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Final Fight - Page 4 Empty Final Fight

-  Patch  -

Final Fight US/JP v2* (2020.07.01 - New ReadMe & Patch) (by PepilloPEV):

-  PCM Packs  -

Sega CD (by PepilloPEV):

Arcade (by Relikk):

X68000 YM2151 (by Relikk):

X68000 MIDI Arranged (by Relikk):



-  Track Map  -


*This version supports the US and JAP regions of the ROM (Cody and Guy variations). It also includes support for the additional music tracks including SPC per track fallback. Only the Guy Japan patch is compatible with Rotwang's Unofficial 2-Player hack.

All PCM packs hosted here are fully compatible with the multi-region patch. Thanks Relikk for updating your set "lightning" fast. Much appreciated.

Last edited by pepillopev on Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 17:04; edited 69 times in total

Final Fight - Page 4 Image211

Since : 2017-10-16

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Post Mon 3 Jun 2019 - 17:25 by pev

@Conn Yup, Conn is correct with regards to the "wait msu ready" routine. Somehow, my sorry ass forgot to include it. I will fix as soon as I finish the Retroid MSU-1 patch.

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Post Mon 3 Jun 2019 - 18:59 by alex_tenjo

Thank you both for your replies.

Regarding your interrogation about the US version, Conn, it works flawlessly on my SD2SNES Pro (I had previously test it and I had planed to write it on my initial message to give additional information about my issue but I forget it, sorry for that).
Also what both of you wrote could make sense to me because I managed to get (for a few tracks) MSU sound once (for my at least thirty attempts). So I can guess that a particular configuration should allowed the track to be load without delay (or at least with a very low delay). Just for the record, does that "wait msu ready" routine is something relative to the "busy flag" that ikari_01 talked about several weeks ago? (Sorry for my lack of knowledge).

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Post Mon 3 Jun 2019 - 20:36 by pev

@alex_tenjo Yes, in emulators all reads and writes to RAM and CPU registers are instantaneous. Not so much in real hardware (there is always a delay), hence the need for “wait msu ready” code.
This was just a minor oversight on my part. I recoded the patch a while back to make it more friendly with Gnawtor’s Rotwant's 2p hack. Only tested on emulators, never thought twice in testing it on my sd2snes. If I had I would have caught on to the bug. Nonetheless, I’m glad you brought it to our attention.

UPDATE: I added an additional BPS patch called ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6)_sd2snes_fix.bps to the ZIP file.

Last edited by pepillopev on Mon 29 Jun 2020 - 10:27; edited 1 time in total

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Post Tue 4 Jun 2019 - 16:15 by alex_tenjo

Thanks for your time, and for your technical explanation, it's much appreciate.
I have tried your "ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6)_sd2snes_fix.bps" and it seems to work very well on my first short test. However I think there is something with your last version of "ffguy-jap.bps". The patch refuse to be apply on the Japanese version of Final Fight Guy (CRC: DE144411), while there is no problem to apply "ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6)_sd2snes_fix.bps" on the same ROM.
Sorry to bother you again with that.

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Post Tue 4 Jun 2019 - 16:18 by pev

@alex_tenjo Yup, I’m aware of it. I just need some good time to look at all the patches over and correct them as needed. Busy this week. Will fix when I can. Thanks for the update.

UPDATE #1: Ok, hopefully, all the patches are sorted out this time around. Keep in mind that the following patches below are meant for the regular 1 player version of the game:

The remaining patch is only meant for the Japan version of Final Fight Guy, as Gnawtor's Rotwang's 2-player hack was built on this version of the ROM. Also, keep in mind that this patch is still considered beta and will contain issues. For example you will see GFX issues with pickup items in two player mode. Also Cody's voice samples are missing as well. Something to keep in mind. Nonetheless, the game can be played from beginning to end in 1 or 2 player mode. Happy Gaming.

UPDATE #2: @Conn, included the read-me file for clarification regarding the attached patches.

Last edited by pepillopev on Mon 29 Jun 2020 - 10:26; edited 3 times in total

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Post Wed 5 Jun 2019 - 3:07 by Conn

Great that this issue is going to be resolved Smile just noticed only that the readme pdf is missing in the new version. I'd say this is needed considering the currently 5 different patches you offer (which patch requires which rom, maybe with crc...)

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Post Fri 7 Jun 2019 - 1:25 by alex_tenjo

Many thanks for fixing it so quickly!
The Japanese version of Final Fight Guy now works perfectly on my SD2SNES Pro.

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Post Thu 18 Jun 2020 - 23:28 by RealGaea

Why Track 0A on Final Fight EUR/Guy isn't attached to its PCM in Sound Test? Can anyone fix that issue?

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Post Fri 19 Jun 2020 - 8:40 by pev

@RealGaea If the issue is not present in the US or JAP version, the code may be slightly different in the EUR. Did not check this myself yet. I do not have much time these days to look into it supporting every possible ROM out there. It is specified at the top that only US and Jap versions are supported.

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Post Thu 25 Jun 2020 - 21:44 by darthvaderx

fullgamezone wrote:Tested and failed to apply any of the patches in the two player game

Funny, because here is working perfectly, are you talking about emulators or SD2SNES?

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Post Fri 26 Jun 2020 - 22:02 by galgamesh

fullgamezone wrote:two players, guy jap patch first, two players patch second
I looked at the included read me file and it clearly says this (see text in red rectangle)...

Final Fight - Page 4 Readme11

I understand the readme file as stating the 2-player patch already has MSU merged with it. So, my guess, you are double patching based on your statement from your direct quote above. I think you should only apply the 2-player merged patch on a clean Final Fight Guy Jap ROM. Maybe this is causing your problem.

Instead of doing this (which is wrong)...
#1 Patch Final Fight Guy ROM with ffguy-japan.bps
-- then --
#2 Patch with ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6).bps

Do this instead...
#1 Only patch Final Fight Guy Jap ROM with ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6).bps

This should work since this patch already includes MSU code as stated in readme file. I hope this advice helps.

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Post Sat 27 Jun 2020 - 4:59 by Conn

@galgamesh: The patch file is in bps, so he can't do patch wrong.

I traced a bit the code and couldn't find an obvious bug. Also I think Pev didn't change the code much from ffguy-japan.bps.

So if ffguy-japan.bps works on sd2snes, and ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6).bps not, the problem could be in the 2 player patch.

Try patching with the 2-player patch alone, it is here:
Direkt link

If it crashes on sd2snes as well. The msu code is innocent.

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Post Sat 27 Jun 2020 - 12:44 by pev

@Conn Your assessment is correct. The MSU code is the same for all patches. I have some errands to perform today. If time allows, I can do a full play through with the plain 2p patch. May I ask if anyone else can test too?

I know the plain 2p patch (ie no msu code) acts quirky sometimes. Enemies leave the play area and it takes a while to come back sometimes. I see this a lot in the last stage. I see the same symptom on both emulators and hardware. But never experienced a crash with original and msu enhanced in the past. I can re-test but it depends if I have time to do so.

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Post Sat 27 Jun 2020 - 15:24 by Conn

works on the emulator, and crashes on sd2snes

two players, guy jap patch first, two players patch second
@fullgamezone and @all: it would really help a LOT if bug reports are written clearly and retraceable.
When reading again it sounds like you are using  ffguy-japan.bps first and then apply the 2-players patch the author original provided (which is ips) and not the merged 2 players patch Pev provides (ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6).bps).
Can you clear that up please what you exactly are doing so we can reproduce the bug?

Common note. When detecting a bug, please always give these informations:
- system you are using (bsnes/sd2snes/snes9x...)
- what patches you applied
- steps to take to reproduce the bug as precisely as possible
- video is in some cases always nice, but with time stamps and what we are supposed to see. If you post a video of 10 minutes length, and write something like "here, bug". it is frustrating guessing.
- savestates with description to what actions to take also always reduce our eternal suffering.

Thanks a lot! Very Happy

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Post Mon 29 Jun 2020 - 9:59 by pev

fullgamezone wrote:i think i had inserted the ffguy jap patch and after two players. Uses only two players. I will test later
No problem. Test when you get a chance. Remember, you only need to use the ffguy-jap-(2playerHackPart6).bps patch file onto a clean Jap Final Fight Guy ROM. This patch file already includes both Rotwang v6 Hack and msu support. No need to apply additional patches.

If all goes well, I will update the readme instructions so that this detail stands out more. I provided this key detail in the readme, but sometimes human nature has us skip reading boring parts in any given manual. - already updated readme file...

If it does not go well, please follow Conn's recommendation to document the steps done that led to problem. This way, we can assist in resolving the issue.

UPDATE: I recall that version 6 (or Part 6, as Rotwang calls it) is latest and last version Rotwang released. If he released a newer version, then it will need to be re-intergrated into the msu patch. Meaning, the msu code will most likely need to be re-arranged to make it compatible. If this is the case too, please let us know.

Last edited by pepillopev on Mon 29 Jun 2020 - 11:44; edited 2 times in total

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Post Mon 29 Jun 2020 - 11:37 by pev

@ToAll I removed the old pdf readme and updated with text file version. It is now even clearer on what patches should be used depending if you want 'msu-1 only' or 'Rotwang 2p patch + msu1' patches.

Remember, only Final Fight Guy Japan is compatible with Rotwang's 2-player mode hack. The other ROM revisions are not supported. Thanks for your interest in Zeldix patches.

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Post Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 17:16 by pev

RealGaea wrote:Why Track 0A on Final Fight EUR/Guy isn't attached to its PCM in Sound Test? Can anyone fix that issue?
Ok, I re-read your message and now understand what you mean. I don't remember a music test on regular Final Fight ROMs. I went and checked the msu+rotwang patch version and noticed the music test. So, apologies for my misunderstanding.

Ok, I went ahead and coded track-10(hex 0A) so that it plays in the music test. Keep in mind, this track was never intended to play in the original ROM. I did however code it in to play in beginning of Stage 3 (before wrestling cage) or Stage 5 (before elevator). I do not remember well which one. Will have to play test to verify again. I have not played it in a while. Nonetheless, the correct track that should play is track-21 for track-10(0A). If you desire this, you can rename track-21 to track-10 and you will be set (delete the old track-10, of course). If track-21 is missing, the game will play SPC version anyway.

Again, not sure if this is compatible with EUR ROM. Rotwang's patch only supports US and JAP. I have no desire to make it compatible with other ROM regions. So apologies on this.

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Post Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 17:21 by pev

fullgamezone wrote:i think i had inserted the ffguy jap patch and after two players. Uses only two players. I will test later
@fullgamezone I made some changes to the rotwang+msu patch. I decided to keep them separated (no longer merged). So disregard my last post. The correct way is listed in the readme file.

The changes are listed below...
For Rotwang 2-player mode hack and MSU-1 support...
#1 Inside Rotwang folder, you will find two patches
- Rotwang-2playerPatch-Part6.ips
- Rotwang-2player-MsuSupportPatch-v2.bps
#2 Ensure Final Fight Guy Japan ROM CRC is correct (must be DE144411)
#3 Apply 'Rotwang-2player-MsuSupportPatch-v2.bps' first to clean ROM
#4 Apply 'Rotwang-2playerPatch-Part6.ips' second to rotwang 2p patched ROM
#5 Enjoy!

@Conn The link remains the same Wink

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Post Sat 4 Jul 2020 - 10:40 by Señor Ventura

fullgamezone wrote:I was researching a rom hack and found some news. Some games people are changing the processor clock in the roms, when the rom is low it runs at 2.86 MHz, when the rom is high it runs at 3.58MHz. Some games that made this difference are good. But not all games solve, so they implement the SA-1 chip and make the rom use the 10mhz chip, taking all the slows out of the game.

In the case of Final Fight Two Players it runs at 2.86 MHz, it would be interesting to change it to 3.58MHz to improve the slowness when playing with two players. I do not know if it is possible or if someone understands, if it does not solve the 3.58MHz, change to the chip SA-1 10MHZ.

The problem is this hack seems to be discontinued. Sadly, is possible that we won't see advances anymore, he (rotwang) had some ambicius goals to achieve, but there is no news since too much time to maintain hopes about this.

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