Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals

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Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals - Page 2 Empty Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals

- Patch -

Original, German, Spain, Frue v7, Merged Spekkio (v7) (by Conn):

- PCM Pack -

SourJovis Arranged (by Relikk):
YouTube Preview

Lufia 2 Orchestral Set (by JUD6MENT):

Mirror Download:
YouTube Preview

- Track Map (Incomplete) -

The game is far too long to post a video that represents the patch being used. Except for the intro, the gameplay is from a TAS with the soundtrack placed over the relevant parts of the game to give an idea of what the music sounds like. Hence the lack of SFX. If you want to hear the full soundtrack you can head over to SourJovis' YouTube channel and listen to this playlist.

Special thanks to emuandco for testing the patch during development.

Last edited by Relikk on Thu 4 Feb 2021 - 9:07; edited 2 times in total

Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals - Page 2 Image211

Since : 2017-02-17

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Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals :: Comments


Post Wed 18 Sep 2019 - 11:02 by Conn

Ok, I went into the menu with your saveste... then I went out, in the village to compare the menu sfx. I found no difference between the menu sfx in the village and in the cave.

A jingle did not play for me either, does it play on other locations?

Guess we have to wait for Relikk or anybody else testing it, I never played the game myself (only did the codings).

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Post Wed 18 Sep 2019 - 13:37 by ARTEMlS

it works fine everywhere else - unless this theme is playing. However, in that very specific place a jingle will play normally.

So I guess it's no coding issue with your patch, but something special related to that specific music file.

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Post Wed 18 Sep 2019 - 13:41 by Conn

Can you load your savestate in a normal rom (not spekkio or another 4 mb) like I did? Then we can exclude the possibility that the msu patch is responsible

you can also take another pcm, rename it to the cave pcm to see whether this makes a difference.
Cave is luf2_msu1-23.pcm, so just delete it, and rename luf2_msu1-24.pcm into luf2_msu1-23.pcm to check whether it is really the pcm.

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 9:36 by ARTEMlS

Same happens in a normal ROM.

However, switching two tracks actually does not fix it. For some reason this problem seems to be tied to maps where track 23 is playing regardsless of what this track is.

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 11:45 by Conn

That's strange then, because I don't have this bug. Maybe somebody else can try with your savestate

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 13:52 by Conn

Here's a video, do I everything correct trying to reproduce your bug?

As said, I cannot hear a difference with the menu sfx, when comparing the village with the cave. Maybe it's also the snes9x version, I use 1.58

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 15:07 by ARTEMlS

You have to go into a submenu to hear a difference. Like going into ITEM or SPELL.

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 15:29 by Conn

I uploaded another video maybe you saw the old,
I am in item submenu, no difference

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Post Thu 19 Sep 2019 - 15:35 by Conn

Here's another one

where is the difference?

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Post Fri 27 Sep 2019 - 9:34 by ARTEMlS

The difference is in case of track 23 for some reason the confirmation sound always plays twice (instead of only once as it should) whenever you choose something in the menu. This seems to be bound onto track 23 regardless if you switch the music files.

Another issue I have is, here the sound is strange too:

For some reason not all sounds are working anymore for a reason I cannot replicate. For example the hook sound is missing when you press Y. In the second save there an ear-jarring sound added for seemingly no reason (don't know what triggered it). Ironically the aforementioned "plays sounds twice" issue is no more present here.

But yeah, this stuff might be emulator issues.


Another minor thing I noticed  is that the music doesn't get stopped when you do a soft reset (select+start+L+R). However, this is nothing that definitely needs fixing, anyway.

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Post Fri 27 Sep 2019 - 9:48 by Conn

For some reason the sound channels seem to be affected so that e.g. the input sounds in the menus sound wrong like when you choose to go to item usage screen.
The difference is in case of track 23 for some reason the confirmation sound always plays twice (instead of only once as it should) whenever you choose something in the menu. This seems to be bound onto track 23 regardless if you switch the music files.
So first the channels, now the confirmation sound... how strange. I neither have such a bug in my gameplay, if you watch the video (except I do anything wrong). If the confirmation sound in my video was played twice that could be reasoned because I pressed twice, I do not know the game at all, neither the controls.

Either way, I'd hope a third person can check for something unusual with the cave music and your savestate.

In the end however, it does not matter since I am incapable to fix it due to the code architecture. It uses a hard mute, so any sfx issues coming up because of this are non-fixable unless a soft mute is found. I remember I had much troubles finding the hard-mute, so I doubt a normal (soft) mute is in reach. Guess we have to live with this bug Sad

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Post Fri 27 Sep 2019 - 9:56 by ARTEMlS

It's also in your vid and you didn't press twice every time. It's something you have to listen carefully.

However, so I guess the only thing we can do is to check out whether it'll happen on other emulators as well. So that in the best case we might have a solution by switching emulator then.

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Post Fri 27 Sep 2019 - 12:41 by Conn

I see, guess you have a special hearing and can notice such differences, so it is annoying for you. For me everything sounds normal. Ah well, maybe another emu can help you out Smile

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Post Sat 2 Nov 2019 - 12:51 by Pharmville

The download link for the patch doesn't work. Is there any known mirrors? I was able to download the music files but not the patch.

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Post Sat 2 Nov 2019 - 12:53 by Conn

Quote from earthbound thread, 2 hours ago:

Yes, there are again server issues, unfortunately.
Here are all patches:

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Post Sat 2 Nov 2019 - 14:21 by Conn

Server ist online again Very Happy

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Post Tue 23 Jun 2020 - 17:00 by ARTEMlS

I made an update for Spekkio:

Please update the download in the beginning.

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Post Wed 24 Jun 2020 - 3:05 by Conn

uüdated, thanks Smile

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Post Fri 2 Oct 2020 - 5:02 by Conn

Updated the files, thanks Very Happy

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Post Mon 12 Apr 2021 - 11:57 by muerteamou

It does not work in the Spanish PAL version. This version is very similar to the German one, but officially translated into Spanish.

I have tried using the German patch, at first everything works fine, but in the first conversation with Tia, the game shows the initial Nintendo logo and you cannot continue playing. It's a shame that you can't play this great game in Spanish and with this great sound. Any ideas or how could I help to make this possible?

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Post Mon 12 Apr 2021 - 17:25 by Conn

I think we only have a German port for it ATM.

If I find time tomorrow I'll port it (hope there is no Dutch around requesting as well) Embarassed

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Post Tue 13 Apr 2021 - 3:44 by Conn


You should find a spanish folder with an ips inside Wink

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Post Tue 13 Apr 2021 - 12:34 by muerteamou

Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals - Page 2 1f64c  Lufia II - Rise Of The Sinistrals - Page 2 1f64c Works! I haven't been able to fully test the game, but I will! Thank you! I'm impressed by how quickly you've fixed it, awesome!

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