms and all data-twin rooms.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 20:13

doesn't de-twinning the rooms bug the rom? i recall you mentioning in an earlier post that these rooms should be left alone and are very complicated to change.


Since : 2015-01-04

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by Puzzledude Sun 10 Dec 2017 - 6:16

wizzrobemaster wrote:doesn't de-twinning the rooms bug the rom? i recall you mentioning in an earlier post that these rooms should be left alone and are very complicated to change.  
It's better to leave them alone due to HM not being able to handle full filling. Or in other words 15% of all rooms must be empty, since there is a limit of how much object data you can insert. However it is safe to use all those rooms which are already used, but only by half or quarter. You simply use all the parts. It is also safe to use a room or two, which you can easily see was meant to be a part of dungeon, specially in the final Ganon dungeon. There are at least 3 such rooms, which even have the same header as the rest of the dungeon.

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Since : 2012-06-20

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Gba Improvement patch Empty Re: Gba Improvement patch

Post by wizzrobemaster Sun 10 Dec 2017 - 12:34

It is interesting that the ice rod cave have single entrances, which explains why there were blocks preventing you from receiving it from the gold bee entrance.


Since : 2015-01-04

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