Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 12:05

Naah, its not from TheDrakon, somwhere I had the blog of the guy, but yes, never released...

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 14:50

Conn wrote:Alright, thanks a lot, and editing the link to direct dl is really a great trick ^^ I was only wondering whether you removed the links due to piracy or whatever, but this is cleared up now.

So I take a deep breath now, say final and perfect Version out... and Close this chapter.

I only asked SePH for the favour to make one of his high-Quality Videos-captures out of the patch with showing the perfect Fitting Video by TR.
The current Video in the main post isn't taken by me; it's another patch, never published- possibly even that from TheDrakon, so it should be a good Thing to Substitute this Video with one showing the result of our (better) hack.

Tomorrow, I have an HD capture card coming that I'll be using to showcase this mod in all its glory.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Founder Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 16:11

I'll let you do the hd video then.

That'll leave me more time to actually advance in my own hack.


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 16:19

Oh? And what hack would that be?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Founder Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 16:57

The hack of Zelda 3 which I've been working on for the past seven years that is!

More details here:

Conker's Dystopian Tail


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 17:01

I looked this over, wasn't impressed (I don't like BFD)...and then I saw a screenshot with a TARDIS.

NOW I'm interested.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Founder Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 17:13

Then you'll be more interested in hearing that the TARDIS and the doctor both play a large role in the story and yep you'll be able to get inside it!

The doctor is even part of the best ending... but I won't spoil it more.

Five endings, ability to play as up to 10 different characters (currently theres 8) and more asm hacks combined then you can count on Zeldix. Complete with an msu-1 sountrsck this is about my most ambitious hack yet.


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 18:18

yeah... it will also Feature a derpy horse candyland in this style and with this theme

just as this game, the theme Loops forever - this is so endlessly crazy ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 18:41

*shocked* The hell did I just watch?!

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 20:17

This will kick the Players out of their boots, for sure ^^

Anyways, I just made thoughts why the spc fallback works in sd2snes but not in bsnes
At http://byuu.net/snes/msu1/specification/
it says:

$2000  STATUS
d7    data busy (1 = true, 0 = false)
d6    audio busy (1 = true, 0 = false)
d5    audio repeat (1 = true, 0 = false)
d4    audio playing (1 = true, 0 = false)
d3    audio track missing (1 = true, 0 = false)
d2-d0  revision (always returns %001)

so I made the code:
lda $2000
and #$08 ; Isolate track missing bit
bne spcfallback ;if error bit set Play spc

The code is correct as seen that sd2snes Plays the spc if the track is missing. Anybody has an idea what could be wrong here with bsnes (I traced it and the error bit isn't set)? I tried to specify the tracks in the XML like
<track number="1" name="alttp_msu-1.pcm"/>
but this didn't help either...

Last edited by Conn on Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 9:42; edited 1 time in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 20:27

edit... could this be the reason?

2012-05-25 - bsnes_v089r07.tar.bz2
Not even purify makes compatible images for this WIP.
Unless you want to figure it out yourself, I'd suggest waiting for an updated tool before using subsequent WIPs.
* MSU1 initializes data port + audio track to 0
* MSU1 implements audio track error flag on $2000.d3

So bsnes .75 doesn't Support the error bit and we must Switch to a later Version (v.89r07)? But I do not like to use higan as it is hard to handle with bml and the hidden library. It is so hacker and user-unfriendly... anybody has bsnes 0.89 so I can try it out?

Edit: found 0.89 and 0.91
Problem with 0.89: cannot load the Rom (manifest missing or something)
Problem with 0.91: loads the Rom but breaks

Well, we stick to 0.75 without spc-fallback...? I really do not understand byuu's development policy - really, things seem go worse with every new Version he Releases:
0.65 Best, Plays everything smc/sfc, Header/non header, Debugger available
0.75 worse as it Plays only sfc without Header, but pcm which is better than wav for msu
0.89,0.91 cannot make it run (maybe some weird Folder Name like game.sfc with manifest required?
Higan... well, secret library, bml everybody except qwertymode has Problems with

Why can't he release a user AND hacker-friendly Emulator with debug function with high compatibility, like Plays smc/sfc , Header/non-Header, XML/bml, wav/pcm, store evreything in a Close Folder (srm, savestates, manifest.bml, game.bml or whichever XML or bml he thinks he needs... just easy going without needing to spend 2 days on tutorials how to run it.

Last edited by Conn on Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 9:44; edited 2 times in total

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Puzzledude Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 7:00

Indeed. I never liked Bsnes, since you need to do a lot to run the Rom, like that thing, called Purify. You also need the Folder instead of a file for each game, which is then filled with variuos files, such as the mapper (Xml), saves etc. It is this complex nature, that makes Msu possible, since you are basically running foreign files, while having one primary file (rom).

To bad, that the Msu is not supported with tipical emulators, which just require a rom file to play. By the way, I never mannaged to get higan or the 0.89 and 0.91 version running, too.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Founder Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 9:07

I'll need your help eventually TheRetromancer with looping themes...

Most tracks in the game don't loop at all that is!


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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 9:50

@SePH, you Need to Switch to bsnes 0.75 and Switch from wav to pcm... But to have your game played in bsnes 0.75 you Need to rename your stargate Extension to "sfc" instead of "smc" (but I think that's all except it also mustn't have a Header - but you remove it anyways all time after zcompress I think).

The rest is simple, just let TR's Magic fingers glide over your wavs - he'll surely convert them to fantastic Looping pcm Wink

I even got 0.91 working (the game.XML must be called manifest.xml and inside manifest you Need to specify the rom's Name @_@) but I didn't get msu1 working....

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 10:52

I always said that it's a dumb idea to force people to tinker with their ROMs. I am against any invalid ROMs and Copier Headers, but... thats the wrong way byuu uses here...
@SePH even if your PCM has no loop points, it will loop all the time from start to end. Otherwise it's disabled in your Hack.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 11:06

some tracks Loop (the most), some not (intro, warp, aquired Crystal etc.) but since I see no mute in SePH's Video, I think wav's without loop-Point are played and he requests to have an intro in his tracks and a Loop back after this intro - which is only possible with pcm; means bsnes 0.75 ff., sd2snes

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 12:32

I've been playing through a new game of this, trying to break the game (doing stuff out of order, using glitches to get places I'm not supposed to be, etc). I've just entered Ganon's Tower on Death Mountain (DW). So far, nothing has failed. I've also been seeing if the sound is more-or-less the same volume and quality.

And trust me, I know how to screw up a game. Like I said, everything has gone smoothly, so unless I manage to break the game in the last two locations I have yet to visit, I'm done with this project entirely.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 14:06

hehe* nothing can break our combined force :p

any News about the Video capture yet?

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 14:13

Just finished the game - perfection, Conn.

NOW ON TO MEGAMAN X!  Kidding, kidding...sorta...

My card is 'Out for Delivery', so it should be here soon.  I did One-Day shipping, but it may be as late as 8:00pm, which is almost six hours from now locally.  I think, though, that it'll be here within the next hour and a half.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 14:45

Great Razz

haha, no... zelda is my one and only love (ok sometimes it Switches to hate)... but I just fixed DKC2 msu patch by Luigiblood, maybe he allows emuandco to share (in case it works). But this was just a favour, I'll definitively won't enhance other games to msu.

no worries, nobody's haunting us Wink just wanted to know. Can you make the Videos in the style SePH provides them? I mean when just filming a TV is always bad Quality.

SePH asked me to upload your pcm tutorial, so it's part of the main zip file now. Thanks for this Smile

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by TheRetromancer Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 14:46

No problem. I hear UPS arriving with my package right now.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 19:12

MSU DKC2 works quite nicely already thx to Conn. Very Happy But some hangs and bad quirks in the fixed code of LuigiBlood are a problem. Sadly he has no plans to continue fixing it in the near future.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by qwertymodo Wed 29 Oct 2014 - 20:51

I'm making pretty good progress on disassembling this patch, at which point I plan on labeling and commenting it. Considering that this is basically the first complete MSU-1 hack in existence, it will probably be useful to anyone attempting to do the same for another game. Conn said he's ok with me releasing it once I'm done, so I'll post back here when I have something meaningful.

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by emuandco Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 5:05

Hey quertymodo, wanna have another toy? I have a semi working DKC2 patch here ^^

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Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp - Page 14 Empty Re: Enable MSU streaming music for Alttp

Post by Conn Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 5:32

qwertymodo, It was a lot of tinkering so maybe some code is redundant or obsolete, but I do not dare to tinker more ^^ Anyways much luck and sorry for you needing to work as I didn't make a proper documentation.

Actually, msu isn't hard at all. You Need to see where Music is controlled.
Zelda e.g., $012c
DKC2 $1c

Then hook where the Music is loaded (or stored? - the right hook place is essential) to this controller; you Need to mute it.
DKC2: store #$00 to $1c, in Zelda it is a f1

easy, General code I used for DKC2 (still Buggy but mainly it works):
lda $2002
cmp #$53 ; is msu enabled?
beq runmsu
lda $c1 ; if no msu run the code overwritten by the hook to run spc
RTL ; whatever else needed

lda $1c ; load track to be played in spc
sta $2004 ; store to track number
lda #$FF
sta $2006 ;max vol
stz $2005 ; new track
bit $2000
bvs $FB ;Loop needed for sd2snes, checking if msu is ready
lda #$03
sta $2007; Play track with repeat
stz $1c ; mute spc

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