The Legend of Zelda - Parallel Worlds
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The Legend of Zelda - Parallel Worlds
Patch download v1.23:
- Code:
Patch v1.23 (MSU-1 version):
- Code:
v1.1 (previous):
- Code:
The patches need to be applied on ALTTP (US), no header. You need a UPS patcher.
CRC32 of the original file: 777AAC2F
original file name: Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past [U][!].smc (1.024 KB)
We all know this game and its renewal on the 10th anniversary. Unfortunately some new bugs made it into the version 1.2 and were not fixed since released on 31st of december last year.
Do note, there are still some problems remaining since I simply did not have the ambition to fix those and retest the game again on both quests (way too much testing as it is). However main problems were fixed.
MSU files generator by ABOhiccups
MSU1 PCM Rename Generator
Fixed problems
(a full list with hex changes/locations is in the actual zip as a txt file):
-fixed main Darunia door problems (6 doors in total)
-false abmient music in Master Sword area fix
-Master Sword ASM reverting, since this was causing an overlay bug in the ice-world lake area; this ASM is not needed since when getting the Master sword there is no reason to return to ice world at all (to see the snow-storm gone)
-reverting false tiles used to block the ice church area (which resulted in false tiles at the Parallel Tower areas)
-closing the church area in another way
-fixed drawing in the ice curch area
-reverting breached shutter doors in Darunia, which are not working (since 4 special doors is max for one room; special door being shutter, key or bombable etc door)
-fixing of all door-code for the entire Darunia dungeon! (there were multiple mistakes on the door code itself, as well as: you could get trapped in if going back in multiple rooms). So basically that "Darunia fix" IPS file was also still wrong/bugged. Darunia doors really were a mess (code wise and paradox wise).
-monologue edit: bed message from 1.20 to 1.23
-be able to collect Byrna in light and dark world (with the alt-treasure chests)
-fixed the infinite diggable tile!
-fixed the day/night patch to be less dark, since when full dark+rain/snow overlay result in way too dark
-fix on the further problem on the
pw_stair_entrance_fix.asm (Basically what's happening here is, that rooms above 292 were no longer an exception, when they should be)
-fixed on top problem for the wall in area 32 above the fairy hole/entrance
-fixed Link's Y coordinate on some entrances when he walks in
-internal header name fix
-further checksum fix
-beta testing on both quests done!
Remaining problems:
-light world area 32 (beach). Far left up there is a palm tree, walk around it left up and you can get permastuck sometimes
-light world area 35 (forest), far right-down - those 2 holes can be jumped vertically down with a bomb jump, landing in water and swimming off screen down or right
-Helmasaur should be in a small room (Farore's dungeon), since not allowed to be in a big room (false gfx display when he goes of screen)
-Rauru's Ruins:
-room 56, when you hookshot up and stand a little to right of the optimal vertical, you can walk right and then jump left and falsly into bg2 (braks the game, as you are "under" all dungeons)
-room 54, one key door is false again (door code again false - beyond 4 door limit, ie special door limit breach - again).
-room 52, picking up the second jar will spawn the key on the left jar instead of the jar you picked up (also in PW original)
-1 key too much in the dungeon (2 actually now that one key-door is not working
; but still the dungeon can be solved
-Hyrule castle area, left entrance: again Link enters on 448 instead of 472 Y coordinate (but got tired of fixing those)
-Vitrous boss slime problem+ palette problem (jellow colour until he fires a lightning)
-ice world village, far right-down bushes should not be on screen transit, if you travel up, you land in bushes
-Saria's gardens, first key door in again glitched - you walk through locked door due to key-door limit breach
-Saria's gardens - 1 key too much in the dungeon
-Ruto's fortress: end rooms: 2 doors with a big key: if you unlock one you can come around and then travel down and falsly through the locked door from above
-Ruto's fortress: boss does not have shutter door
-Sheik: blowing up a door which leads to big key will make no hole on the other side (again false door code: ie special doors limit breach - since only 4 are special doors are allowed per room)
-Parallel Tower: where you light the torch to see floor: this floor has a half unit of pit between floor and right fence: this is not allowed: result is permastuck if you touch this pit. It should be no pit, or 2 units of pit (to fall down)
-end credits don't have the version update
-Second quest: 2 final rooms are glitched looking (specially on snes9x and real hardware, due to having too much objects in the room)
-Major scroll bug: when traveling from area 28 (witch) to 21 (Luppo quary) in light and dark world: reason: area transit to close to upper area corner: basically such transits should be as far away as possible from the middle point: solution is: close "upper" transit section (ie between a wall and the ridge) and aloow on the bottom one= between ridge and bottom ledge. Note: this bug is in the original PW as well, since it is a result of overworld editing.
But this bug does not trigger so lightly, that's why it was missed. To make it: go far down in Lupo Quarry, then far up: now when traveling down, go to left area in the most upper horizontal and then back to Lupo (false scroll will make a massive gfx bug, since it will now load parts of dark world on false gfx and pals)
-certain jumps down from ledges will land Link on bushed or even in a wall in Lupo Quarry
-Wallmaster grabs you in the dark room and put you to entrance= now it is all dark (game will not allow dark room as starting room, if this is where you land from a walmaster "pick-up").
But still I don't think this is worth fixing, since most dungeons need a overhaul anyway to be on par with ALTTP. And the game can be solved despite all these remaining things. Basically they are either not directly messing with the gameplay, or are difficult to reproduce (unless you do them deliberately).
qwertymodo- Since : 2014-10-21
The Legend of Zelda - Parallel Worlds :: Comments
Re: The Legend of Zelda - Parallel Worlds
qwertymodo wrote:The simple solution would be to use a tool like this to remove the header on your ROM and try again:
Thanks! That utility does the job very easily, and now the patch works! I've enjoyed playing Parallel Worlds these past ten years; interested to see how the game is improved in this new update.
Puzzledude wrote:
I used UPS instead of IPS, since IPS would produce bugged roms. BPS is pretty much an unknown format, which the majority doesn't know what program to use to patch it.
This is the only hack I've seen which uses this UPS format; I believe all the other hacks I've played (many of which are yours) are patched with Lunar IPS. Why is this one particular version of this one particular hack requiring the different format when IPS has (as near as I can tell) produced non-bugged roms for several other works?
It's mainly debug and new ASM, which indeed changes some gameplay, but the game is more or less similar as it was.Thanks! That utility does the job very easily, and now the patch works! I've enjoyed playing Parallel Worlds these past ten years; interested to see how the game is improved in this new update.
IPS can produce non-bugged roms, if your original rom is exactly the same as the one used to make the patch. Otherwise it will produce false roms.This is the only hack I've seen which uses this UPS format; I believe all the other hacks I've played (many of which are yours) are patched with Lunar IPS. Why is this one particular version of this one particular hack requiring the different format when IPS has (as near as I can tell) produced non-bugged roms for several other works?
IPS is used on all the others due to being the most commonly used format, which also allows soft patching etc.
Since Parallel Worlds is the most played hack of this game, qwerty went for BPS, which I'm sure players did not like, I tuned it down to UPS. Both formats have the checksum validation, IPS hasn't.
Of course we could release it in IPS too, but back then I decided for UPS instead of IPS, due to checksum validation (a lot of users were patching to headered rom, producing bugged roms). There is a video on You tube for Goddess of Wisdom claiming it is a hand made and thus a bootleg, and bugged. Link goes to the village in the rain producing a very severe scroll bug (a result of patching to US instead of EU), since GoW needs the orthodox EU rom to patch to. So basically the author is to blame, when in fact the end user made a mistake.
I hope now you understand the decision to go with UPS or BPS. The best patching format is actually Xdelta. So thus it is quite ironic that most SNES hacks are in a form of IPS patches.
The only thing "forced" in .bps is that the headers are removed, which completely alleviates exactly this issue of "my ROM doesn't match my patch" because the patcher always automatically removes the headers both when creating and applying the patch. So even if the user has a headered ROM like this, it will still work automatically. It's one of the really nice features of .bps.
I'd really love to play this version but the download link seems to be broken. Any chance you could reupload?
HappyKool wrote:here maybe v1.3
admin deleted if errors is not problem
Thanks, but that version is bugged. See The same issue happens in at least several other rooms.
(And for anyone who stumbles on this, as of this writing, that link doesn't point to the 1.3 being developed by qwertymodo (, though it may when qwertymodo releases 1.3.)
Here is zelda parallel remodel 1.23 pre patched rom download and use here's the link
Dude, are you nuts?
You can't post an EDSA protected rom on our forum.
You can't post an EDSA protected rom on our forum.
Good thing someone saw this and removed it. RHDN has the patch (not a rom) for the same thing, so ...
Hello everyone,
I am a big fan of Zelda 3 and I love the work that has been done on this one. I am French and I would like to embark on the complete translation of this release, could someone explain to me how I can help for this project unless there is already someone who has done it?
thank you in advance
PS: Sorry for my english
I am a big fan of Zelda 3 and I love the work that has been done on this one. I am French and I would like to embark on the complete translation of this release, could someone explain to me how I can help for this project unless there is already someone who has done it?
thank you in advance
PS: Sorry for my english
Salut tosuya86,
La seule traduction de Parallel Worlds que je connais est en allemand! Personne jusqu'a ce jour n'a entreprit de traduire Parallel Worlds en français, alors si tu décides d'entreprendre ce project, tu serais effectivement la première personne au monde!
Bonne chance!
PS: Sorry for my french and my five weeks delayed answer haha
La seule traduction de Parallel Worlds que je connais est en allemand! Personne jusqu'a ce jour n'a entreprit de traduire Parallel Worlds en français, alors si tu décides d'entreprendre ce project, tu serais effectivement la première personne au monde!
Bonne chance!
PS: Sorry for my french and my five weeks delayed answer haha
Yeah, SePH, do the French Parallel Worlds. We have it in English and German. Why not French too.
I'm not a very good translator so I'll leave that job to tosuya if he wants to take it!
You could make a version of Parallel Worlds in Portuguese BR, I've been trying to find a way to translate the game but I can't.
I accepted the invitation and I registered there, I am from Brazil and I have already done a complete translation of the text of the game for my language, I just couldn't apply it in ROM
Good morning,
I've been playing Parallel Worlds and I need a little help. Apologies if this is not the right place, but I didn't know where else to go and "going to the source" sounded like a good idea.
I just got the Hammer, so I'm trying to go back and get the big chests I missed when I was escorting Zelda, but I can't seem to find my way back. The door behind her in the church is closed, and the guardhouse route also seems to be blocked (I can't re-open the door).
I discovered from a walkthru that the boomerang is what I missed... is there any way to get it now? Something I haven't figured out yet?
I've been playing Parallel Worlds and I need a little help. Apologies if this is not the right place, but I didn't know where else to go and "going to the source" sounded like a good idea.
I just got the Hammer, so I'm trying to go back and get the big chests I missed when I was escorting Zelda, but I can't seem to find my way back. The door behind her in the church is closed, and the guardhouse route also seems to be blocked (I can't re-open the door).
I discovered from a walkthru that the boomerang is what I missed... is there any way to get it now? Something I haven't figured out yet?
No, you can't get that chest anymore. This basically means you will be able to get the Red boomerang in the Ice World. However if you were to get that chest, you'd have the Blue boomerang and would not be able to get the Red boomerang in the Ice World.
Puzzledude wrote:No, you can't get that chest anymore. This basically means you will be able to get the Red boomerang in the Ice World. However if you were to get that chest, you'd have the Blue boomerang and would not be able to get the Red boomerang in the Ice World.
In this version 1.23 allows to get the 2 boomerangs, I already zeroed her 3 times, and got the blue after I received the red in the ice world, I think he is referring to the mushroom chest, because only after he gets the hammer that lets open the way for his key in the Guard House.
As for the way there, this picture shows the way you can take the church there, but I suggest you go after getting the hookshot in the third dungeon, near the parallel tower, so you also get a heart piece that has hidden there that You need the hookshot to get it.
There are 3 different paths now, I marked the 3 in the image, red is the fastest, yellow and gray paths are optional.
I was able to get the mushroom; that was no problem. I am asking if I am still able to get the blue boomerang. You were able to get the blue boomerang after the red boomerang?
I can get back to the church, and I can get back to the guardhouse, but I have not figured out how to get back to the sewers.
I can get back to the church, and I can get back to the guardhouse, but I have not figured out how to get back to the sewers.
radadam wrote:I was able to get the mushroom; that was no problem. I am asking if I am still able to get the blue boomerang. You were able to get the blue boomerang after the red boomerang?
I can get back to the church, and I can get back to the guardhouse, but I have not figured out how to get back to the sewers.
No, you had to get the blue boomerang before you took Zelda to the church, I was referring to the fact that in version 1.0 of the game, if you get the blue boomerang, you can't get the red boomerang in the ice world, but in version 1.23 you can get both.
You should have gone to the maze room before the church, got the big chest key, got back in the blue boomerang chest room and got it, but now you can only get the red boomerang in the iceworld forest.
Ah, bummer. Unfortunately I just picked up the boomerang in the Icy World and it is the blue boomerang, so I guess I messed up. I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to get back into the Sewers. Now I'm just trying to get into the Lake Ruins... "Lots of Entrances," ha.
Oh shoot, I was gonna ask: What is the utility of "seeing under things?" I learned that from a chicken-lady in Ice-Kakariko, but I don't think I fully understand its use.
Oh shoot, I was gonna ask: What is the utility of "seeing under things?" I learned that from a chicken-lady in Ice-Kakariko, but I don't think I fully understand its use.
radadam wrote:Ah, bummer. Unfortunately I just picked up the boomerang in the Icy World and it is the blue boomerang, so I guess I messed up. I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to get back into the Sewers. Now I'm just trying to get into the Lake Ruins... "Lots of Entrances," ha.
Oh shoot, I was gonna ask: What is the utility of "seeing under things?" I learned that from a chicken-lady in Ice-Kakariko, but I don't think I fully understand its use.
Watch this step-by-step video I submitted showing how to beat the 2 quests of the game, only I sent with version 1.0.
(NOTE, if you are using the Zsnes Emulator, there are 2 codes that together allow you to cross the walls and access the sewers again.)
Just press the X+R buttons or X+L buttons (ie on SNES), thus whatever you use these buttons for, if on a keyboard, and in special rooms it will have a Lens of Truth effect, like in the Church (indoors) of the Ice world.Oh shoot, I was gonna ask: What is the utility of "seeing under things?" I learned that from a chicken-lady in Ice-Kakariko, but I don't think I fully understand its use.
how do i open the locked door in the room where the armos knights transititon down into the room where u kill them then you get the big key because the door never opens! what do i do???
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