The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past

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Note: 2 versions, alttp_msu1.ips is with video but works only for us (ntsc), while alttp_msu1_short.ips works on every pal/ntsc but doesn't support a video.

Patch NTSC-J v1.0 version only, no video:

PCM sets:
Note: sets that are marked with a * do not contain a video. Scroll down to download it separately!

Master Orchestral Set presented by JUD6MENT (updated: Aug 8th, 2023)

Mirror Download:
YouTube Preview

Sam Miller Restored Pack by NoNameSD:*

Original resemblance orchestrated set by TheRetromancer/qwertymodo
Mirror 1:!AnoZka-iPruQhGsp8oC4Uy4eiLaY
Mirror 2:

Parallel Worlds pcm set by qwertymodo

Parallel Worlds pcm set by FireBro74

A Link Between Worlds pcm set by qwertymodo
Optional - Alternative Lorule DarkWorld Theme 1 by JUD6MENT:

Dracula9AntiChapel pcm set by qwertymodo

Demastered pcm set by qwertymodo

Metal PCM set by qwertymodo

32nd Anniversary (real) Orchestra Soundpack by K4yr4h (v1.02):*
- Link replaced 06/04/20, old one DMCA'd -

FeliKitty FM Project pack by qwertymodo

Cadence of Hyrule by PittStone
- Link replaced 06/04/20, old link reported to be too spammy -

Alternative New Soundtrack For Randomizers by JUD6MENT (updated: Sep 27, 2021)
Youtube Preview

MSU-1 Four Swords Adventures (V2.0) by Darklink7884
Youtube Preview

Original SPC Soundpack by DeathWrench*

AVGN MSU1 Edition (Add-on) by ABOhiccups

8-bit Soundpack
by Darklink7884

by 92537941
based on nani6400

A Link to the Islands MSU-1 soundpack by Darklink7884
Rename all altti_msu-*.pcm (and the msu video file) into alttp_msu-*.pcm to have these tracks with the normal alttp msu1 code

ALTTP Enhanced Soundpack by Zerethn*
Youtube Preview

Orchestrated Soundpack by Wivicer*

Note: Seperated video is needed to be downloaded for the sets marked with a *. Overwrite the msu file of the pcm set (0 bytes) with the msu file in the video package (200+ MB).

Extended Zeldamotion Video:

Coverart by polargames:
The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past - Page 2 Zelda10

Last edited by Founder on Thu 25 Mar 2021 - 17:05; edited 1 time in total

The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past - Page 2 Image212

Since : 2012-06-19

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The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past :: Comments


Post Tue 2 Jul 2019 - 18:56 by Conn

Hello dear romhacker

I'm from Germany and I'm really bad in English.
That's why forgive the google translator. I have the same problem how do you change the bits. Which program do you need for this?

That was just a try to make the title screen last longer. I reversed the byte to original then again. So it shouldn't bug anymore. Why would you like to change that byte? If your trying to make a msu set, try to make the title music shorter.

As for the address you need lunar address to convert the snes address to rom, $0cc270 = pc 0x064270. Open the rom in a hex editor, press ctrl+g and search for it. There you should find the byte 2a.

Ich habe das damals nur probiert, weil manche msu sets einen längeren Title Song haben. Hat nicht funktioniert, also hab ich das byte wieder zurück gesetzt. Wofür brauchst du das denn? Falls du ein eigenes pcm set machen willst, ist es einfacher den title song kürzer zu machen.
Für die Adresse musst du snes in pc konvertieren, das geht mit lunarAddress. $0c/c270 = 0x64270. In einem hex editor strg+g drücken, dann kommst du direkt zu dem 2a byte was ich in a umänderte. Das Spiel buggt dann aber, würde ich nicht empfehlen.

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Post Fri 19 Jul 2019 - 21:23 by xlom

I seen a few people playing a version of alttp with chrono trigger music, but they all said they found it on reddit. I've not been able to find it. I was curious if anyone here had any leads on it.

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Post Fri 19 Jul 2019 - 22:44 by Polargames

@xlom, Hello I am Polargames, Feel free to call me Polar. To answer your post its possible that they dl'ed the chrono trigger music and renamed the pcm's to work with alttp. I hope that answers your post. :-D

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Post Sat 20 Jul 2019 - 23:37 by DeathWrench

Made a pack using the original alttp .spc files:

Updated version:

This update I made the intro (not the alternate one) longer to fade out at the proper time

qwertymodo helped a lot with how to use msupcm++ in order to do this

I made this pack primarily because the default 8 channel audio cuts out certain instruments in order to produce sound effects, this is most noticeable if say, you throw a bunch of bushes; you will hear the some music audio get quiet or not play. This fixes that.
I did not include the intro video .pcm aka alttp_msu-35

old version:

Last edited by DeathWrench on Sun 21 Jul 2019 - 14:31; edited 1 time in total

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Post Sun 21 Jul 2019 - 5:43 by Conn

The link of the updated file unfortunately is broken...

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Post Sun 21 Jul 2019 - 14:32 by DeathWrench

Conn wrote:The link of the updated file unfortunately is broken...
Fixed it

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Post Sun 21 Jul 2019 - 17:08 by Conn

Added it to first post, thanks Very Happy

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Post Tue 30 Jul 2019 - 3:13 by xlom

@polar Oh cool, I didn't know it worked that way, I thought the music files had to be encoded for a specific game. So pcm's are hot swapable then?

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Post Thu 1 Aug 2019 - 3:56 by JUD6MENT

xlom wrote:@polar Oh cool, I didn't know it worked that way, I thought the music files had to be encoded for a specific game. So pcm's are hot swapable then?

Yeah, you just have to make sure the name is right. The nice thing about this too is if a game like zelda or donkey Kong that has multiple sound track packs to choose from you can download them all, listen to each song, and pick and choose each track individually who you like best and make your own playlist.

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Post Sun 26 Jan 2020 - 19:03 by D2DEZEL

This link is dead

MSU-1 Four Swords Adventures / Sound & Drama Soundpack (V1.3) par Darklink7884

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Post Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 3:46 by D2DEZEL

thanks to you

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Post Mon 27 Jan 2020 - 15:03 by Conn

I found this youtube why the link was taken down:

Update 01/27/2020:  This demo video is a re-upload of the original. Unfortunately, due to a complaint from someone about my inclusion of soundtracks from The Minish Cap and synth-orchestral arrangements from the two-disc Sound & Drama album, which is the official soundtrack of A LInk to the Past, I had to replace those with BGM soundtracks from Four Swords Adventures. So now, with the exception of the last three soundtracks and the first one, the entire MSU-1 soundpack is from Four Swords Adventures. I may end up re-using the Sound & Drama soundtracks for a future MSU-1 soundpack.

Old pack themes:
-01 (01)Triforce + title screen – The Wind Waker 2003 [Zelda’s Awakening]
-02 (02)Overworld – Sound and Drama 1994
-03 (03)Rain – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-04 (04)Rabbit – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-05 (05)Lost Woods - Sound and Drama 1994
-06 (06)Introduction – (appears to be identical to -03)
-07 (07)Kakariko Village – Sound and Drama 1994
-08 (08)Portal SFX - original
-09 (09)Dark World - Sound and Drama 1994
-09 (09)Winters’ World – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Frozen Hyrule] (Parallel Worlds ONLY!)
-0A (10)Master Sword – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-0B (11)Name select screen – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-0C (12)Guard summoned – The Minish Cap 2005 [Mini-Boss]
-0D (13)Skull Woods/Death Mountain – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-0E (14)Minigame - Sound and Drama 1994
-0F (15)Title screen only - original

-10 (16)Hyrule Castle – Sound and Drama 1994
-11 (17)Light World dungeon – Sound and Drama 1994
-12 (18)Cave – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-13 (19)Medallion/crystal acquired – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-14 (20)Sanctuary – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Crystal Room]
-15 (21)Boss – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-16 (22)Dark World dungeon – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-17 (23)Fortune Teller – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-18 (24)Cave (appears to be identical to -12)
-19 (25)Zelda rescued X in prison – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-1A (26)Sage rescued X in crystal – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-1B (27)Fairy spring – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-1C (28)Ganon's theme only – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Tower of Flames]
-1D (29)Ganon transition – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Discovery]
-1D (29)Level 4: Darunia’s Cavern – The Minish Cap 2005* [Royal Crypt] (Parallel Worlds ONLY!)
-1E (30)Face-to-face + Ganon's theme – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Palace of Winds]
-1F (31)Ganon battle – Four Swords Adventures 2004

20(32)Triforce Chamber – Ocarina of Time 1998 [Sheik]
21(33)Ending Scenes – A Link Between Worlds 2013
22(34)Creditroll – ZREO (A Link to the Past)

New pack themes:
-01 (01)Triforce + title screen – The Wind Waker 2003 [Zelda’s Awakening BGM]
-02 (02)Overworld – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Plain BGM]
-03 (03)Rain – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [The Fields BGM]
-04 (04)Rabbit – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Graveyard BGM]
-05 (05)Lost Woods – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Woods BGM]
-06 (06)Introduction – (appears to be identical to -03)
-07 (07)Kakariko Village – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Inside a House BGM (Alternate Version)]
-08 (08)Portal SFX - original
-09 (09)Dark World – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Desert BGM]
-0A (10)Master Sword – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-0B (11)Name select screen – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-0C (12)Guard summoned – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Shadow Link Battle BGM]
-0D (13)Skull Woods/Death Mountain – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Realm of the Heavens BGM]
-0E (14)Minigame – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-0F (15)Title screen only - original

-10 (16)Hyrule Castle – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-11 (17)Light World dungeon – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Temple BGM]
-12 (18)Cave – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Dungeon BGM]
-13 (19)Medallion/crystal acquired – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-14 (20)Sanctuary – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Crystal Room BGM]
-15 (21)Boss – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-16 (22)Dark World dungeon – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Hidden Dungeon BGM]
-17 (23)Fortune Teller – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-18 (24)Cave (appears to be identical to -12)
-19 (25)Zelda rescued X in prison – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-1A (26)Sage rescued X in crystal – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-1B (27)Fairy spring – Four Swords Adventures 2004
-1C (28)Ganon's theme only – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Tower of Flames BGM]
-1D (29)Ganon transition – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Discovery]
-1E (30)Face-to-face + Ganon's theme – Four Swords Adventures 2004 [Palace of Winds BGM]
-1F (31)Ganon battle – Four Swords Adventures 2004

20(32)Triforce Chamber – Ocarina of Time 1998 [Sheik BGM]
21(33)Ending Scenes – A Link Between Worlds 2013 BGM
22(34)Creditroll – ZREO (A Link to the Past)

Here is the new link (hich has more tracks from FSA):
FSA v2.0

I updated with this link in first post since S&D tracks are already part of other packs I assume - so this is a complete FSA pack Wink

If anybody wants nevertheless the old pack, the old 1.3 version is still on my host:
FSA v1.3

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Post Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 6:31 by Conn

I just wanted to make a sd2snes bug public, I discussed with MHzBurglar via pm:

It seems like in a new sd2snes firmware version, the bit 4 testing whether a theme is still playing is broken (only my assumption, could be also anything else). I needed to implement this for this patch since the fanfare for crystal aquired is in pcm for some sets a bit longer than the spc version and cut off otherwise.

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Post Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 18:13 by ABOhiccups

I made a MSU1 Pack with tracks from Angry Video Game Nerd Episodes and other games that AVGN reviewed it before.

AVGN MSU1 Edition (Add-on)

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Post Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 19:14 by Conn

Oh wow... I added it to first post (ignoring having heard the fartings and such stuff) Very Happy

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Post Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 5:18 by JUD6MENT

Hey Conn, I updated my Alternative Choice Soundtrack PCM set, if you can change out that link with this one below that would be great.

This is not the only thing I will be uploading soon. I have spent a ridiculous amount of time perfecting my own set of Zelda 3 PCM tracks, and this new set is going to stay true to the original soundtrack unlike my Alternative Choice set. It sounds really amazing and I am just waiting for the zip file and the YouTube video to upload. Will have the links for that ready in about an hour. Really dang excited to share that one!

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Post Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 6:58 by JUD6MENT

I am REALLY excited to share this new PCM set! If you could add this to first post with the YouTube preview that would be great Conn, thank you!

Master Orchestral Set presented by JUD6MENT:

YouTube Preview:

This PCM set I spent a ridiculous number of hours finding the absolute best music. Half the set is brand new tracks not featured in other sets. The other half may feature tracks from other sets available but I actually edited the tracks myself to perfect them with volume level throughout the song, tempo changes, and loop point changes. For example, the Light World Dungeon I edited the tempo and volume of the intro so that it can be heard more clearly. I also did some merging of more than one track together for some tracks. For example, the Dark World Dungeon is actually two tracks combined by having the first track play with a strong cello chorus and then I blend it smoothly to transition into a new track that features brass instruments chorus which allows the Dark World Dungeon to flip back and forth between the two for the main chorus. The new Dark World theme I found is really awesome, my favorite track.

I did a lot of great stuff for this PCM set, you should check out my YouTube preview. I have time stamps for each song in the comment section of the YouTube Video.

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Post Sat 13 Jun 2020 - 7:08 by Conn

Thanks again, updated all (Pev: also docs). Very Happy

BTW, out of interest, are you still on FFA - Sword of Mana remake OST?

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Post Tue 28 Jul 2020 - 2:45 by JUD6MENT

Hey everyone,
I wanted to update my zelda link to include the video file with it, and while I was at it, I also updated 3 of the tracks. I have a new mini game theme, boss battle theme, and boss victory theme. Here are the new links.

Master Orchestral Set presented by JUD6MENT:

Alternative Choice Soundtrack by JUD6MENT:

If you could swap out these two links on the first post and remove the * on those two PCM albums that would be great.

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Post Tue 28 Jul 2020 - 3:32 by Conn

Updated, thanks Smile

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Post Thu 15 Oct 2020 - 15:43 by Conn

The msu patch has been fixed:

Problem1 (affected the normal patch with video): the fanfare at the crystal was skipped on Real Hardware (FXPak).

Problem2 (affected the lite version ("short_NTSC_PAL"): the fanfare was skipped as well. Here I needed spc fallback to maintain compatibility.

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Post Sun 18 Oct 2020 - 3:32 by FireBro74

So anybody's ever used some of DarkLink7884's
Msu1 packs, there great but there super loud and everytime he releases a new update to them there as loud as before. Well im going to bring back the sound and drama themes back to the four swords adventures pack and best of all there going to be quiter than before.
P.s I recommend using my re-release sound pack on parallel worlds because i had to copy track 2 to 4 and track 9 to 12 because of a bug when you pull the master sword in 1.23 the music from track 4 will play in the light world and track 12 will play in the icy world.
Also it's not ready im still working on it.

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Post Sun 18 Oct 2020 - 4:20 by Conn

I also find many pcm sets too loud, you can easily lower the volume using this tool:

If you have pcm packs not listed in the first post, feel free to post the links so I can add them Wink

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Post Sun 18 Oct 2020 - 10:38 by FireBro74

Conn wrote:I also find many pcm sets too loud, you can easily lower the volume using this tool:

If you have pcm packs not listed in the first post, feel free to post the links so I can add them Wink
im gonna start by lowering more tracks and creating some new ones.

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