Mega Man X

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Mega Man X - Page 4 Empty Mega Man X


MegaManX/RockManX Patch (v16, sd2snes resume fix):
- now covers all standard "no header" US 1.0/1.1 and Jap 1.0/1.1 ROM versions
- now includes support for "Dr Light Theme"
- Jap RockmanX 1.0/1.1 patch merged with HerSaki's English Translation patch (v1.5)
- After Dr. Light spoke, the former bgm will resume instead starting from beginning

Hardtype version patch (v16):
- patch merged with Hardtype version

SA-1(v1.2) merged with v16:
- patch merged with SA-1 (1.2) Note: won't save freeze states with snes9x (v1.58 and higher) emulators

Full PCM Sets:

MET Guitar Playthrough v3, 2024 update. [Krzysztof Slowikowski]:
Converted by JUD6MENT

Mirror Download:
YouTube Preview

Mega Man X Guitar Legends MSU-1 presented by JUD6MENT (Updated: March 3rd, 2024):

Mirror Download:
YouTube Preview

Savaged Regime Sega Mega Drive/Genesis YM2612 Style PCM set by Relikk (v2): Dr. Light theme added:  

Mega Man X [TheRetromancer] (-21dB) (v2): Dr. Light theme added:

Mega Man X - Maverick Hunter X presented by Dark Mario Bros (v2):
YouTube Preview

Mega Man X - The Covers Duo by daniloroxette:
YouTube Preview

21xx Redux Album - music by Wyllz Milare - PCM conversion by JUD6MENT:

Mirror Download:
YouTube Preview
SIDENOTE: Storm Eagle Stage corrupted PCM fixed. Sorry if you downloaded this before September 8th, 2023. You will need to redownload it.

MegaMan X Acoustic Grand Piano Soundtrack by Kara Comparetto - conversion by edale:

Archieved PCM Sets:

Mega Man X* by MET Old Version (version 2):

Doctor Light Theme Update:
We originally released all three Mega Man X MSU-1 titles without the ability to play Doctor Light's theme. We have fixed that issue since original release of the patches. If you are a returning user of zeldix, you may find the below link useful as it has all Doctor Light Themes used in all the PCM sets in one collection.

Dr.Light Theme collection by JUD6MENT:
(just replace theme 174 from one set donwloaded below with that theme you prefer from X1 folder)

Patch: Mega Man X Plus
Custom Boss music by Cubear, for rom v 1.1



Description: This patch will allow all bosses in the game to have a different boss music theme load. To assemble, use a Mega Man X v1.1 (REV 1) rom as the base. Apply this patch to the fresh rom with no header. Then combine two PCM sets together by downloading a main PCM set from above and an extra tracks PCM set from below.

Track Map for New Tracks:
33. Sting Chameleon
34. Launch Octopus
35. Armored Armadillo
36. Flame Mammoth
37. Boomer Kuwanger
38. Chill Penguin
39. Spark Mandrill
40. Storm Eagle
41. Bospider (Sigma Fortress 1)
42. Rangda Bangda (Sigma Fortress 2)
43. D-Rex (Sigma Fortress 3)
44. Velgauder (Sigma Fortress 4, dog fight before sigma fights.)
45. Vile on first stage
46. Vile in Battle Armor (Sigma Fortress 1)
47. Vile out of Battle Armor (Main Vile Fight After Zero Explodes)

Extra Tracks PCM Add On (PCM themes 33-47 only):
MMX+ Series Greatest Fights PCM by JUD6MENT

YouTube Preview
Description: This PCM set gives every boss in the game a different track that can be from any boss fight in the mega man series. I recommend this one.

MMX+ Multi-Artist PCM by JUD6MENT

YouTube Preview
Description: Every boss theme has a different music artist but is still using the same correct boss theme from Mega Man X.

Megaman-X Track Map: REVIEW

Last edited by Conn on Sun 17 Jul 2022 - 4:29; edited 55 times in total

Mega Man X - Page 4 Image212

Since : 2013-06-30

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Mega Man X :: Comments


Post Sun 2 Feb 2020 - 20:18 by pev

@Morty Ok, so I used the following code to just skip the intro section:


Afterwards, entered Chill Penguin arrived at Dr Light capsule and the theme played correctly with no audio issues on either bSnes v05 and Snex9x v1.6 Build 121576e. This applies to both MSU and SPC fallback on MegaMan-X v1.1 as you claim. There is something going on your end. Let us see if someone else reports this same issue. From my end, everything is golden.

Update: I also kept playing after getting the dash to make sure the FX sounds and music were intact. Everything was golden.

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Post Sun 2 Feb 2020 - 20:41 by pev

@Morty Only thing, I can ask is for a save state just before this alleged problem occurs (Geiger or bSnesv05). I am not sure if I can use a save state from RetroArch Snes9x core. This is the core I tested as well with the 1.1 ROMs too with no issues.

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Post Sun 2 Feb 2020 - 21:23 by Conn

can you check on a normal snes9x/bsnes NOT retroarch and report back? I assume it is a problem with this emulator though Pev tested it as well.

Sometimes there are also "stupid" things happening like you load a multiple patched rom instead of a native rom with only the msu patch applied - such stuff happens to me quite frequently (especially if I have many rom versions like you probably have). Ensure you really load a clean rom with only the msu patch applied...

If anybody else can check would be awesome.

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 4:09 by JUD6MENT

Ok, I got every Dr. Light PCM from every set from all three X games we have put together into one download. If anyone wants to update all their PCM packs for all the X games without re-downloading every last PCM pack this is how, download this.

Also, as a bonus, I personally love the X6 Dr. Light theme so I made a PCM of that and put it in this download link if someone wants to put that into one of their X games just because.

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 6:43 by OMorty

So I ran into the sound bug again, but this time in the standalone SNES9x (v1.60 x64) and bsnes (v114) emulators. To be extra sure I wasn't running into any outside variables, I used freshly patched v1.1 ROMs with no other patches applied. Here is a zip file of the save states:!Ms0Ena7b!Ro0wWbs9RLr2j8Wl_QZjXSK3p17t5q0vMsQYmcyrC7M

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 8:50 by Conn

Unfortunately none of your savestates allow debug. Could you make a savestate with bsnes plus v5?

Make the savestate before you talking to dr. light, means before the music switches.

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 15:18 by pev

@OMorty Ok, definitely an issue on our end. Fixed now. Please clear your browser cache, refresh page, and re-download. Please test and let us now how v15 turns out.

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 15:31 by Conn

Jupp, sorry for the irritations... and as bonus, after dr. light spoke, v15 will have the old music resume instead of starting from beginning Wink

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 17:01 by OMorty

Just tried the new patches out in bsnes plus v5, and the sound issue is gone! Thank you so much!

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Post Mon 3 Feb 2020 - 17:22 by Conn

Thanks you for finding and posting Wink this really was a weird thing because the asm worked but the patch not. Ah well

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Post Sat 22 Feb 2020 - 20:51 by saviorx

Google drive link of Krzysztof's music is dead.

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Post Sun 23 Feb 2020 - 12:03 by pev

saviorx wrote:Google drive link of Krzysztof's music is dead.
Thanks. Re-hosted elsewhere. Link changed.

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Post Sun 23 Feb 2020 - 14:55 by Conn

MMX is indeed haunting us Exclamation (among other stuff)

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Post Wed 26 Feb 2020 - 16:15 by JUD6MENT

pepillopev wrote:
saviorx wrote:Google drive link of Krzysztof's music is dead.
Thanks. Re-hosted elsewhere. Link changed.

was that the one you asked me to host? I checked and it seems like the link is still working for me. This is my link for it if you want me to continue hosting.

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Post Wed 26 Feb 2020 - 17:23 by pev

@JUD6MENT Thanks for your link, J. I made mine a secondary and yours the primary. I will leave mine up just in case.

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Post Fri 28 Feb 2020 - 10:44 by Conn

Your link still doesn't work for me... can you recheck?

Mega Man X - Page 4 Image242

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Post Fri 28 Feb 2020 - 14:45 by JUD6MENT

That is strange, it was working the day I posted it the first and second time but now it is not working for me today. How very strange. I will check it out further when I get time, I dont want this to happen to my other links. Maybe google drive does not like rar files, this is my only rar file upload, the rest on my drive are zip files. I checked a bunch of my other links and they are all working fine.

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Post Fri 28 Feb 2020 - 16:38 by Conn

Most probably it was DMCA:ed. Best is you avoid Slowikowski in your name. If a google bot detects listed names it automatically removes your file. If you simply name it mmx_guitar.rar it should work.

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Post Fri 3 Apr 2020 - 0:22 by Nicholas

I know that I've been a pain requesting the Japanese version to begin with last year since it's what I prefer. Amazed to see the work done making X1~3 having Dr. Light BGM present. Having the X2 problem with SE finally fixed???? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

My final request may seem annoying. But could we have a patch without Her-Saki translation? As much as I like it, sometimes I wish to prefer to play in just Japanese as a standard with X2 and X3. Also for my SD card's collection purposes for selection. I'm in no rush at all for this. Please take your time.

Sorry, and thank you for making my dreams of having consistent collections come true. @pepillopev @Conn @JUD6MENT

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Post Fri 3 Apr 2020 - 6:12 by Conn

You can easily help yourself by opening the sources folder in the patch package.
Here you find rmx(1.0)-msu.asm and rmx(j1.1)-msu.asm. These can be applied to your rom using xkas (without merged HerSaki).

I attahced this program. Open insertasm.bat with an editor and change both the asm version (1.1 or 1.0 according to your rom version) as well as your rom name and run the bat file. Your romname must not have any spaces, e.g., rename "Rockman X (Japan).sfc" into rmx.sfc, or directly mmx_msu1.sfc (also use this name in insertasm.bat of course.
Mega Man X - Page 4 Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(62 Kb) Downloaded 4 times

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Post Thu 7 May 2020 - 13:20 by darthvaderx

A tribute to the Megaman series on the Super Nintendo.

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Post Tue 19 May 2020 - 8:38 by Relikk

Someone released an SA-1 patch for MMX in the past few days.

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Post Mon 25 May 2020 - 22:25 by ABOhiccups

Well there be a new update version with SA-1 Patch Support?

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Post Mon 25 May 2020 - 22:34 by pev

ABOhiccups wrote:Well there be a new update version with SA-1 Patch Support?
I leave this one up to Conn or someone else to do. It was tedious and time consuming updating Gradius III and Contra III SA-1 to support MSU-1. Especially, when Vitor was making updates to fix SA-1 related bugs. Forcing me to re-update, yet again. I just do not have the patience any more to make specific ports. Someone will do it eventually. It just won't be me this time around.

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Post Tue 26 May 2020 - 4:21 by Conn

I leave this one up to Conn or someone else to do.
I can give it a shot, but I have a hard time currently with the patches. US1.0, US1.1, J1.1 seem to be for heaadered rom, while J1.0 for non-headered... something went wrong here I guess.

Edit: oh, wait. bps can patch both, headered or not headered. I didn't know that Razz (Conn)

Edit2: the sa-1 seem to be no-headerd rom while the romhacking readme states it was for headered. Ah well

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